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Chopping Onions

Perceived Value

By KJ AartilaPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 3 min read
Top Story - February 2023
Chopping Onions
Photo by CA Creative on Unsplash

Chopping Onions

We all have tasks we despise doing because of the difficulty and unhappiness they bring us. Sometimes, maybe it’s best to consider other options to make certain tasks not so despicable in the long term. Maybe the best value is found in considering the quality of life that doing things differently may bring.

Chopping onions has become the bane of my existence. It makes my soul cry. But we eat a lot of onions. So I am doomed.

Okay, maybe I’m being a bit melodramatic, but I really don’t like chopping onions.

The alternative I suggested was to buy the already diced onions from the grocery store. My husband balked at the expense of that, claiming he would chop the onions instead of me. Yeah, right. His hands are worse than mine.


Dicing onions with a knife was a source of chronic frustration, and becoming ineffective. Because I was no longer going to keep doing it the “old”way, there was a choice to make-either eliminate the use of onions, or find a new way. My solution to excluding onions altogether, then, was the purchase of the food chopper.

Food Chopper

Pictured is the food chopper I bought, which happens to be from Pampered Chef. No, I’m not trying to sell you on purchasing from Pampered Chef. Although, I do like the many products I have acquired from them, this is not a promotion. This is an article about the cost of a product compared to its ability to enhance one’s quality of life. That’s how value is determined.

I am hesitant to buy plastic products due to the negative environmental impacts, but also because the quality of the product is often poor. I must say, this particular chopper is easy to clean, and it’s held up well to regular use and abuse. I even dropped it on my hardwood floor, and it didn’t show so much as a crack! I still have to slice the ends off the onion, remove the skin and cut it in half before placing it in the chopper, but it’s many times better than the slice-n-dice by hand and knife.

Now, and I don’t think I can emphasize the distress of this enough, instead of crying over the task of dicing up one onion as needed in a recipe, I can do a whole bunch at once ahead of time. I can chop them, and store them in the refrigerator to use as needed. This not only saves time and heartbreak, it also saves me from shedding tears. I love eating onions! But despise having to prepare them. Also, my hands don’t work as well as they used to, suffering from age and disability, so the onion chopper saves my frustration from asserting itself when my hands wish to not cooperate. I say that’s a win-win for me, as well as for anyone present to witness the cursed event.

It saves me emotional energy, as I don’t have to despair over the headache-causing event that comes with the decision to chop and add one lonely onion to a recipe. I can just happily open my container of already prepared onions, use what I need and put the container away until next time. I prefer to chop up as much as I anticipate we’ll use in the week ahead, then do more chopping the following weekend.

So, just to reiterate, the benefits gained are time, energy and family relations. Often times, you really can’t put a price on that.

Thank you for reading! Have you acquired quality of life benefits to a point beyond comprehension by investing in a product you wondered about laying out the money towards?

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About the Creator

KJ Aartila

A writer of words in northern WI with a small family and a large menagerie.

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Comments (25)

  • Freddie's Lost Treasures11 months ago

    I have bought too many products in my life that I think will increase the quality of my life and I try to continually not be a consumer as such, but I have my weaknesses. You may be interested in this story: https://vocal.media/feast/unleash-your-inner-chef-au1mh0bir Thanks for sharing.

  • Test12 months ago

    I love onions! But, yes, I don't like chopping them. The crying is insane. LOL! With that said, I recently learned that what makes you cry is a defense mechanism used by the onion to avoid being eaten by animals. I find this fascinating.

  • David C. Connorabout a year ago


  • Rasheek Rasoolabout a year ago

    Well Explained great work

  • Caroline Janeabout a year ago

    Great article. Congratulations on the top story!

  • Thavien Yliasterabout a year ago

    Onions are so delicious. Do I like the sulfur getting into my eyes? No. Do I love the flavor of onions especially when sautéed? Yes. I just ate some venison that I pulled out of the freezer and boiled in some water. While cooking the venison I chopped up two onions with my knife. Do I love chopping onions? That's a yesn't. I'm neither a yes or no on that specifically. I wished that my food blender could mince them up into a fine pulp for me. I think that would be a perfect way to add onions into ground beef. I do remember that I watched on food YouTuber prepare an onion by using a cheese grater. That looked fantastic. I'm also not a fan of buying a lot of plastic goods. I just bought a new can opener last night, and the darn thing broke. I'm ticked, especially cause I was trying to open two cans of beans, not just one.

  • Call Me Lesabout a year ago

    Congrats on the top story! I so agree with you about things being worth the money when they help us have more time or more comfort or just contribute in a way to our overall emotional well being. It seems small but they add up. Very well done!

  • Lilly Cooperabout a year ago

    Congrats on the Top Story :) I was on the fence about choppers.... but I think you may have tipped the scales for me :)

  • Lindsey Donatabout a year ago

    I watched a youtube video from Gordon Ramsey about how to chop onions more efficiently, and it was super helpful. Although somehow I still always manage to cut slightly through the root and release those noxious gases!! Maybe I should get a food chopper to save the tears. :)

  • Loryne Andaweyabout a year ago

    Yay! A Top Story from Feast! I should get me one of those choppers for garlic 😄. Take my subscription and Congratulations!

  • Gina C.about a year ago

    Congratulations on Top Story!! 🥰🥰

  • First of all, thank you for acknowledging emotional energy. It's real and some people just don't get it. Next, I love this chopper thingy! It's life changing! And finally, congratulations on your Top Story!

  • First of all, thank you for acknowledging emotional energy. It's real and some people just don't get it. Next, I love this chopper thingy! It's life changing! And finally, congratulations on your Top Story!

  • Lamar Wigginsabout a year ago

    Very Helpful hints. I also love onions and sometimes buy the frozen chopped ones. I just have to watch out for the inedible skin parts that sometimes find their way into the bag. Thanks for sharing.

  • Babs Iversonabout a year ago

    Well Done!!! Congratulations too💖💕

  • Cathy holmesabout a year ago

    Wonderful. Congrats on the Top Story.

  • Emily Marie Concannonabout a year ago

    Ahh love this Keila! So agree with you!! These really make the task easier! Congratulations on top story 😊

  • Kelli Sheckler-Amsdenabout a year ago

    I have that chopper. It’s awesome

  • Stephanie J. Bradberryabout a year ago

    I chop onions throughout the week. And I found using certain chef tips helped a lot to make chopping by hand easy and efficient. Congratulations on Top Story!

  • Congratulations on your Top Story, excellent work

  • Heather Hublerabout a year ago

    Congratulations on Top Story!!

  • Heather Hublerabout a year ago

    I enjoyed this article, what a thoughtful read :) And I have the same chopper. I just got my 2nd one about a year ago, but I had the first one for like 15 years and it was still sharp but I'd busted a piece off. The other thing I use all the time is my air fryer. I don't think I could live without it anymore!

  • The Invisible Writerabout a year ago

    I liked this article it was a fun read though in full disclosure I like chopping onions lol.

  • Paul Stewartabout a year ago

    We have loads of vegetables frozen over here. And we even started getting some bags of chopped onions in addition to fresh. My eldest is not a fan of chopping them, so it helps him when he wants to cook. Whereas my younger son is okay with chopping. I know I've said it before but I love you convey your thoughts and feelings in these pieces. I also appreciated the almost-poetic feel of the phrase "the slice-n-dice by hand and knife." very sneaky and very clever. I can't think any profoud ones at the moment. But getting an Amazon Echo was a gamechanger in a lot of ways for us. At first I thought "This is the daftest purchase ever" But, I lose count of the amount of times we use it to set alarms, set timers (for cooking), ask about the weather, the news, random facts and to listen to music. I even used it to tease my son because I made a super mushy love mix for my wife and I that has a super mushy title. I may actually write an article about that cos it's pretty funny. And the most recent, greatest thing I discovered is that you can check the syllable count of words through Alexa lol! Handy for my current endeavours! So yeah, it may have seemed like a ridiculous and frivilous thing, but it has given more back in terms of value than it cost initially. Thank you for another awesome piece. I would not be surprised if this is not a Top Story within a couple of days! Well done Keila!

  • Gina C.about a year ago

    I love this so much! I agree, sometimes it’s definitely beneficial to take shortcuts in certain areas (that don’t yield suffered results) so more than can be spent in more important areas. I recently had a similar “ah-hah” moment with onions 😅 I started just buying them chopped and frozen. I actually started just buying all my vegetables frozen 😅 I read that frozen vegatables have the same (sometimes even greater) nutritional value as fresh ones, and it has saved so. much. Time! 😀

KJ AartilaWritten by KJ Aartila

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