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Open Letters to My Mama – Letter One

Starting a thread of open letters to the most important woman in my life...

By Rebecca SmithPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Earlier this year, I wrote my Mama a letter. I miss letters. I think they’re a skill that we are losing, and I think that’s sad. Letters are personal and let you say things that you can’t in a text, or even over the phone. My Mama is the most beautiful woman I know and she’s amazing, but she has no self-confidence and doesn’t realise how wonderful she really is. So, I’m writing this open letter, so the world has access to seeing just how much she means to me.

Dear Mama,

I’m going to be writing you a whole series of letters. It isn’t much, but I’m hoping that it’ll give you something to look forward to every week. You’ve encouraged me and inspired me for so long, and I want to start paying you back for everything you’ve done for me. You know that I love you and that you’re my favourite person in the world, but I want to explore that more. Show you how much I appreciate you and make you realise that you are bloody well incredible.

Firstly, looks really aren’t everything. Granted, this is about looks, because I figured I’d tackle one thing at a time. And seen as our most recent interaction was you commenting on your looks, we’re starting with that. But expect a lot of these, tackling all different aspects.

Please stop thinking that you’re not enough - you are.

Please stop hating your body - you’re beautiful.

Please stop comparing yourself to others - you’re your own perfect.

I understand where you’re coming from. I hate myself more than anyone else could. I’ve been bullied my whole life for being fat and ugly. I’ve been put down by family, by friends, by tutors. I had to change the career I wanted, because my face didn’t fit. I understand that you can’t see yourself through my eyes, but please try. Even if you were the ugliest person in the world to look at (which you’re not!), you have friends and family that love you no matter what. It’s only you that cares what you look like. Remember that.

You see the beauty in everyone and you never degrade someone by commenting on the way they look, so why do you do it to yourself? Like me, you’ll always be your own worst critic, but you need to stop. I know you’re not the type of woman who will love her body, but own what you’ve got. There are plenty of us that would KILL to look like you – me included! I hate that I look nothing like you. Your eyes are actually out of this world. They sparkle and are a reflection of the beauty within you. You can’t fake beautiful eyes. They’re not something you can contour or have fixed up or whatever. They are beautiful.

Now, you always comment on physical attributes about yourself. Let me tell you this now – every single physical feature is phenomenal. You’re gonna scoff or roll your eyes at this – but you’re perfect. You are your own perfect. Your own beautiful bubble of pure perfection. You really do light up any room that you walk in to and people can’t help but fall in love with the woman you are. You have so many young girls looking up to you – and they all agree that you’re stunning. They say it a lot. You have a best friend who is forever making you aware that you’re gorgeous.

Please, just take a moment to breathe and just listen to what I’ve said, and what I’ll undoubtedly say in the future. I know you’ll never really believe me, but Mama, you’re beautiful.

I love you so much.

Until the next letter, all my love,

Your Liddle One.


About the Creator

Rebecca Smith


Just be f*cking nice 🙌

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