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A special Invite

The Witches Council

By Ocusan MPublished 9 months ago 12 min read

One Whole Camel, One whole lamb, Twenty Chickens, Twenty Yams, Sixty Ostrich Eggs, Twelve Kilos of Rice, Stir in the Pine nuts to make it nice! What on Earth are you reciting Broom Haditha? Broom Hilda asked with her bent witch nose’ It’s a spell for a recipe I learned from the witches of Omen! The witches of Omen! Yes Broom Hilda, I received their letter yesterday & they want to have a feast at the next witches council’ Broom Haditha smiled with her crooked nose leaning over her caldron imagining creating the Middle Eastern brew’ I can’t imagine a caldron big enough for a camel! They will have it there, in the middle of the desert, just outside of the city of Ouija will be the feast of the witches council. Am I invited? Of course! Let me read the rest of the recipe’’ Be my guest 🫣 I won’t be feasting on any camel, maybe the mutton🤥 It says to stuff the chickens with the hard boiled eggs & rice’ Stuff the lamb with five of the chickens & rice. Stuff the camel with the lamb, Broil until ready’ Place the camel on a large platter surrounded by remaining baked chickens, Decorate around with pine nuts & Spice with chili pepper & cloves’ Hmmm 🤨 I feel sorry for the camel already🤢 I guess the beast will add water to the recipe that’s stored in his hump🤔 Hehe always making fun Broom Hilda 🤭 Im instructed to bring the dessert 😌 How can you carry on your broom enough for the whole council? I’m thinking about bringing a bag full of candied fish made with Arabic gum & mastic oil’ Oh yes & wrapped in sugar wax paper. 🍬🍬 😊😊Yes the kind that is edible is my idea’ I’m smelling the brewed Arabica coffee already! Heavens to Betsy what shall I wear, I haven’t any desert robes 🤥 Well we still have time to go shopping, I’ve got plenty of fish candy already made cooling in the freezer’ We can wrap them tonight & shop tomorrow’ How long will it take to get there on our brooms? It would take weeks & were to be there in two days, I’ve got an idea on how to speed things up though’ Do tell 😐 Remember that plasma we drank last Halloween 🎃 The goopy stuff! How was that made anyway? We had a seance where the spirit conjured dripped ectoplasm that fell into my punch bowl, I didn’t want to throw it out so I served it with added sugar water’’ Oh my i never would have guessed’ Do you remember how everything started to speed up? Kind of. Well spirits I know like to eat Tara root that makes things go real fast. So we started moving in high speed after drinking! I see, so if we make a plasmatic Tara root brew we can get there in no time! Why not just make a tea ☕️ of Tara root? I tried that but it needs spirit plasma, we’ve got to have a seance! Alright I guess we’ll be burning a lot of candles 🕯️ to make spirit sweat 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️ That’s the right idea, now let’s hurry & wrap the candied fish. After working all nite making the sweets Both sisters fell asleep being so tired. After waking up they realized they only had a short time to conjure up a spirit needed for the plasmatic goop. Haditha set a white tablecloth with the orbital ball for channeling in the center. Hilda dimmed the light & lit candles’ Holding hands Haditha called for a spirit. The room was silent as the candles flickered as the witches concentrated. Spirts! Here me, I call out in need of help.. The wind outside seemed to answer as their was a loud bang in the kitchen. Then there inside the spirit ball was a head! Peering deep into the curved glass the sisters could see the face of a tall being standing high in the desert. You rang? 👁️The sisters looked at each other inquisitively’ Yes! We are two sisters in need of assistance! What is it you require? We are in need of ectoplasm to make our brooms fly faster! Ectoplasm?? I’ve never heard of applying Ectoplasm to a broomstick ! 👁️ It’s not for the broom! It’s for drinking a potion with the substance creating motion’ 👀👀👁️ I don’t excrete Ectoplasm, I am not that type of Spirit’ Oh no, what shall we do? We’re invited to a witches council clear across the continent! I can be your guide. But how do we get there in time? Take these & try them on. The tall Spirit reached through the orb handing two particular corsets that were decorated with applied statuesque miniature figures’ The sisters examined the strange garments’ What can these do? Try them on 👁️

Each sister went behind a partition to try on the interesting attire. Stepping out from the partition they resembled twins while something supernatural occurred’ They couldn’t believe what they saw in the mirror’ Oh my stars! Our age is younger! This is how we looked Eighty years ago! Look at us Broom Haditha’ we look so vampish! More so then in our younger days’ I can see you are spellbound by my magic 👁️ Why yes this is something we never could brew up ourselves’ You must be an ancient sorcerer or Genie! The sisters were applying makeup that had sat for years being too old to wear. The mirror began to warp as it seemed to not believe in what it reflected’ I am an ancient Soul having powers you never dreamed! 👁️ Come closer, gather around my essence & I shall tell you more’ The old hag witches who were now young babes sat back down at the small table. The glowing face in the orb grew bigger’ I am from the land of Arabia where you choose to go, all that is needed is to climb on your brooms wearing the corsets! 👁️ This will give you the ability to travel at the speed of light’ Do not remove them or you will become old again & be stuck in the vast desert forever! How does it work? Sister Hilda questioned. The images inside are superior beings from a world where light speed travel is a acclaimed science interwoven in the genetics of the garment’ 👁️ His words filtered like the candle flame as the sisters listened while touching the holographic texture of the garment’ The fibers felt picturesque as each Cartouche felt like a buried secret’ We won’t dare remove what makes us look young’ Haditha assured the Spirit’ This solves our wardrobe problem as it looks fantastic with our velvet skirts’ Of course, go out now & try out the flying! 👁️ You don’t want to be late! The Sisters ran out not forgetting their favorite bag of fish candy’ 👁️ I shall be waiting for you on the other side’ The corsets know where to go, as their are human & animal zodiacs embossed inside 👁️ Once sitting upon their brooms the Sisters felt as if they were riding in a limousine as the trip was instantaneous’ Stepping out onto a surreal desert it was a miraculous adventure’ Breathing in the warm air instead of stifled muggy air allowed the Sisters to discover that they felt incredibly young with each breath that made tired old limbs restore’ Look there Hilda, the huge body standing in the distance, it must be our guide’ He swirled in faster upon the ocean of sand making him appear as a 🧞‍♂️ Genie’ He zoomed in on the girls. Your party is over there. Pointing to a large tent they Thanked the Spirit who now looked of a man. I shall be waiting if you need my assistance again 👁️ He then swirled off into the mountains with a shower of sandy glitter’ Walking under a strange orange moon the large tent was abuzz with both Witches & Warlocks’ It was a sight to be seen, as there in the center was the main course of Stuffed Camel! Ahh Sisters Broom Haditha & Hilda, it’s so nice to see you here, your presence looking as if you haven’t aged at all! We do try to keep our inner beauty’ The warlock standing before them guided them to an interior room where a meeting was taking place’ Sitting on cushions in the sand they could see two distinctive Warlocks chairing a welcoming meeting. Is that who I think it is? I think it is.. Liberachi ! The old sisters who were now young looked at each other saying his name at the same time’ He’s been dead for years! Taking a piece of fish candy from her bag she threw it at him’ It bounced off his sequin suit landing on the table’ He picked it up unwrapping the paper, taking a bite. Why did you do that? Hilda asked. To see if he was a ghost or not! And who is that sitting next to him? Hilda asked, peering her old eyes with her young eyes’👀 If I’m not mistaken, it’s another deceased female impersonator, Ziki Muren! Oh my! The lion sewn into our corsets must have conjured him up! What are they discussing? Hilda wanted to know as her old ears still had a hearing aid. Take out your hearing aid, you won’t need it with the vest’ Hilda removed her tiny speaker that was squeaking in annoyance. Words become louder as her old waxy ear chambers felt cleared. Oh I see, their talking to each witch & giving advice, how thoughtful’ Well, I see two witches that havnt been to a council in quite some time’ Ziki was smiling his perfect smile as his suit too glittered’ Are they speaking to us? Yes they are looking right at us, Haditha stood up to address the two hosts’ We weren’t expecting Warlocks! The room burst out in laughter. 😏 Were sorry to upset you, Glittering Liberace said. Oh not at all, it’s just that we’re use to only witches at councils’ We welcome both you ladies to the magic of the far East’ Ziki put a glittering turban on changing his look to match the atmosphere. We’ve heard you have a mysterious gift that has accumulated in the astral realm. Liberace addressed them picking up a wand of glowing uranium glass. He too had a turban that matched his suit & bow tie. He appeared as a blue radiance while Ziki a chiffon pink. Well, ur, yes we had a mysterious phone call about an inheritance.. We know your having difficulty obtaining the money with it being in the spiritual world, as no one believes in the supernatural. Liberace said with a twirl of his wand, making Haditha almost faint from his exoticness. What can I do? There is a game show your invited to play that believes more in your situation. Go & play to acquire your money needed, keeping in mind its a game show for Arabs where some questions you won’t be able to answer. A light appeared upon his forehead making what looked like a third eye. I can see you’ve learned much magic 🪄 being in the depths of the desert. He smiled turning silent while Ziki held out two pairs of slippers. Take these slippers & walk gracefully to your game that awaits holding secrets to help unlock your vision. Haditha & Hilda walked up to the table viewing a close up picture of the two warlocks. Smiling in elegance Ziki handed the slippers. The toes were curled up making a point sewn with heavy brocade. The slippers will show you where to go. As soon as the old shoes were off the young shoes lifted them up & took them on a journey inside a journey. Goodbye! The Sisters lifted up flying as a magic carpet while leaving the smoky room. Then they were under the lighted tent of the game show. Three chairs were seated high up on a middle raised platform while surrounded with a full audience. They could see in the center chair a man dressed in another sparkling turban while holding a microphone. As the sisters floated down he invited them to sit in the raised chairs. He was speaking Arabic to the audience, then in English to the twin sisters. Introducing them with his sly grin, it felt like being inside a jewelry box as a ballerina sits spinning around. It became very overwhelming. Don’t be nervous, the turbaned man said. This time the turban was money green. We’ve heard about your experience with the Giant who lives among the hills, he brought you here did he? Haditha looked up at the neon lights that spelled out words in Arabic. She did not know it said, Want to be a Millionaire as they blinked in excitement. Yes he came through our channeling ball at our home in England. Haditha smiled looking down at the audience like Cleopatra among her subjects. Hilda remained silent letting her dominate sister do the talking. Is he a real Genie? No, he is more of a Ermin warrior that roams the desert serving as a guide. Well, we certainly feel welcomed, are you a Ermin too? No, I am a Sultan! 😎 King of this desert 😎 Have you tasted the main course of Camel Casserole? No, we haven’t had the time. Then do have something to eat. He motioned to bring a meal of kababs that had onions & tomatoes with rich Arabica coffee. Please welcome our two Sisters to the game where anyone could become a Millionaire😎 The sisters were gnawing on little sticks of lamb that tasted delicious. I remember the coffee served as chi from living in Izmir. Oh yes, so many years ago’’ The Sultans turban glittered under the cameras as the show was being broadcasted throughout Arabia. Sister Hilda wasn’t as comfortable with cameras as she remembered how older Muslim women felt a photograph device would take part of the soul away’ Knowing about your past in the Middle East we designed each question towards you past experience. That’s awful kind of you Sir. ☺️ Are you ready to win some money? Canned game music belted out notes of the game to begin’ The game Sultan took his cuecards to read the first question. For Five hundred Riyals, What were you wearing when you boarded the 747 that first took you to Izmir? A panel board flipped four choices from above. A. A red velvet flowered dress, B. A green plaid skirt, C. A beige corduroy jumpsuit, or D. A blue Jean rhinestone pantsuit? A loud clock sound played in the background. I know what I wore, the answer is D, a rhinestone pantsuit’ The music trumpeted as the Sultan acknowledged her answer is correct! The audience seemed pleased’ You now have 500 Riyals. 😎 Next question for 1000 Riyals, What object did you find while vacationing at kusadasi? A. A Russian wooden pin? B. A marble Italian Rosary? C. A brass bracelet from India? D. A gold Arabic ring? That would be C. a bracelet from India’ Correct again! You now have 1500 Riyals. 🥰 This is good! I’m glad you like it! It wasn’t easy climbing the pyramid of money, she began to sweat as the strain of being a celebrity wasn’t simplistic. Now for 2000 Riyals, What drink did you first experience while visiting Pamukkale? A. Champagne, B. Aged wine, C. Efes Pilsen Beer, or D. Licorice Rocky? That’s difficult because we drank two of the answers’ You can ask your sister as a lifeline if you want’ What do you think Sister? As I remember the waiters were pouring so much champagne that they didn’t notice we were minors’ Allright Sir, the answer is A. Champagne. The music sounded as if someone fell of a high ladder! No, sorry the answer we were looking for was, D. The Rocky! But we drank champagne as well’ You drank champagne before, we asked for a first experience’ It’s true sister, remember the Martinellis. Yes, but it was non alcoholic’ He asked what drink, so both count. Ok I see, the Rocky was new being a most profound drink with its white essences looking much like the calcium of Pamukkale itself! Its licorice taste makes a very strong drink well known among Türkiye. 😎 With that note the stage began to sink back to the same level as the audience’ I’m sorry the game has ended there, but you took home enough to pay for your declaration’ 🤔 Well yes, it’s very much a surprise, we can’t thank you & your country enough..We enjoy foreigners that make our country more interesting. 🤑🤑 As the game ended the two sisters walked out of the tent onto the sand with their new slippers that would take them back home. Floating on their brooms through ripples of time they found their hut still lit with candles they forgot to snuff out. Taking off the Corsets was difficult but a change of clothing was desired. Once removed the eyes became fuzzy again where reaching for the spectacles was needed. I wish we could wear the corsets as a sea creature wears its shell without removing! I don’t like being elderly as well Sister Hilda, let us work on a spell that binds us with the sea, I heard about one in Scotland’ The Sisters had aged but were still wearing their slippers that would enable them into their next adventure. They then drifted off to sleep dreaming of the sea that called them in their old age with the corsets hanging over the fire.


About the Creator

Ocusan M

I write in a surrealistic style learning new realities as i researched Quantum physics in Quantum Dreaming where the man had a Quantum computer in his home that could see into the future.

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