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Madness of candy

True story about how a free cotton candy made me mad

By GroguPublished 4 months ago 3 min read
Photo: google.com

My daughter asked me to write a story about something crazy because it was a challenge. In such a case, when I finally take the plunge, I don't wonder what I could invent, but simply think back to see if I've done anything crazy in my life. Who hasn't done? Okay, but what is worth describing? Maybe one from my childhood. Let's see how it happened.

I was about 6 or 7 years old. My mother was no longer alive, so my brother, my father and I lived in poverty. We didn't starve, but candy or chocolate we got only on a holiday like Christmas when the relatives brought us some.

And it happened one day that my classmate announced that her parents had bought a cotton candy machine, and on the first day, (which was the next day) everyone who goes to them in the afternoon could get a cotton candy for free.

What a wonder? A cotton candy machine. Unbelievable! What more does a child need? And even cotton candy for free. I immediately set a goal in front of myself. I had to go there and take it even if I die. It was not far from our house, about 10 minutes on foot. The problem was that my father would have never let me leave. But the goal was so enticing. "I have to do it, I can do it, my dad doesn't need to know about it." And my plan was ready.

That day, all I had in mind was the noble goal, free cotton candy. There will never be another time like this. Maybe not even in my whole life. But what if my father comes home before me, he will kill me. I knew it was risky, and I'd been beaten up other times for something much smaller. Now I am leaving my parents' house without permission. My father will surely kill me. But cotton candy! I haven't eaten before, maybe once, I don't know. But it's free, I don't have any money, I have to leave, no matter what! I had devoured it several times in my mind that day.

And the end of the last lesson came. After that I rushed home, I remember it was a warm spring day. Very nice weather. At home, I quickly changed my clothes, in front of me only free cotton candy was already as a goal to be achieved at all cost. Come on quickly, I'll change my clothes, I'll get there in 10 minutes, I'll eat it in 5 minutes, 10 minutes back, it won't be a problem, it won't turn out, my dad won't get home by then. My plan is flawless.

I started walking towards my destination. I was in a hurry, almost running. I got there in no time and saw what I hadn't planned, at least five kids were queuing up for free cotton candy. Well, the goal was already in front of me, so I got in line. Time went by and I became more and more nervous. My classmate's mom even asked me what was wrong. All the children except me were cheerful and happy.

Finally, I reached the goal for that day. I got my free cotton candy. I quickly devoured it. I couldn't even enjoy the taste, I thanked the hosts and rushed home. The journey back home seemed like an eternity. When I finally got there, I stopped at the door in fear. Is my father already home? And if so, what do I tell him? Where was I? Why didn't I tell him? He will beat me. He will kill me. These thoughts were repeating in my mind.

Perhaps due to cotton candy in my stomach, I took courage and walked through the door. Upon entering, I greeted him loudly. "Hi Dad! I'm here!" Those seconds of silence seemed like an eternity again. No answer came. By the time I realized my father hadn't arrived home yet. A huge stone fell from my heart. The fear dissipated. I calmly sat down and waited for my father and brother to come home with a free cotton candy in my stomach. The big goal of the day is accomplished. And no one will know. It remains my secret

After almost forty years, I think if my father were alive, I would have apologized to him for doing this without his permission. But I would've also told him that his grandchildren should never be afraid to tell their dad anything. They will always have the opportunity to talk and ask questions without fear, like the other children queuing up for free cotton candy almost 40 years ago.

Written for RM Stockton's Unofficial Challenge:


About the Creator


My name is László. Father in private life, leader at work, with a few decades of life experience, but still doing mistakes. 🙂 Why I have chosen Grogu? Well I think we all have the will and power to do something good to others, like him.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  3. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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Comments (7)

  • Shirley Belkabout a month ago

    Beautiful story, Grogu!

  • Novel Allen3 months ago

    Heck, I would have done the same. Such a pity that you never got to relish the sweet taste of the cotton candy. But madness is never properly understood.

  • A tantalizing treat can truly fuel a child's courage -- and madness. Grogu (László), I love the way you have written this. You have captured the child-like enthusiasm AND fear! Great writing!

  • Farhat Naseem4 months ago

    Childhood 💕

  • This broke my heart so much. You didn't even get to properly enjoy the taste of cotton candy 🥺 I'm just so glad you're not a dad like your dad was.

  • Anna 4 months ago

    Good job!😊👏

  • Judey Kalchik 4 months ago

    It’s a shame that candy was flavored with nerves and fear. Maybe that’s why it’s stayed with you this long?!

GroguWritten by Grogu

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