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Agency of the 5th World Head Mission 6: Operation: Spy & Seek (Remix Version) Part 2: No-Win Scenario

Everything goes horribly wrong. Their cover is blown, Nic is in danger, Jeremiah is exhausted. How does one survive a no-win scenario?

By Jeremiah EllisonPublished 2 years ago 12 min read
Title Art by Matthew Ellison

<Original Plotline by Jeremiah and Nic Ellison

I do not own Club Penguin, Super Smash Bros., or Roblox. They belong to their respective owners.>

Chapter 5

Blown Cover

Bowser Jr., Tech Boy, and Tech Girl just returned to Head Spikey’s former office with an electromagnetic generator. Luckily, they didn’t really need to carry it as the Agency had a convenient hover cart handy. Tech Boy got stuck pushing it though.

“Alright, let’s get this thing installed,” says Bowser Jr. jealous over how much better they were than him.

Tech Boy readies himself, cracking his knuckles, saying, “Alright, this won’t take long. Would the ladies like to give me a hand?”

“Nah, I think you’re perfectly capable of installing it yourself,” teases Tech Girl.

“Ok, suit yourself,” says Tech Boy before he activates his technopathy. The generator floated off the cart and into its intended position as multiple wires and cables came out of the drill box and attach themselves to the generator. Once the installation was complete the claws, still in the form of a flat disc, spark a bit. Tech Boy dusts off his hands in a bragging motion saying, “Ok, your generator is installed. Now, about that plan?”

Before Bowser Jr. could answer the PDA announces, “Attention everyone I was just informed that our newest recruits are spies from the Superheroes. If you see them, either eliminate them on sight or bring them to me for proper recruitment. I don’t care which. If any minion hands me their head on a stake, I will give them one free pass to get them out of the pit!”

All the minions in the Agency cheer and scatter to find Tech Boy and Tech Girl. Thinking quickly Tech Boy uses his technopathy on the drill, converted the claw back to it normal settings, and grabs Bowser Jr. with it, but not before he launches a fireball straight at them. They each jump to a side and the fireball hits the wall. They get back up and Tech Boy runs to the computer. He sticks a flash drive in the USB slot, sits down on the chair, and begins hacking the system. Tech Boy states, “I’ll hack the system, you stand guard.” “Roger,” replies Tech Girl before she left the office. There was immediate shooting afterwards from outside the door.

Tech Boy continues his hacking escapade while Bowser Jr. pries the claw open. He succeeds and falls down landing on his feet. Tech Boy heard that and jumps out of his chair narrowly avoiding a fireball aimed at him which then hit the computer destroying it. He then got out a laser gun and shot Bowser Jr. in the chest causing him to stumble backwards. Tech Boy quickly gets up and uses the opportunity to rush him and kick him sending him crashing into the wall cracking it a bit. The spikes in his shell delayed his trip back to the ground but they were slowly coming out of the wall. Tech Boy hit him with the bottom of the blaster on top of his head thus knocking him out. He finally fell out of the wall. Tech Boy heads back to the computer but it was beyond repair, so he removes his flash drive and exited the office. When he exits the office, he sees several of Darkness’s minion knocked out on the floor along with Tech Girl holding a blaster gasping for breath. She looks at Tech Boy, “What happened?”

Tech Boy replies, “I could ask you the same thing but long story short, Bowser Jr. escaped and nearly fried me. I managed to avoid it, but the computer wasn’t so lucky.”

Suddenly, an alarm blares on both of their watches. They press the button which activates the DNA Scanner in it opening up the screen revealing a map with a red blip in the Courtyard.

“It looks like Nic activated the S.O.S. signal,” states Tech Girl.

“Ok, here’s the plan. You go and rescue Nic and get out of here ASAP meanwhile I’ll go over to the Computer Lab to try and extract some info from there,” explains Tech Boy.

Tech Girl nods and runs off towards the Courtyard. Tech Boy runs forward towards the Computer Lab. When he turned the corner, he spies Bowser blocking the path. Stopping in his tracks, Tech Boy uses his technopathy to activate the Agency’s security system and train it on Bowser. It fires and Bowser jumps forward while simultaneously retreating into his shell. When Bowser lands back on his feet, Tech Boy jumps back a bit. Bowser then immediately shoots a massive blue fireball out of his mouth at Tech Boy, who jumps to the side narrowly avoiding it while rolling to get back on his feet quickly. He put his back to the wall next to the turn towards the Research Lab and takes out his blaster. Bowser’s claw grabs the wall cracking it a bit as he turns the corner, his mouth alit with flames.

As the fire reigned down Tech Girl finds herself in the Courtyard. She notices all the knocked-out minions including Herbert and Tiffany. In the center Nic was sitting down with electricity surging around him. Tech Girl grabs Tiffany and gently picks her up and carries her on her back. She says, “Relax Nic, Tiffany is OK. It looks like she’s just unconscious.”

Nic stands up and turns around, the electricity surging stronger. He faces her revealing shadow markings on his face. He zaps Tech Girl and keeps outputting several amps of electricity. He reaches for his back and deactivates the S.O.S. beacon. Several footsteps can be heard down the hall coming towards the Courtyard.

Tech Boy has his shirt removed with several third-degree burns over his body. The narrow hallways of the Agency are not the ideal place to be fighting Bowser. He’s barely staying up as is. Bowser goes in a for a slash, but he quickly drops down to the floor to avoid it. He shoots Bowser in the knee causing him to fall on it. He shoots Bowser in the chest which doesn’t have much effect. Bowser is getting ready to burn him alive, but Tech Boy takes the shot and shoots Bowser in the mouth killing him. He falls down to the ground with no life in his body. Tech Boy struggles back up and limps into the Computer Lab as a shadow quickly creeps up on him.

Tech Girl is still being electrocuted, barely able to think because of the pain. She lets go of Tiffany causing her to drop to the ground. Nic’s face turns to that of one of worry and questioning weakening the electricity. The minions now surrounding her aimed their tridents at her ready to fire. She reaches for her utility belt as the first volley of lasers fires. The pain from both the electrocution and the lasers is tremendous but she keeps reaching for her utility belt. She grabs the front of it and activates it shooting the grappling hook into the ground. This grounds the electricity. The second volley fires and she jumps straight up avoiding the lasers. The grappling hook starts sending her back to the ground quickly in a vertical arc. She uses this to her advantage and fires her blaster taking out several minions. The minions continue firing at her and it is impossible for her to dodge all the lasers. She uses her Technopathy to alter her belt while Nic goes to zap her to no effect. She activates the new force field on her belt right before an explosion occurs at the Courtyard entrance. Tech Boy comes in on a floating platform and flies over to Tech Girl. “We need…to get…out of here!” Nic zaps him and he screams. Tech Girl shoots him in the chest, and he stops. Darkness shows up and he looks furious. He blasts the platform and destroys it causing Tech Boy to fall down to the ground. “Capture them!” yells Darkness as his remaining minions plus some more from the hall start charging towards them.

Chapter 6

Shrouded in Darkness

While Tech Boy and Tech Boy were busy battling Darkness’s forces at the Agency, Jeremiah was busy facing against the lovely Linda. Let’s turn back the hands of time to see how that is going.

“Where are you?” yells Jeremiah who just punched the border with a flaming fist his voice echoing with power as his eyes glow blue.

“Who are you looking for?”

“The person truly responsible for your imprisonment.”

She scoffs and complains, “Even now you won’t admit it. There was no one else there!” Her voice kept increasing in volume as she shouts in agony, “And even now you’re trying to place the blame on someone else! You’re the real monster!”

Suddenly, two shadow shurikens (ninja stars) appear in each of her hands. She tosses them at Jeremiah who dodged them by turning to the right side. They lodged in the border before disappearing. “I don’t remember you being able to do that.” She charges and jumps on him.

She says frustrated, “You forget, I’m not real. I’m just some figment of your imagination constructed by this Shadow Energy Core.”

Jeremiah eyes stop glowing and he almost passes out. He barely keeps consciousness and says, “You know, it’s rather odd that you mention that. Why would an illusion just say she is one? It kind of defeats the purpose.”

He tries to lift his arm but lacks the energy to do so. His sword appears in his hand with a brief sword-shaped flash of light. Linda notices this and puts her arm to his throat.

“Even now, you’re trying to escape. How about instead of running away you listen for a change?”

Jeremiah says frustrated, “You got me pinned down and you have been trying to kill me. Of course, I want to escape!”

He starts lifting up his arm but just barely. Linda grabs the arm. She states, “As long as I have a hold of you, I’ll teleport wherever you do. Your plan won’t work.”

“Tch.” Jeremiah drops his arm and lets go of the sword.

“That’s better. Now why don’t we talk?”

“What’s there to talk about? I’m defeated, trapped in here, and you’re just a figment of my imagination. In all honesty, after fighting all day I’m just tired. However, one thing I will say is that I’m sorry for what happened to you. I just kind of suppressed it for years but I never forgotten about you,” states a defeated Jeremiah.

Linda starts crying and a shadow shuriken appears in her right hand. She almost slices Jeremiah’s neck with it but stops right before it. She sobs, “Do you think your *sob* half-hearted apology *sob* will work? You left me in there for years and I had to struggle to survive. I’ve seen things no human or mortal being should have ever seen. *sob*” She continues crying no longer able to hold in all her feelings of fear, abandonment, and betrayal. Afterwards, the shuriken disappears and she gets up, wipes away her tears, and says her voice still cracking, “You’re not even worth my time. From now on I’m going to live my own life, (Shadow energy starts heading towards her en masse.) even if I have to live it shrouded in darkness!” After that declaration the shadow energy floods into her as the borders begin to disappear. In the Shadow Realm, the core expands to the size it was when Jeremiah was captured and slowly begins disappearing much to the surprise of the guards. The Evil Robloxian yells, “What is going on here!?” The core disappears around Jeremiah and floods into Linda who is screaming from fear. The core disappears, Jeremiah falls to an actual floor barely keeping conscious along with Linda who is now in tremendous pain. She screams showing full body shadow marks for a split second before they disappear completely. She falls unconscious afterwards. Jeremiah mutters, “I will not make the same mistake again!” He grabs the sword and it glows teleporting them both out of there.

Chapter 7

The Great Agency Escape

The minions are charging right at them. With no time to think Tech Girl tosses down a flashbang to blind them for a second. This is followed by heavy lasers from Tech Girl’s location which takes out a majority of the minions. Tech Girl releases the grappling hook as the light clears up and grabs Tech Boy slinging him over her shoulder. She momentarily considers grabbing Tiffany, but she decides against it because she might slow them down too much. She takes the platform gun from Tech Boy’s hand after putting away her own blaster and makes a new platform. She hops on as everyone is almost done recovering and remodifies it to being a high-powered blaster. She blasts a hole in the glass ceiling of the courtyard causing shards of glass to rain down as she quickly ascends above the Agency. Darkness blasts at her but she swerves to the right and floors it towards the Ship Bay. When she’s above it she blasts through the ceiling and heads in there only to see a bunch more minions along with Klutzy and the captured Capture Unit. One of the minions stomped the ground and a chunk of the floor came out which he then launched at them. Tech Girl jumped off the platform onto the floor piece only to jump off it too and fired her high-powered blaster at them destroying the floor below them in a straight line and the minions, who only survived thanks to the armor. Klutzy and the Capture Unit are just fine. She doesn’t stick the landing and falls into the ditch she just made.

She hears more footsteps coming their way. Tech Boy grumbles, “Put me down.”

Tech Girl stands up and puts him down. She hands him the blaster and he remodifies it to a platform gun. He shoots it and makes a platform. He steps on it, holds out his hand and smiles. “You cover me, I’ll untie the prisoners.” Tech Girl takes his hands and steps on the platform. They ascend and Tech Boy goes to untie the prisoners once they’re off the platform. Darkness’s minions start coming in and start shooting at them and some of them even launch fireballs. Tech Girl begins cover fire and Tech Boy finishes up. They get on the ship and Tech Boy nearly stumbles before yelling, “Get on the ship.” He stumbles his way up there and Tech Girl follows his lead still providing cover fire on the way up. The ship takes off and Tech Boy goes to the bridge. “One more thing.” He opens up a communications channel to the stealth ships. “Initiate self-destruct. Code: Epsilon.” The stealth ships self-destruct giving them cover for their escape.

Chapter 8

Mission Report

“And that’s my report,” finishes Tech Girl.

“I see. This is most troubling news. First Jeremiah suddenly reappears before falling unconscious with some new girl, then Tech Boy is severely injured, Nic has been corrupted by Darkness, and we got nothing on him.”

“Jeremiah reappeared?” asks an astonished Tech Girl.

“I was hoping you three had a hand in it but it appears not. Once the girl awakes, she will be detained and taken into questioning. Curiously enough, all hospital staff are putting the tightest security on her record so something is off about her. There is a difference between patient confidentially and this. Circumstances aside, despite your failure you performed well in a no-win scenario and I am impressed by your decision-making skills and actions during the course of this mission. If you ever want to become a fully-fledged field agent I would be happy to reassign you. You would be first-class guaranteed.”

Tech Girl replies, “No thanks. I prefer working in the Research Lab.”

Head Spikey replies, “Very well, but do consider it. You are dismissed but please go over to the Medical Dept. and get yourself checked out. We just want to make sure there are no other injuries.”

Tech Girl salutes and replies, “Roger, and…thanks.” She leaves the office and heads towards the Medical Dept. When she gets there she sees Tech Boy hooked up to a scanner scanning his entire burned body, Jeremiah currently asleep on a bed, and Linda also asleep on another bed but being guarded by a Superhero.

AdventureSci FiSeriesFan Fiction

About the Creator

Jeremiah Ellison

Hello, my name is Jeremiah Ellison and I'm here to post content that I hope you will like. I mainly specialize in Sci-fi, action, and apparently psychological horror as of recently. I hope you enjoy my content.


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    Jeremiah EllisonWritten by Jeremiah Ellison

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