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The Secret to Improving Your Eating Habits

How to implement healthy eating habits

By ElisaPublished 24 days ago 3 min read
The Secret to Improving Your Eating Habits
Photo by qi bin on Unsplash

In North America, we are constantly living our lives on the go. From the moment we get up we are running around trying to make every second matter. And so, our society relies on convenience. But there is a cost to that, nearly half of the Canadian population eats out. And if they aren’t, they are simply skipping meals to save time. But, before we get into it, what makes a meal healthy?

Health Canada. (2019). Eating well with Canada's food guide.

Canada’s Food Guide recommends Canadians eat a diet containing:

  • A variety of fruits and vegetables - These contain fibre, vitamins and necessary carbohydrates your body requires to produce energy.
  • A variety of protein - This can be animal based, plant based or a combination of both. Be aware of sodium and fat when consuming processed meat products.
  • A variety of whole grains - These contain fibre, vitamins and minerals . Whole grain is not the same as whole wheat but is a better choice than refined grains.

But let’s be realistic. Your meals won’t always look like this. But Canada’s Food Guide allows us to visualize the things we need to keep in mind when we are both cooking for ourselves or eating out. When making yourself a plate, or standing in front of the deli fridge ask yourself:

Where is your fruit and veg? Will you be able to add more to get more of them in?

Fruits with soft skins or removable peels make great compact snacks that usually require low prep and no packaging.

Am I getting enough protein?

Look beyond meat products, which can be the obvious choices we make. Can you add beans or lentils to your meal? Cooking a ½ cup of green lentils with your rice is a sneaky way of adding some protein to your otherwise plain starch.

How can I include a whole grain?

This is the most challenging part for most Canadians, however, switching whole wheat products to your diet from white or processed wheat products can be a way to ease into the switch to consuming more whole grains in your diet.

The secret of healthy eating is preparedness, aesthetic and enjoyment.

Challenge: Food Waste | Solution: Preparedness

You go to the grocery store, hungry, you know you should make healthy choices, but the microwave dinners are on sale this week, so you’ll grab a few for just in case. Then you will go to the produce section and pick up a bunch of vegetables that you know you should eat, but evidently will forget about and will be in the bin come Saturday. We are all guilty of it. In fact, fresh fruit, fresh veg, and poultry make up the largest proportion of household food waste nationwide. This is mostly due to poor shopping habits and meal planning.

How can we combat this?

  • Smart Grocery Shopping - Never shop hungry, buy foods you like, make a list and stick to it
  • Easy Meal Planning - Brew it yourself, Cook once -- Eat Twice, Forage your Fridge
  • Challenge: Unattractive Food | Solution: Aesthetics

    This may be a weird one for you, but it’s rooted in how we perceive food psychologically. How many times have you brought lunch to work and lunch rolls around, you see what the special is today and you end up buying lunch instead of eating the one you brought? We eat with our eyes, and we are hardwired to be attracted to colour. Atmosphere, environment, look and aesthetic all play a part in how we choose what to eat.

    How can we combat this?

    • Putting foods in clear containers, and layering them in an aesthetically pleasing way can make us want to eat what we have made.
    • Plating is an art form that is taught in culinary schools because chefs understand this concept. By making your food beautiful, you will be more inclined to eat it, as you will be attracted to it.

    Challenge: Taste | Solution: Enjoyment

    A lot of people think that healthy eating looks a certain way, but it is not as hard as some people make it out to be. Enjoying the food you eat not only helps you want to continue to eat healthy but also makes eating not a chore. Healthy eating is more than brown rice, unseasoned chicken breast and broccoli; if you like the taste of something, why NOT keep making it?

    How can we combat this?

    • The internet is full of recipes for pretty much anything, learn to make your favourite restaurant dish at home! How can you change it to be “healthier”?
    • Seasoning food to your liking also plays a huge role in your commitment.

    Healthy eating is important in preventing disease, maintaining prime bodily mobility and function, and supporting your organs as you move and age. It is an investment, but a life long one that not only affects you but the others around you and you are worth the effort it takes.


About the Creator


After studying nutrition for 8 years, and dropping out of culinary school I write recipes I've written, collected, adapted and loved that are both delicious and nutritious. Measure with your heart and eat what you love.

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