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A Visit To Grandpa Christmas' House

Submitted To 'The Mystery Box' Challenge

By Marc OBrienPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
"The Final Fence: Sophomores In The Saddle" By Lithuanian/American Author/Poet Marc O'Brien, Austin Macauley, UK, LTD Publisher

For more than 24 hours, white fluffy joy floated peacefully, travelling down from frowning darken grey clouds creating a frozen snow blanket canvas that hid the pristine green pastures until warmer temperatures arrive in the spring.

Slowly waking after a long sleep Kaledy Senelis opened his eyes seeing the electronic date clock illuminate, “December 26”,

“Once again I slept through the twenty fifth,” the legendary character murmured remembering reliability of the hallway’s antique bird alert time piece fixture, “darn that modern technology alarm, didn’t go off.”

A few minutes later a chirping sound announcing another hour past, “it is two pm, man did I sleep in,”

Pushing the covers away Kaledy stood up with one black rubber boot on and the other missing displaying colorful cotton stockings,

“I pulled it off again,” he boasted, “another marathon all nighter in the books.”

Deciding to confront reality Kaledy headed into the bathroom where the mirror quietly waited,

“I have had better days,” Kaledy interpreted the reflection, “why do I do it? ‘The world in one night excursion dare’,” the mature parental figure confusingly expressed when suddenly a buzzing sound hissed outside. “What could that be? An invading army?”

Coming to grips with the situation, Kaledy left the bedroom area stumbling, his way to the front entrance. Like following a script, the wooden portal mystically opened revealing a glowing sunshine cheerful grin, spotlighting a midweek winter wonderland, featuring a gift-wrapped package.

“What is this?” A concerned Kaledy questioned, “a bomb? Perhaps?”

Turning around seeing his dog relaxing by the fire the holiday leader commanded, “Noel, go sniff that package.”

Slowly getting up stretching his legs the border collie walked over and took a whiff before heading back to the festive postcard picture setting.


Noel just peered back reporting telepathically, ‘everything good.’

“Okay if this thing blows up, then,” Kaledy paused bringing the package into the kitchen, “well I do not hear anything ticking,”

Complete silence was interrupted when the cuckoo announced the half hour and the disruption made Kaledy jump. As the ribbon loosened and decorative paper peeled away a brown box wanted to be open. Reaching inside Kaledy pulled out three candy figurines, a man, a woman, and an infant child.

“Noel you were right,” Kaledy calmly breathed, “nothing wrong,”

Noel answered with a snore cuing two young voices, “Linksmy Kaledu, Grandpa Christmas!”

Hearing this exclamation made Kaledy rush to the door and seeing two siblings wearing brand new outfits that yesterday he placed under their festive tree, the jolly individual stayed vigilant.

“And who are you two?”

“I am Suzanne, and this is my younger brother Jerry,”

“Really,” Kaledy was surprised, “and how did you get here?”

“Magija, Grandpa Christmas,” Jerry laughed,

“Actually, Mom is still in the car with the heat on,” Suzanne added,

“What can I do for you?”

“Jerry, here wanted to test the drone you delivered after hours,”

“The chocolates?” Kaledy clarified.

“Yes, Mary, Joesph, and the chosen one,” Jerry explained.

“Their chocolates, Grandpa Christmas,” Suzanne added.

Kaledy graciously told them ‘Thank you,’ while waving a message to the mother, “now you both go back and stay warm.” Following orders, the children scampered through the powderily setting and Kaledy closed the entry before heading back into the kitchen.

Sitting down the aging legend found amusement thinking, “kids using a drone to deliver presents, what will they think up next?”

Unwrapping the three characters Kaledy stared into the sweets that reminded him, ‘why he takes the physical challenge every year.’ “That is right,” he whispered pray fully, “to prove every twelve months miracles can take place, and all it needs is a little magic.”


About the Creator

Marc OBrien

Barry University graduate Marc O'Brien has returned to Florida after a 17 year author residency in Las Vegas. He will continue using fiction as a way to distribute information. Books include "The Final Fence: Sophomores In The Saddle"

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    Marc OBrienWritten by Marc OBrien

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