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a little beach ball by a lake

as she walks to a store, she calls her brother for answers.

By The ecinmyPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
a little beach ball by a lake
Photo by JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash

"So you want chocolate milk and a bag of potato chips?" asks Fenn. She is looking at the cereals in the breakfast aisle.

"Yeah, give me two bags please." her brother responds.

"Okay fine."


In a shed lies two shovels. Into an eventual realization, Yamir's mother scolds her husband for forgetting to till the garden. She encumbers his evening of rest as she tells him to do so soon.

Yamir's father grumbles as he treks to the shed to grab a shovel and a pack of soil.

Jewn and Yamir are in a classroom studying for a quiz. "I was not ready for this." Jewn declares.

"That's not okay. This quiz might be a bit difficult." Yamir scolds himself as he gurgles on about arabic vocabulary.

Their friend, Anita, visits them with a handful of notebooks. "Hi friends. I was told by Curl that you two are visiting the lake after school?"

Yamir ignores her and scrolls through the chapters.

Jewn smiles and says, "Yes, we are visiting a few friends. Would you like to join us?"

"Yes! I haven't been able to swim yet because of my books. I will fetch my bathing suit quickly." Anita huddles away with her backpack and notebooks, her ponytails flailing in the air.

"She is so cute."

"Yeah, I guess. Maybe August will confess soon."

"You should encourage him to." Jewn says. "He is so shy."

"I don't want to bother them. It's his love." Yamir sighs as he puts the book down. "And besides, summer is incoming. He has a time finally to tell her."

"I hope it goes well." Jewn giggles.


"Is she coming?" Pel asks Ajil.

"Yeah, thankfully her exams are over." Ajil is in love with the girl.

"Wow, you two are the love birds.." Pel whistles. "You better take care of her, haha." Pel laughs as he scavenges the convenience store.

"I am."


Would a crush be okay? Intervening in a good summer may not be so, as it may come to fruition. Whence it gives in to love is an emerald in shallow waters.

Aril says hi to Jewn. "It's been so long!"

Jewn laughs as he runs to hug him. "Hi there, cousin."

Is there a night of worth for such a crush? As lightning bugs flummer by over their bags and packs, Enis yells at his brother to stop.

"Stop throwing the ball over the trenches! It's so dark to see."

"Sorry, but you'll have to retrieve it." Fig scatters.

"I can come with you, " says Wei.



Anita is holding onto her smoothie as August grabs her in a lonesome night by the beach house.

"Hi Anita, finally I found you."

"Hey August." she smiles in a blush. "... "

"I just want to say that I have a love for you, that I am in love with you." August says. He presses his straw hat and gulps some strawberry milk.

"Oh.. " Anita looks away and hides her face with her smoothie.

"I'm sorry. I just want to be in love with you, so please take my hand."

She cowers and nods.

August stands in patience. It's been about a few seconds as he is blissfully unaware of the three students watching by. With cold feet and a sandy shirt, he smiles as he mums in a cherry tune.

Withered with an anxious strum, he takes a look at Anita and observes her reprise. She hums along with him and opens his eyes. "Okay August."

Her eyes glare back as she scolds him. "I am so mad at you! I have been waiting forever. Fine, you have taken my hand, but please hold on to my smoothie. My hands are shaking."

August gasps with love and passion as he takes her smoothie. "Okay!"

Shyly, the two boys walk to visit their engagement. "HAHA!"

"Oh gawd, August, you bad boy." Jarn scammers.

The three laugh in merry as they join the two lovers. "Okay... why do I feel so alone?" says Enis. Hahaha.

Wei apologizes, "Sorry for the two idiots. They were mocking you in the bushes."

"I'm not forgiving them ever!" yells Anita. She walks away and hints at August to come with her.

"Uhhh.. see you guys. She's my girl." August says.

Jarn whistles as Wei remarks, "Bye bye, brother. Will you be swimming later?"

"Yeah, I think so."

He waves goodbye as the three clamber onwards.


In a wayward of evergreen moonlight stills a pianist and his companion. The musician grins as she takes hold of his hand. "Marry me."


"There is an orchard over there. Find me an orange and confess your love to music."

"Huh? What?"

"Just do what I say." She says with a little bit of anger. Mey likes to play with her friends. Although she studies the piano, she cannot but endure the strings of summer acoustics.

"Uh.. okay. And why? You know I am in love with your music."

"Because if I don't quench my thirst soon, my music shall perish with me."

Her friend sighs and ventures to an orchard. "You want to come? Or I can just bring a pack of oranges."

"Heheh.. okay I'll come with."

As an end of day urns in a city called Milan, a swish of green and blue petals flutter above a tourist group of young girls. Unknowing of a love that may bring her an everlasting laundry, Fenn drinks her milk shake as she smiles to her friends. Innocent of a love, she is a cute shy girl that is covered in freckles and book covers. Her love for a study weans her to an evening of good reading. Whosever is in love with her?

Bhanu drools on his pillow as he wakes up from his nap.

"Wake up, ya weirdo. My cousins are almost here in a visit. Get yourself up!" says Kes.

"Hemmmm." Bhanu rolls over his bed as he looks for his phone.

"If you're not in the kitchen in five minutes, I am leaving you behind. We are visiting the shore." Kes, his brother, scolds him. "Also, Mery is there." Mery, their sister, is a bit confused. Her cousins cannot but visit them on such short notice, and she has to fetch the groceries and clears away her kitchen and living-room. She calls her brothers.

"Hi sis." Kes says hello in the call.

"Hey, " she glares. "I have the food ready. Are they in the city? They haven't been messaging back to me."

"Uhh.. yeah. Curl said she has just arrived like ten minutes ago, I think."

"What? Okay good. " Mery stumbles over her groceries. "Aeuhhh."

"You okay, sis?"

"Yeah, tell them to meet us at my place. And then we can go."

"Okay." Bhanu is eating some cereal as Kes stops the call. "We should be walking soon."

Bhanu gestures in disapproval.

Curl and her boyfriend, Aril, are going to bathe in a pool with their cousins, Yamir, Jewn, and Fenn.

As they stretch in a tender French market, Yamir purchases a granola bar and a canteen of noodles.

Soon, they will reunite with their cousins.


About the Creator

The ecinmy

To the honorary gesture of the westworth village, I do encumber to create the stories of the pastive nature of the grove to which I can further create a surther of mine to village thence.

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The ecinmyWritten by The ecinmy

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