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Agency of the 5th World Head Mission 6: Operation: Spy & Seek (Remix Version) Part 1: Infiltration

The Agency is lost, everyone has retreated to Superhero HQ 9, and Jeremiah remains trapped in the Shadow Energy Core. In the face of hopelessness, Head Spikey sends Nic, Tech Boy, and Tech Girl to spy on Darkness and hopefully rescue Jeremiah and Tiffany in the process, if they can stay alive long enough.

By Jeremiah EllisonPublished 2 years ago 20 min read
Cover Art by Matt Ellison

Previous Mission

First Mission

<Original Plotline by Jeremiah and Nic Ellison

I do not own Club Penguin, Super Smash Bros., or Roblox. They belong to their respective owners.>

Chapter 1

Dire Situation

The Shadow Energy Core, a very powerful energy source made out of condensed shadow energy. Inside it is a space filled with nothing but endless darkness. Our hero, Jeremiah, a young man with a bulky yet lean build with brown hair and blue eyes, finds himself currently trapped within its confines. The villain he was facing when he entered; Darkness, a living shadow with red eyes and long arms each containing three claws; exited a long time ago. At least, that’s what Jeremiah thinks. In there, time is impossible to tell especially since prolonged exposure can make you go a bit nutty. Jeremiah is currently seeing and facing his worst fears one after the other. If it weren’t for the light energy microchip implanted in the back of his neck, the shadow energy would have disintegrated him by then. A dark looking version of Jeremiah stepped out from a portion of the darkness in front of Jeremiah so he could see him.

“Ah, hello there. Good to see you again,” taunts the Jeremiah with black clothing and some sort of strange symbol on his forehead.

Jeremiah attempts to slice him in half with his silver-colored sword with ancient writing engraved on its flat only to see him turn into black mist while his voice still echoes, “Oh, haven’t you learned by now? Nothing you do can stop us from coming and haunting you.”

Three more shadows of him appear on the nonexistent walls of the Shadow Energy Core and they say in unison, “And it’s time for our revenge for sticking us in the Nightmare Realm.”

Outside the Shadow Energy Core in the Shadow Realm,

Darkness is talking to his best minions about their great feat at the Battle of the Agency.

“Well done, minions. Thanks to your efforts, we were able to capture Jeremiah and recruit a new member of my army while we were at it. (He gestures at Tiffany, a young brunette girl with a freshly made shadow marking streaked across her face who currently looks apathic to this whole ordeal.) For your reward, you won’t starve tonight.

“However, we’re not done with the Agency yet. Not by a long shot. I have heard rumors about a legendary machine that is supposedly buried under the Agency. If it’s so powerful, we can’t let either the Agency or the Superheroes have it. That’s why, tonight, we will gather at the ruins of the former Agency and do some excavating. Do you understand?” explains Darkness waiting for confirmation from his best minions.

They all respond in unison, “Yes, Master Darkness.”

“Dismissed,” says Darkness before they all leave.

Back in the confides of the Shadow Energy Core,

The dark version of Jeremiah is sliced in half in front of Jeremiah’s feet. Jeremiah is exhausted due to the fight he just had with him. He smiles laughing manically. Turning into black mist he taunts, “You think it’s over? I don’t think so.”

More shadows appear on the nonexistent wall, each one different than the last.

Dark Jeremiah echoes, “You may be able to defeat one of us at a time. But, can you take on all of us?”

Jeremiah takes up a fighting stance with his sword crossed in front of him ready to block, if necessary. Suddenly, a feminine voice shouts, “Enough!” All the shadows disappeared and a new one appears. He turns around to the direction she was coming from and noticed that this particular shadow was a lot more humanoid than the others. Also unlike the rest of them, this one had actual meaning to haunt Jeremiah.

“No, no, it can’t be you,” shrieks a trembling Jeremiah.

“Yes, that’s right. And it’s time for my revenge for trapping me in that accursed Nightmare Realm with all those other fools,” says the silhouette as she steps forward so Jeremiah could see her face.

“Linda,” says Jeremiah as he starts trembling with fear causing him to drop his sword.

Chapter 2

Dawn of a New Day

Nic, a young scrawny agent with blue eyes and brown hair, more accustomed to computer work than actual combat, is heading to Head Spikey’s temporary office quite distraught from the recent capture of his girlfriend, Tiffany. He is also a little bit concerned about Jeremiah, but his main focus is on Tiffany’s well-being. Nic arrives at Head Spikey’s temporary office.

Right when the door closes Head Spikey, a talking dog with black fur and a brown underbelly, greets, “Hello Agent Nic.”

The distraught Agent Nic simply replies, “Hello, Head Spikey,” with his head hung low as he sits down in the chair in front of Head Spikey, an unusual position for him in the office.

Head Spikey speaks compassionately, “Nic, I know you have been concerned with Tiffany’s recent capture. We all feel bad for it. She was a great agent and one of our best nurses. Seeing her corruption from the shadow energy first-hand must have been rough. But your mission comes first. I know you’re not a field agent, but I got a special mission for you. I want you to go over to the old Agency and spy on Darkness. Under normal circumstances we would send Jeremiah over due to his vast knowledge on the affairs of Darkness but as you already know he was captured at the Battle of the Agency.”

A glimmer of hope sparks in Nic’s eyes as he raises his head slowly, looking in Head Spikey’s direction, as he asks, “And if I find Tiffany?”

“That brings me to your secondary objective. Keep in mind, this one should only be done if possible without getting your cover blown. Your secondary objective is to rescue Tiffany and Jeremiah if you ever get the opportunity. Be warned, as we have already seen, and from what the Superheroes’ research on shadow energy shows, it corrupts the mind and soul of anyone exposed to it long enough. In addition, direct contact with raw shadow energy will instantly corrupt a person. However, there is a special microchip implant designed by Jeremiah that prevents a person from being corrupted due to prolonged exposure.”

Nic replies, “I see. Who has these microchip implants anyway?”

Head Spikey answers, “The Superheroes database listed four people with the implants: Jeremiah, Tech Boy, Tech Girl, and some guy named Austin Elder.”

“Who the heck is that last guy?” asks Nic.

“I don’t know but based on the data on him he is Jeremiah’s friend, but he is not a member of the Superheroes.”

Nic asks, “Is there anything else I need to know for my mission?”

“Yes, there is one more thing. You see due to Darkness’s recent capture of Jeremiah, the Superheroes stated that they wanted representation on this particular assignment. We squabbled a bit over this and came to a compromise.” He presses a button and speaks into a microphone, “You two may come in now.”

Footsteps could be heard coming closer until the door finally opened revealing Tech Boy and Tech Girl, twin scientists with black hair and green eyes wearing lab coats and big black boots. Head Spikey finishes, “This was our compromise. These two will be accompanying you.”

“What? But don’t they work for the Superheroes?” questions Nic gesturing aggressively at them.

“You are correct, but they also work for the Agency so this is where the compromise comes in. They still get representation, but we got a bit more control over the agents assigned.”

Tech Boy confirms, “Yep, that’s correct. However, as a representative of both I feel I should tell you the real reason why they wanted representation on this particular assignment.”

“And what’s that?” asks Head Spikey concerned.

“They want to launch a full-blown rescue operation without causing much interference in the Agency’s work,” explains Tech Boy.

Tech Girl continues, “By sending heroes along with the Agency they can keep in close contact with the Agency’s agents assigned to this mission and act accordingly to this information as not to interfere with their primary objective meanwhile the heroes will do everything in their capabilities to rescue Jeremiah. That is our mission assigned to us by them.”

Head Spikey replies, “That’s fine. That plan will actually work out in our favor as the secondary objective is the rescue of Jeremiah and Tiffany. This gives us a better chance of accomplishing that. By the way, the Superheroes have given us copies of both yours and Jeremiah’s records and I must admit I’m impressed.”

Tech Girl responds, “Thanks.” Tech Boy turns to face Nic and tells him, “By the way they also said to rescue Tiffany as well.”

“Really?” asks Nic with hope in his eyes.

“Really, but they stated that Jeremiah is top priority,” answers Tech Boy a little coldly.

“May I ask why?” inquires Head Spikey.

Tech Boy turns back around to face Head Spikey and explains to the best of his knowledge, “They never said but judging on available data I would have to say it’s because A: he’s a hero; B: he’s the best hero they got; and C: he is essential to Darkness’s plan.”

Head Spikey asks, “May I ask why he is so essential to Darkness’s plans in the first place. While Jeremiah’s file did mention he is the only known person who can harm Darkness outside the Shadow Realm, which I would like to know more about myself, it didn’t mention why Darkness would need him in the first place.”

Tech Boy explains, “I don’t know all the finer details about how it works but essentially he needs Jeremiah’s Orb. I’m assuming the Orb was mentioned in his file?”

“In great detail. It had an entire subsection on the functionalities and build of the Orb. It’s pretty clear it was researched in great detail,” answers Head Spikey.

“Mostly out of necessity,” replies Tech Boy before Tech Girl continues for him, “According to what we were told by Jeremiah, Darkness needs him to do a special ritual on the night of a total eclipse.”

“On what planet?” asks Head Spikey.

“We assumed Earth, but we’re not 100% sure. We currently got the Archaeology Department working on it,” answers Tech Boy unsatisfied with his own answer.

“Wait, you got an Archaeology Department?” asks Nic curiously.

Tech Boy replies, “You’d be surprised how many times these ancient legends come true and nearly destroy a world or the multiverse. I think Darkness might be the 5th or 6th one we faced thus far? I lost count. What about you Tech Girl?”

“I was never keeping count to begin with,” responds Tech Girl quickly.

“So…is that everything?” asks Nic.

“They forgot to explain why Jeremiah is the only one who can hurt him outside the Shadow Realm,” states Head Spikey.

“You need light energy to hurt him outside the Shadow Realm and Jeremiah’s light powers allow him to weaponize it. We’re working on more accessible means of weaponization but its only in beta,” answers Tech Boy.

“Ok, that’s all I needed to know. You may all go down to breakfast now,” states Head Spikey.

“Alright see you later Head Spikey,” says Nic.

“I look forward to your reports.”

They all go to the cafeteria.

Chapter 3

Infiltration Begin

Jeremiah is currently pinned down to the ground by a large mass of fur using his sword to keep its jaws from munching on him while simultaneously barely keeping its huge claws at bay. The sword glows and they’re both suddenly on the other side of the core. Jeremiah thinks, “Oh crap.” His legs start glowing as he delivers a high-powered kick a bit under its chest knocking it away from him on the side they were just on. His legs stop glowing; he gets up but the only thing keeping him going at that point is the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He is very exhausted from his long-winded fight.

“Haaah…haah…You seem more reasonable than the other shadows. Can’t we take a break and talk it out?” reasons Jeremiah.

Its reply was a lunging slash attack. Jeremiah steps back but trips on his own feet making him fall down. It goes for another slash with its claws. Jeremiah’s sword glows again and he teleports face-first into the border hitting it hard. He falls down to the ground landing on his back.

“You have got to be kidding me!” yells Jeremiah.

Claws come down towards him before he can say anything else. Rolling out of the way in an effort to avoid the claws, once he’s out of danger, he attempts to get up but his arms were failing him, the adrenaline slowly wearing off. The mass of fur towers over him, putting one of its claws under his throat, looking at him with its jade eyes, and states, “You know I always hated this form.”

Meanwhile at the former Agency’s ship bay we find our current crew consisting of Nic, Tech Boy, and Tech Girl landing their cloaked stealth ships. They hop out of their ships and start conversing amongst each other.

“Operation: Infiltration is a go,” states Tech Boy.

“I personally like Operation: Spy & Seek better,” comments Nic.

Tech Girl intervenes, “You two can argue about names later. Right now we need to get into our disguises.”

Nic put on a very raggedy crab costume while Tech Boy and Tech Girl just got out a marker and drew shadow markings on their faces. While neither of these disguises seem very clever this does end up being the next topic of conversation between the three.

“Isn’t your disguise kind of lazy?” inquires Nic.

Tech Boy answers, “Don’t worry about it. We got a plan to make it work. But what about you? A human sized crab? That’s hardly believable. Plus, your costume is in terrible condition.”

Nic counters, “I’ll have you know the guy at the costume shop said it was in great condition when I bought it.”

“You should ask for a refund then,” states Tech Boy before Tech Girl intervenes once more, “Enough you two. I’m sure he has his reasons for picking that particular costume but I will make one small modification to it.”

She uncapped the marker once more and drew shadow markings on Nic’s costume. She explains, “Since all of Darkness’s best minions have shadow markings on them it would be best to make sure they’re included. The sudden absence of them could trigger some red flags.”

Tech Boy comments sarcastically, “Now we just got to hope that they’re all a bunch of idiots.”

“Let’s just go!” half-yells Tech Girl tired of dealing with this already.

They went into the hallway which was mostly intact except for a few holes and cracks that were made during the Battle of the Agency. The lights were out making traversal of it on the eerie side. They turn the corner and continue downward. When they got to the fork in the hall, they stop.

Tech Boy whispers to Nic, “You might want to get into position. The fact that there’s so few minions here right now must mean they’re eating. Considering the time, they’re most likely in the Lunch Restaurant assuming they’re following the Agency’s ways of eating meals which is highly doubtful.”

Tech Girl quietly adds in, “Most likely, they’re gathered up in the Dinner Diner as the location of it would yield minimal damage during the Battle of the Agency.”

TB added on, “Just to be safe, you should check all three and take this.”

Tech Boy grabs his shoulder and places a tracker on him. “If anything happens, press it twice and it will send out an S.O.S. signal.”

Nic salutes and crab walks toward the restaurants. Tech Girl whispers to TB, “Good idea with the tracker but what if one of Darkness’s minions finds it?”

“It should potentially strengthen his alibi. Now come on, we got work to do,” states Tech Boy before going over to Head Spikey’s former office. Tech Girl follows.

Upon reaching the front door, they each got on a side and took defensive positions. They look at each other and nod as Tech Boy pulls out a high-tech black glowstick from his utility belt and presses a button on it. It starts to glow right before he taps his fake shadow marking with it. The shadow marking glows for a few seconds before stopping and he hands it to Tech Girl who repeated the process. Once they were done and made sure that the glowstick was turned off and back on one of their utility belts they entered the office.

Upon entry, they notice a giant drill above the floor being controlled by none other than Bowser Jr., a small green turtle like creature with a spiked shell. Behind him was Darkness himself who was personally overseeing the operation.

“We should be ready to start soon Master Darkness,” states Bowser Jr.

“Good, you can go on to lunch while I talk to the two behind me.”

Bowser Jr. salutes and leaves the room. Darkness moves right in front of them, towering over them, demanding, “What are you two doing here? I don’t remember corrupting you back at the Battle of the Agency.”

They gulp doing their best not to cower in fear. This wasn’t their first encounter with Darkness, but this was the first time they were face-to-face with him. Doing his absolute best to show no signs of fear or weakness Tech Boy kneels down and speaks, “Master Darkness, me and my sister have seen the shadows. During the last battle, some of the shadow energy got on our platforms and got us but alas there was a delayed reaction for reasons we do not know.”

Tech Girl follows her brother’s example and continues, “We apologize for not knowing the reason for the delay, but we have come to realize that we have been fighting on the wrong side this entire time. We humbly request to join the ranks of your army.”

Darkness ponders this for a moment thinking about whether or not to trust them. He then replies, “Very well, but you will be under Bowser Jr.’s supervision until I state otherwise. Is that understood?”

They get up, salute, and say in unison, “Yes, sir.”

“You two will refer to me as Master Darkness from now on. Come with me, I do not trust you alone with any of the equipment here,” states Darkness before he heads out of the room.

TB and TG follow him. They end up in the Breakfast Café after all and see Nic next to Herbert unscathed. No one had taken notice of his terrible choice in costume. In the very back they notice Tiffany who had already finished her meal. Darkness went up to the counter and announces, “Everyone, your attention please!”

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Darkness along with his two new recruits.

“These two are Tech Boy and Tech Girl, prince and princess of Planet Gaxi. They have decided to join our army out of their own free will.”

Everyone began cheering except for Tiffany.

“For now, they will be working as Bowser Jr.’s assistants while I confirm whether or not their home planet is aware of their own betrayal. If they weren’t abdicated of their positions, we could use Planet Gaxi’s army in addition to our current forces. However, we will worry about that later. That is all I would like to announce.”

He left the counter and went over to Bowser Jr. instructing him quietly in passing, “Keep them in your sight.” He passes Bowser Jr. and goes to Tiffany. “Tiffany, a word,” says Darkness gesturing out of the Breakfast Café. They leave the Breakfast Café and go out of earshot turning a corner to the hallway that leads to the ruins of the courtyard. Darkness states, “I do not trust these new recruits one bit, that’s where you come in. Keep an eye on them and if need be, eliminate them.” Tiffany responds, “Yes, Master Darkness. I obey your every command.”

Chapter 4

The Infiltration Continues

All three agents are currently in position. Nic is following Herbert while simultaneously keeping a look out for the real Klutzy with knockout gas at the ready in case the worst-case scenario happens. Tech Boy and Tech Girl are currently working on the drill with Bowser Jr. doing their best to suppress their shared urge to kick him and beat him into submission for being an absolute jerk. Back in the Shadow Energy Core Jeremiah is pinned down by the humanoid shadow who has her hand on his neck.

Location: Shadow Energy Core

Jeremiah finally got a good look at Linda with her long black hair, slightly pale skin that looks rather delicate, and her jade eyes. She wasn’t wearing anything but that was because her transformation ripped off her clothes. Clothes suddenly appeared on her in a wave of black mist revealing an oddly loose green garment on her with a white skirt. She reiterated, “Like I said I always hated that form. Ever since I turned into that…thing…my life has been nothing been terrible!”

Tears welled in her eyes and she starts crying. “You have no idea what’s it like being trapped in the Nightmare Realm with no chance of escape. For a year, I thought you were going to come rescue me, but you never came. It was your fault I was trapped in there in the first place and you never came to help me. You just abandoned me there.”

Jeremiah looks away out of guilt when he notices another shadow. One he was all too familiar with, “You!” His eyes started glowing blue. He grabs Linda’s arm and his hands caught on fire burning her. The pain caused her to let go and he threw her to the ground beside him. Quickly standing up with a newfound surge of energy, he charges toward the other shadow punching the border with his hands still alight at incredible speed only for the shadow to disappear before he could land the hit, the impact echoing all across the dark void of the core.

“Where are you?” cries out Jeremiah in anger his voice echoing with power.

Location: Head Spikey’s former office

Tech Boy just put down some parts and he inquires, “So what is…Master…Darkness planning to do with this drill anyway?”

Bowser Jr. replies rudely, “None of your business!”

Tech Boy was moments away from getting out his blaster and shooting Bowser Jr. who knows where before Tech Girl intervened calmly and smoothly, “But it is our business. You see, we’re currently helping on this device and without prior knowledge of what it should do how will we know how to build, maintain, and operate it?”

Tech Boy was simply dumbfounded by how well she kept her cool while Bowser Jr. began pondering it. After a brief moment he responds, “Alright, I’ll give you one chance to prove yourselves. If you can build and install a magnetic retrieval unit on this device, I’ll let you in on the plan.”

“Deal,” replies Tech Girl before she got to work.

Electricity crackles in her eyes as the drill as several spare parts start flying in the air towards the drill. Tech Boy, regaining his composure, joins in, the crackling electricity appearing in his eyes. A panel opened itself up on the opposite end of the drill and new wires started installing themselves while several parts put themselves together to form a claw similar to that of a skill crane machine except much thicker with a lot better chance to get your prize and a hinge for it to attach it with, along with a cable to suspend it up and down. It attaches itself to where the panel was opened and then proceeded to install parts for a rotation mechanism in the drill controls themselves allowing them to switch between the two sides in addition to adding new controls for the new appendage. Little magnets flew over to the claw and attached themselves to the fingers of it. They also made the little ramp leading up to the control panel retractable to make the rotation of it easier.

Once they were finished, Tech Girl proudly promotes, “One magnetic retrieval unit as requested. This new appendage will allow you to retrieve anything imaginable underground whether it be lost treasure or lost artifacts. The claw can drop down to around 5000 ft. using the cable attached to it. Its shape and range of movement will allow you to grip even non-metal objects you find however the magnets attached to it will greatly aid the retrieval of metal ore and objects.”

“And what happens if it can’t grip the object?” asks Bowser Jr. not expecting a worthwhile answer.

“Press the conversion button and find out,” replies a smug Tech Girl.

After a moment of looking at the modified controls he found the conversion button and pressed it. The claws began arched up until all the fingers became flat. Panels came out of them connecting them all in order to form a flat disc.

“Well, it’s still on the wrong side,” says Bowser Jr. running out of ways to mock them.

“Try the rotation feature,” chimes in Tech Boy amused by his suffering.

Bowser Jr. found the rotation feature and activated it. The ramp retracts and the machine rotates 180 degrees putting the claw right where the drill used to sit. The ramp detracted right before Bowser Jr. rotated it back to its previous position and got off the platform attached to it.

“Now the only thing you need for it is an electromagnetic generator in order to increase the magnetic output in its current state,” finishes Tech Girl.

He begrudgingly admits, “Well, I’m impressed. Go get me a generator and install it and afterwards I’ll clue you in on what’s going on.”

Tech Boy responded before Tech Girl, “Sure, but we don’t know where you’re currently storing your generators. It might be easier for you to get it for us and we’ll handle the installation afterwards.”

Bowser Jr. thinks it over for a moment before responding, “Very well, but you two are coming with me. You can do all the heavy lifting for me.”

TB made a face of utter shock at that remark. Tech Girl was thinking, “Figures.”

Location: Near the turn in the hallway to the Courtyard

Nic is currently following Herbert, an anthropomorphic polar bear, as they turned towards the Courtyard, Nic catches a glimpse of Tiffany near Head Spikey’s office. The door to the office opens as Nic thinks, “Tiffany, I’m going to rescue you.” As Bowser Jr., Tech Boy, and Tech Girl walk out of the office, Tiffany turns around to face the fork in the hall but saw nothing. Walking towards the corner, she turns her head in the direction Nic just went, looking down the hallway noticing the door to the Courtyard closing with Herbert’s shape behind it. She’s a little bit suspicious and decides to follow up on her gut instinct. Entering the Courtyard, she sees Herbert and Nic in his crab costume working on some strange humongous machine along with several other workers. Right away, Tiffany notices the discrepancy with Klutzy’s size, shakes her head in disbelief at how nobody else has saw through this disguise, and starts heading over there.

“Click click click clickety clickety click?” asks Nic in crab.

“What do you mean you’ve forgotten-“ responds Herbert before Tiffany interrupted him, “Herbert!”

Herbert turns around and replies surprised, “Tiffany, what can I do for you?”

Tiffany responds coldly, “I need to talk to Klutzy. I have reason to believe that he is a spy.”

Nic quickly wipes his mind of all unnecessary thought so it’s nothing more than a blank slate as he has done countless times before to prevent Tiffany from ruining her surprises. Having a psychic girlfriend must be pretty tough. Tiffany takes a closer look at him taking into account the terrible state of the costume while Herbert is complaining stating that her statement is preposterous. She zeroes in on his real face which has begun to sweat from nervousness. She instantly recognizes it. Nic instantly recognized her face of recognition and deploys his knockout gas. He barely manages to gets a gas mask on before breathing it in as it spreads across the entire room knocking everyone out.

He radios in, “This is Agent Nic. My cover has been blown. I managed to knock out everyone in the courtyard. I need a prison transport ship for Tiffany and Herbert immediately.”

“Very well, we shall send a capture unit immediately. Have the prisoners prepped for transport and meet the capture unit in the Ship Bay. Standby for now. Over,” responds Head Spikey.

Nic was getting ready to grab Herbert and Tiffany as a shadow towered behind him. Darkness grabs him.

AdventureFan FictionHorrorHumorSeriesSci Fi

About the Creator

Jeremiah Ellison

Hello, my name is Jeremiah Ellison and I'm here to post content that I hope you will like. I mainly specialize in Sci-fi, action, and apparently psychological horror as of recently. I hope you enjoy my content.


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    Jeremiah EllisonWritten by Jeremiah Ellison

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