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Amelia's Story pt. 2

The Beginning (Feather, Seashell, Scales)

By Kevin NewtonPublished about a year ago Updated 7 months ago 6 min read

Author Notes: This chapter was drafted by ChatGPT and heavily edited. I do embrace and leverage GenAI in my writing practice and will always indicate what role, if any, GAI played in a particular work.

As the first rays of dawn gently painted the sky, Amelia stirred from a deep slumber. The Phoenix's eyes were waiting to welcome her to the rest of her life. After their souls danced between the connected dots of their eyes, the Phoenix rose toward the heavens and disappeared into the Western sky. Amelia now focused her eyes on her immediate surroundings, and then she felt a subtle shift in her perceived world. The air hummed with a new, but calming energy, and the painted sky breathed with enchantment as it slowly browsed every shade between deep purple and sky blue. The world was still very much familiar, yet somehow different—like a veil had been lifted, revealing the hidden wonders only few humans had ever seen.

Curiosity twisted Amelia's gaze to the forest. Her mind was quickly overwhelmed by her eye's new ability. Every warm-blooded creature screamed at her perception with unusual colors. Delicate wisps of iridescent mist danced amidst the trees, and flowers bloomed in vibrant hues that defied imagination, exuding fragrances that helped to focus her intention. As Amelia moved toward the tree-line, her newfound ability sharpened–became part of who she was.

Standing just inside the forest, Amelia closed her eyes, but the forest remained in her visual field. The map came into focus and revealed a sketched symbol of a chest to her right. It was glowing red. To her left there was a rectangle filled with hundreds of lines emitting a greenish hue. Her feet were moving her to the left before her eyes had a chance to open. As she followed the path, blurs of the newly revealed mystical colors jumped between the towering giants.

What is happening to me? I knew magic existed, but I never thought I would be magical. Will I meet these creatures? Are they friends or spies for something sinister? Is there evil in the magical realm? Is there anyone else like me?

Amelia's thoughts were interrupted when she found herself standing before a formidable obstacle—a wall of trees so tightly knit that even the smallest creature would struggle to squeeze through. The trunks nearly disappeared in the clouds above, their branches interwoven like a tightly knitted cage guarding the forest's mysteries. Undeterred, Amelia traced her fingers along the rough bark of the nearest tree, feeling the ancient pulse of life shared between the living things of the forest. She closed her eyes, hoping the map would once again overlay and reveal a path forward. But all she could see was the wall making her feel smaller than the rodents running around in her peripheral vision. Amelia steadied her breath, attuning herself to the heartbeat of the forest, seeking an even deeper connection. Suddenly, a red hue flooded her shuteye vision. Her head snapped around, and she saw three figures in the distance–two running toward her and one following in the air above them. She opened her eyes. The flying creature had disappeared.

Must be a Harpie. Wait, what's a Harpie? A half-bird, half-human. They can be benevolent or malevolent. How do I even know...

Amelia's eyes darted up knowing that Harpie's are often not seen until it's too late. Seeing nothing, she focused back on the pair running towards her. Immediately, her eyes locked on their feet.

A Gorgon? Avoid his eyes or become a stone statue. Well, there is definitely evil in the magical realm, but what is a Kitsune doing with a Gorgon? The fox-like creature and its multiple tails is typically a guardian of the forest. Some are mischievous so either it's evil or the Gorgon is benevolent. I need to find a way through this wall and fast.

Amelia closed her eyes, faced the wall, and tried to return to that deeper connection she was seeking before the danger. In that moment of silent communion, her hands tingled with a gentle energy as she raised them toward the entwined branches. With an emboldened plea, she created a gravitational pull on the magic coursing through the air. The forest answered her call. The branches purred at her touch, leaves rustling in anticipation. A soft breeze filled her blonde hair, carrying a chorus of whispered encouragement. Sensing Amelia's pure intentions and unwavering spirit, the trees began to sway. Just as a path were starting to form–PAIN. The Harpie had latched onto her shoulder with its razor-sharp talons and began to lift Amelia off the ground.

Amelia's eyes pop open and she reaches for the wall–the once obstacle has become a symbol of comfort and safety she now longed to embrace. As the Harpie ascended an oak branch from the wall wrapped around Amelia's ankle, and pulled her back towards the ground. Being the prop in a game of magical tug-o-war was not the adventure she was hoping for, but then she saw a woman's face materializing in the trunk of a nearby tree.

A Dryad! The ultimate protector of oak forests. No wonder the Harpie was trying to fly me out so fast. How can I help?

She looked up at the Harpie. It was screaming so fast in a magical language that Amelia couldn't comprehend. Her body started to stretch beyond its capabilities, and she felt her bones separating at her joints. A scream escaped from Amelia's throat and grew into a battle cry. The tips of her fingers warmed just before igniting into a Phoenix-like fire. Instantly, she threw a trail of fire at the Harpie. Its talons opened. Amelia began to fall watching as a swarm of Dryads ascended on the Harpie.

Hoping for a magical assist Amelia tumbled toward the Earth and into the arms of the Gorgon. Luckily her eyes were already shut. She reached up to find the Gorgon's face, and next her thumbs connect with its eyes. As she pressed her thumbs into its sockets the Phoenix fire returned to Amelia's thumbs. The Gorgon hissed as its snakes bit Amelia's wrists. The pain was immediate and intense, but Amelia refused to relent. The abruptness of the ground was disorienting, but it meant only one more adversary.

The Kitsune stood two feet away from Amelia's face. Its head turned, confused by the show of magic from a human. It took an offensive stance, showing its teeth. Then a song escaped from the Kitsune's snarling mouth. It was enchanting, and the end of the melody signals the end of the battle.

Amelia was now alone.

She took a deep breath, scanned the environment for Calendula, Comfrey, and Honey, and reached up to her wounded shoulder. Her hand was clean and her pain gone. She sensed the Dryads returning and the path opening. Heart pounding with exhilaration, Amelia stepped forward, threading her way through the intricate web of branches. She could feel the ancient wisdom resonating through the bark, guiding her footsteps. The air crackled with anticipation, as if the forest itself reveled in her triumph over the evil creatures.

Emerging on the other side, Amelia's gaze fell upon a hidden glade, bathed in a gentle, ethereal glow. There, beneath a majestic ancient oak, lay a forgotten treasure—a chest adorned with intricate carvings and shimmering with an otherworldly light. Kneeling before the chest, Amelia slowly lifted the lid, revealing a trove of magical artifacts—a crystal vial containing seashells and stardust, a feather from a phoenix chick, a dragon's claw, an envelope with three scales of a mermaid, and a small, blank piece of paper.

Amelia understood that these gifts held great significance, bestowed upon her as tokens of her courage and determination. They would guide her onward, empowering her with the tools to face the trials that awaited. Amelia gently secured the artifacts within her pack, feeling their weight against her back—a constant reminder of the magical journey she had been thrust into only one day earlier. The Dryads, sensing her readiness, whispered their blessings, the oak forest's branches reaching out as if bidding her farewell.

Stepping forward, Amelia embraced the unknown, trusting in her newfound abilities and the power of the forest's magic. Her world had changed, but her curiosity and resolve never would.

What did these artifacts mean? What is the goal of this quest? Why me? Why now?

These were questions for another day. The journey had been long, and the clearing was calm. Amelia gathered some food and prepared to document her travels. That night as she drifted to sleep the return of the Phoenix assured her that this was, truly, just the beginning.


About the Creator

Kevin Newton

I like patterns. I like helping my fellow humans. I enjoy writing about other worlds. I offer fictional works for entertainment and beauty. If you get either from my works, please let me know.

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    Kevin NewtonWritten by Kevin Newton

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