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Ashfall: The Sentinels


By J. S. LemirePublished 2 years ago 12 min read

“There weren’t always dragons in the valley"I remember hearing that once, Lyliana thought to herself. Pain from the back of her skull dulled her senses, her vision of the dark sky blurring as ash fell to her outstretched hand. Turning her hand, she smeared the ash between her fingers. The old crone Gwendolyn spoke of its history when she visited. The heat from a flame licked at her skin, causing sweat to mix with ash on her brow.

Before the dragons claimed the valley before it was known as Ashfall, the valley was teeming with life. Trees and grain fields stretched from the Sea of Shedare to the Daggertooth Mountains. The land was blessed with perfect weather, from water-filled winters to blue skies and golden sunrises from spring to fall. Lyliana’s hand fell to her chest. Oh, what a sight that must have been. I always wanted to see the blue sky and feel the warm rays of sunlight on my skin. The sounds of chaos around her became distant, drowned out by the pain. Gwendolyn said the valley was bountiful because it was defended by warriors of legend known as Sentinels.

The Sentinels of Droskyn Keep in the Daggertooth Mountains kept the valley safe. Their gifts and talents are beyond that of any swordsman. With their abilities, Sentinels protected the lands from all creatures, including dragons. When there was a threat to the valley or neighboring lands, the Sentinels descended from their keep wielding magic and steel to vanquish the terror. Everyone rejoiced, spreading the tales of their deeds far and wide. However, one day…one day, that all changed. A roar as loud as thunder broke over the Daggertooth Mountains, and dark clouds filled the skies. With it came fire; so much fire, and everything burned under the dragons’ wrath; everything except Crissolo. Some say the dragons fear Crissolo, while others believe that the Queen’s magic keeps the dragons at bay. Whatever it may be, Crissolo is the last city in the valley. Lyliana’s eyes were heavy. She struggled to stay conscious. "After the fires, beasts dominated the land, and the Sentinels vanished. At least, that is what Gwendolyn had said."

Lyra and I used to pretend we were Sentinels. We were going on grand adventures and battling dragons. We used to get into so much trouble, but that never stopped us from dreaming. Lyliana’s thoughts lingered on Lyra as she remembered the last time she saw her. Lyra was lying on a bed, finally covered with fresh linens, a cloth draped over her forehead, and a bowl of cool water set beside her.

“I almost made it. Just hang on a little longer, Lyra.” Each word, each breath sent pain coursing through her body. Her vision narrowed. Lyliana sensed her mind slipping, fading into the darkness that called from beyond. Lyliana felt so cold. Colder than she could ever remember feeling before. Her breath lingered in the air. The world around her was so hazy. Snowflakes kissed her cheeks as she lay on the ground staring at the sky. Wait, no. That's ash, not snow, and why was the ground shaking? Kodran's deep, commanding voice shattered the silence that had encased her. "Lyliana, you must wake up," he said, nearly shouting.

Her vision swam as Kodran lifted her from the ground into his arms. Warmth spread throughout her body from where his hands touched her. She could feel his every breath as she lay against his firm chest. His arms nearly engulfed her as he ran. He was fast. Even with holding Lyliana, Kodran covered the distance between the abandoned wagon and the ruined barn in seconds. His eyes met hers for a moment as he glanced down. She had never seen fear in his eyes, but it was there now as he carried her to safety. After they rounded the corner of what remained of a large barn, he set her gently on the ground. She leaned back against the wall and looked up at him.

A faint whisper parted her lips, “You came back.”

“Where does it hurt?" His forehead wrinkled with concern. Like a seasoned warrior, his eyes prowled over her, searching for injuries.

"Where doesn't it hurt?!" She answered, attempting a smirk but grimacing instead. Kodran felt her blood-soaked hair before reaching into his pack, pulling out a root, and forcing it into her hand. A Monax root. Lyliana had seen Gwendolyn treat many patients with it, including her sister Lyra.

“You have a laceration on the back of your head, and your ribs are bruised or possibly broken. Chew on the root. It will help with the pain," he said, yanking on his left sleeve and tearing it at the seam on his shoulder.

Watching Kodran, Lyliana did as he told her. Her dry mouth opened as she bit down on the bitter root. The foul taste nearly caused her to empty her stomach, but Lyliana kept her composure as the numbing effects began to work immediately. She never let her eyes sway from Kodran as he tore his tunic. Once the sleeve slid off his arm, she saw his sculpted muscles glistening with sweat; an intricate tattoo winds from his wrist to his shoulder. Wondering what it meant, she imagined tracing the lovely design with her fingers before heat flooded her face. She averted her eyes before he could see the flush that had surely splotched her cheeks and thought of her traveling companions.

“Where are the others? Brenon?” Lyliana asked, remembering Brenon standing beside her when the roar of flame broke through the ash sky.

“I am not sure where the others are. I did not see them when I came for you.” Kodran answered, avoiding her eyes as he tied his torn sleeve around her head to staunch the bleeding wound at the base of her skull. She winced as he tightened the knot.

“And Brenon?”

Kodran’s gaze finally met hers. No words came from him, but she knew from the sorrow in his eyes. Her heart sank. They had just been idly talking as they traveled. Brenon was standing only a few feet from her. Then, in a flash of flame, he was gone. Suddenly, nausea overtook Lyliana as she realized how close she had come to death. That it easily could have been her consumed by the flame instead of Brenon. As she breathed slowly, waiting for nausea to pass, she realized where they were. Pieces of armor, weapons, broken shields, and bones lay scattered everywhere. They had inadvertently walked right into this monster's hunting grounds. Her head spun back to Kodran as if to speak again, but Kodran raised a finger to her lips. His sea-green eyes looked beyond the wall out at the smoke and darkness.

The black silhouette looked like no more than a shadow against the dark clouds as it banked left, returning to its hunting grounds. Kodran pulled Lyliana toward him as he rolled them into the ruined remains of the barn. His body leaned only inches over hers. Lyliana’s eyes fixated on Kodran; he had saved her. He had keen senses, and his reaction was swift. Is this what it means to be a warrior of the mountains, to live outside the protection of Crissolo? At that moment, Lyliana wished for Kodran’s eyes to meet her own to see what could not, has not been said; however, Kodran’s attention was focused beyond the ruins of the barn.

The ground shook beneath them as flames cast an enormous shadow upon the barn. It was close, so close. Kodran and Lyliana could hear its breathing. Armor, blade, and bone clashed together with the swipe of its tail. Suddenly, Lyliana was overwhelmed with unbearable agony as her mind felt like it was splitting in two. A voice thundered in her mind.

“Vermin,” snarled the arrogant voice. Lyliana wanted to scream. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes. The remains of its previous prey were crushed into the ash-layered ground as it stalked forward.

“Scurry into the shadows all you want…”

Lyliana’s eyes widened, that voice. She had heard that voice before the attack began. It is what caused her to stop and fall behind Brenon. It's HIS voice! Her heart raced. Beating so loudly that she swore Kodran could hear it.

“It will not save you.” Through the splintered wood walls of the barn, the dark scales came into view. Lyliana saw Kodran’s muscles tense. His body prepared to rush forward.

“The sweet scent of your fear will betray you.” It was nearly upon them. In a few more steps, they would be face to face with this terror. Kodran shifted his weight to pounce. His hand reached for anything sharp.

A sound of metal clanking against wood rang out from the corner of the abandoned farmhouse. With a quick thrust of its wings, the ash swirled underneath it as it took flight. It flew so low over them that Lyliana felt like she could reach up and stroke its scaled underbelly as it passed overhead. The ground shook beneath them as she heard a building groan as if a great weight had been set on it. Then a piercing scream split the air.

The world stopped. Lyliana looked out at the field behind the barn and saw Lyra lying there. Blood was everywhere. How could she have survived that attack? Lyliana's chest was so tight she could barely breathe as she focused on her, searching for any signs of life. Finally, her chest rose and fell, once, twice, then repeatedly. She was alive. Lyra was still alive.

“Lyra,” uttered Lyliana. She wanted to rush to her side. Why was she here? Her thoughts slowed, coming into focus. No, this is not possible. The girl's visage blurred in and out. She blinked her watery eyes and shook her head, clearing her vision—the Monax root. Hallucinations were one of the side effects. This was not Lyra. No, this was Ashanti. Lyra was still at home, dying of Ash fever. Lyliana was going to save her, to save them both. Ashanti started to stir. She was regaining consciousness. Lyliana lurched forward as if to take off in a run, but Kodran grabbed her arm and pointed to the farmhouse just beyond the barn they were hiding in.

Above the flames and smoke, perched atop the ash-covered roof of the farmhouse, savage umber eyes peered out from within the creature's scaled, angular skull, watching Ashanti. Its snout reached a sharp point with a giant, round nostril on either side. A small horn protrudes from its chin. An enormous tooth jutted out from both sides of its mouth, revealing only a fraction of the terror hidden within. A strong neck ran down from its head and into a massive body. The dragon’s back was covered in broad scales, and an armored ridge ran down its spine. Its underbelly had narrow scales and was darker indigo than the rest of its body. Four massive limbs carried it and allowed the creature to stand towering and proud. Each limb has five digits, which end in solid claws seemingly made of onyx. Massive wings grew from just below its collarbone and ended at the base of its shoulder blades. The wings were rounded structures visible through the thin layer of leathery skin. Armor-like scales grew on top of the wing's primary bones. Its tail, long and wide as a tree trunk, ends in a mace-like growth covered in hard scales.

“Someone! Please… Help!” Ashanti cried. The dragon's attention snapped to the wounded Ashanti. The dragon was not only mighty but cunning. It had laid a trap. With each plea for help, the dragon knew her companions would struggle to stay hidden. Lyliana knew this as well, but she could not resist the urge rising within her. Her foot slid forward, but Kodran's grasp held firm.

“Please…Someone..” The words of Ashanti caused Lyliana’s blood to burn as the world around her grew cold. Ashanti, who reminded her so much of Lyra, had offered her comfort during their travels. Now she was suffering, and Lyliana just watched from the shadows. The hand that held her loosened. Kodran leaned away from her. He surveyed their surroundings, looking for some way to gain an advantage—a chance to escape.

“Keyra!..Brytri!..LYLIANA!” Through her suffering, Ashanti shouted their names.

These beasts have already taken so much life from this valley. No more! Without saying anything to Kodran, Lyliana sprinted from the safety of the barn across the field toward Ashanti. The sounds of wood splintering were like bones cracking as the farmhouse heaved before crashing to the ground as the dragon leapt off the roof to pursue the newly revealed prey.

"Lyliana!" Kodran cursed as he dashed from the barn. A pike protrudes from a corpse nearby. Kodran's rough hands wrapped tightly around the shaft as he spun on his heel. His arm drew back, leveling the pike as he focused on the dragon bearing down on Lyliana. His muscles strained as he inhaled deeply. He had one chance, one shot. Kodran mustered every ounce of strength.

"Barak!" Kodran growled. The pike tore the skin of his palm as it soared.

Lyliana felt the air part above her as the pike flew past. It pierced the creature driving deep between the armored scales of its shoulders, veering it off its current path. The massive tail thrashed against the ground, throwing chunks of debris in every direction. Narrowly missing being struck by the dangerous bludgeon tail end, Lyliana ducked under the thick weapon of an appendage, sliding along the ground to Ashanti’s side.

"Lyli..Lyliana," Ashanti's voice wavered as she reached for her.

“Can you walk?” Lyliana asks as Ashanti begins to sit up.

“I can try.”

Lyliana lifted her to her feet and wrapped an arm around her waist to help her move. Lyliana searched for a haven. A place to escape the dragon's wrath. A bellowing voice called out from the nearby forest edge.

At the tree line, Brytri and Chance waved their arms frantically. Keyra was prying a half-buried axe from a tree trunk. Lyliana felt a hand on her back as Kodran returned to her side.

"Run!" he commanded as Kodran looked over his shoulder. An earth-shattering roar erupted behind them as the dragon dove through the air.

Lyliana's legs felt as if they were lead, but she had to keep moving. She had to get Ashanti to safety and reach her friends. Each weary step brought them closer to the forest’s edge. Faster, Lyliana pushed herself. She could feel the dragon’s breath on her neck. Move faster, Lyliana.

Keyra was already halfway across the field. Each graceful step was taken with precise forethought and executed with the elegance only possible through years of training and her Fae heritage.

“Daug!” Keyra’s ethereal voice resonated in Lyliana’s ears. Kodran turned in time to catch the axe that flew from Keyra’s hand. Her thick black braid slung over her shoulder as she stepped hard on her left foot, leading past Lyliana into a spinning move that simultaneously drew her long blade from its sheath and slashed with deadly force towards the dragon’s eye as it snapped at the back of Lyliana. The blow struck true only to glance off the hardened scales, blood soaking the blade. The dragon howled as a second strike from Kodran brought it crashing into the ground.

Lyliana had not dared to look back. Her focus was solely on getting Ashanti to Brytri. She had to trust that their training would be enough. Brytri and Chance ran out to meet them. Lyliana nearly collapsed at their feet when she felt the Stout’s arms brace her.

“Breathe. We got you,” assured Bryti as Chance slung an arm around Ashanti, lifting her weight off Lyliana.

“We need to run!” panicked Chance carrying Ashanti further into the forest.

Lyliana could hear the clash of steel against scale, their battle cries, and the screeching of the dragon as she reached the forest’s edge. She twisted around to see both Keyra and Kodran sprawled on the ground and barely moving. The dragon sneered as his chest expanded. Ripples of heat spilled off him, and his blue chest turned red; fire swelled within him; tendrils of smoke leaked from his nostrils as he sucked in a deep breath preparing to unleash a roaring flame to engulf her friends.

Something inside her breaks. Deep within her core, a glacial barrier shattered as an overwhelming avalanche spilled out of her.

No! You will not take them! The thought reverberated through her. Every inch of her burned from the ice that seemed to be shooting through her veins. A numbing chill surrounded Lyliana. Rushing toward Keyra and Kodran, she heard the dragon’s voice snarl.


Flame erupted from the angular maw. Finding herself between Keyra and Kodran to challenge the dragon, Lyliana thrust her hand forward as a draconic roar bellowed out of her. At that moment, Lyliana's life would never be the same.


About the Creator

J. S. Lemire

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

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Comments (3)

  • Lori Lemire2 years ago

    Love it! It captured my interest, engaged me, now I want the rest of the story!

  • C.Z.2 years ago

    Excellent cliff hanger, I enjoyed this a lot!

  • HeyItsPhephen2 years ago

    Nicely done! Love the corresponding artwork!

J. S. LemireWritten by J. S. Lemire

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