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a good idea comes in a sit

if you have a time to think, a good manner is to sit and let the stars twinkle.

By The ecinmyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
a good idea comes in a sit
Photo by Caroline Rogers on Unsplash

It does not matter where you sit. Just sit. In a kitchen or in a parlor, find a comfortable position and just sit.

Nothing is as rejuvenating as a good sit, so take some time right now to sit down and think. About what? A star.

As you stand and walk, a collection of individual stars are revitalized in a well-being of awe-inspiration. A parabolic motivation is timed as a pan of cake mix is bakened in an oven. How can a single minute indulge your thoughts?

A return to a calendar interests one in blocks of activity. An evening of calm sips invites a current of creative thoughts. An oscillation of weaned fern is a reconciliation to comprehend a person's intentions.

How does it take so long for a person to share an idea? It is a good thing to remember that it is okay to learn from another, and that it may take a while for an idea to be shared. A conversation divulges in a table's answer, and a kernel of thoughts is talked about. To discuss is to learn from another person.

A learning is a sit with another person. It is not so hard to do so when you are comfortable with silence. Try it: sit in silence for some time and adjust to your comforts and discomforts as needed.

It may take a while for the sit to be restful, but that is okay. Time is required for a cup of chocolate to heat. All the same it may take some time for a sit to be a comfortable sitting.

It comes to a mind that it may never sit with you. A notion that makes you grumble is a good thing. Accommodate your poultry with jam and cheese. Thence it may sit with comfort and love.

A prince is troubled by a thought of lost. He cannot cope with the idea of losing his love. Furnished in a covenant is an evergarden of violet and orange flowers. A flourish of clovers and daisies instigate an indulgence of love and lost. Why may a prince unravel his chaos in a vortex of impending destruction and transitive forlorn if it may inquire in his heart a patience of a cake's maketh?

He returns to his kitchen and checks the cake that is in the oven. Satisfied with its embroilment, he pardons his thoughts in wrath and sits in wait.

The cake sits too. It cannot question the heat nor the prince before him, yet a scaffold of interest and passion is becoming in a kitchen a distance away. Evermore is a fun that is. The prince sits and hums a tune as his girl walks to his house.

Although she may arrive before the cake is baked, it is a good manner for the prince to prepare a pair of plates.

And thus, an evening is enjoyed as the two share a cake together. How ever it may come to, the princess may falter in taste as she munches on the cake in front of her prince. She is charmed.

As you sit in a room or a garden, be encouraged by your authorship in inspiration. A given book is a giver to a story of goodness and sunsets. To inquire in a quest of misfortune and disruption is a manner in understanding another person's mind. What it may come to is a discussion that insolates a night sky; the stars in a sky of inquisition is a return to a good story. And so, a reader is in a comfy couch.

There is a mingle of stars and thoughts.


About the Creator

The ecinmy

To the honorary gesture of the westworth village, I do encumber to create the stories of the pastive nature of the grove to which I can further create a surther of mine to village thence.

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The ecinmyWritten by The ecinmy

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