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3 signals that the baby is in the "surge period"

Feeding to keep up, do not delay the development of the baby

By Holy horsePublished 2 years ago 4 min read

"The three-month-old baby is difficult to bring, waking up frequently at night, every time you wake up to eat milk, do not give food to cry ......"

A mother in the mother's group complained about their baby, as the saying goes, "January sleep, February cry, March," many new parents should also have personal experience.

The baby in the month is relatively good to bring, basically eat to sleep and wakes up to continue to eat, crying is also less, but the mother is very tired, to frequently changing the baby's diapers, and feeding milk.

In the second month, the baby sleeps less and less during the day, and the time spent awake playing is getting longer and longer, plus it is a high incidence of intestinal flatulence, and the baby will cry more.

In the third month, the baby grows up a lot and will have more and more skills, when parents can not meet the baby's needs in time, they will cry and fuss.


This is the basic development pattern of 0-3 months old babies, in these 3 months, the baby will also experience several periods of the surge, in the surge period, the baby will be relatively more difficult to bring, and there may be the situation of the previous mother spit.

The baby is in the "surge period" there are 3 signals, and parents should know

The "surge period" is a period in which the baby grows and develops relatively quickly.

The rapid growth, not only needs more nutrition supply but also will bring the baby some "discomfort performance".

Signal 1: constantly want to eat milk

Because of the rapid growth, the body needs to consume more nutrients and calories, so the baby will become more food during those days, always wanting to eat milk constantly, even once an hour to eat milk.

Babies who drink formula milk also act like they want to eat after they finish their usual amount, or they want to drink milk again after a while.

Signal 2: Sleep regression

Yesterday, another mother wrote privately, "The baby is three months old, recently woke up once every two hours at night, always eats hands to eat, not cry, is the baby lack of calcium?"

In this case, it may be that the baby is in the surge period, always hungry wake up to eat milk, often wake up at night, crying, and sleep quality becomes bad.

But this is not a baby calcium deficiency, this point is also the need for new mothers to understand, do not blindly give their baby calcium supplements.

Signal three: cry more, bad mood

Babies in the surge period, not only grow appetite but also grow temper.

These days will become particularly irritable, especially when you want to eat milk can not eat or eat pain, sleep is not good, and you may cry more.

But after the surge period, the baby will become a "good baby" again, not cry more, sleep longer, and gain a lot of weight.

As babies eat milk frequently in the days of the surge period, it will make the mother's breast milk temporarily more, and even the situation of breast milk, the mother should eat the baby can not finish the part in time to squeeze out, to avoid blocking milk or mastitis.

Parents should do 5 points of "logistical assistance" when the baby is experiencing a surge

After the baby goes through the surge period, there will be changes in height, weight, movement, and neurological development.

The mother should also do a good job of "logistical support" to help the baby grow better during the days of the surge period.

① Feed your baby properly

The baby in the surge period should be nursed on demand, that is, as much as possible to meet the needs of the baby, as long as the baby wants to eat, and feed the baby.

PS: If you are exclusively breastfeeding your baby, you don't have to worry about not having enough breast milk to feed your baby during the surge period.

Because breast milk will change, when the baby needs more and sucks more often, breast milk will also increase with it and there is no need to add formula to the baby.

Since babies eat milk frequently, the mother's milk production consumption will also increase, and she will feel hungry and thirsty more easily than usual, so the mother herself should supplement food and strengthen nutrition in time to ensure the quality of breast milk.

② Get enough sleep

More growth hormones are secreted during sleep, so it is also important to make sure that your baby gets enough sleep during the surging period.

Although babies may show regression in sleep, mothers should arrange for babies to go to sleep early and create a relaxing atmosphere before bedtime so that babies can sleep soundly.

In addition, the baby's daytime naps should also be taken seriously to ensure the baby's total daily sleep time.

③ Soothing emotions

Babies who are in the surge period may become irritable due to physical discomfort.

Therefore, the mother should accompany and soothe the baby, such by hugging the baby often, playing games with the baby, etc. This can not only let the baby feel the love from the mother but also temporarily distract the baby from the discomfort.

④ Family members also help to take care of

The baby in the surge period will be very abrasive, and more difficult than usual to bring up, family members should also help to bring up the child, so that the mother more rest.

Only when the mother is well rested can she be energetic enough to take better care of her baby and ensure breastfeeding.

⑤ Stay with your baby and wait patiently

Going through a surge period is a necessary process in the growth of the baby, for the baby, it is a "small breakthrough" again and again.

A surge period generally does not last too long, mostly two or three days, some individual babies will last about a week.

In these days, parents should be patient with their baby, and try to find the most suitable "with baby mode", with the baby smoothly through these days, accompanied by the baby experiencing growth.

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About the Creator

Holy horse

There is no one who does not know the name America, the country that is on the Internet in movies and television as if it were made up by God out of thin air.

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    Holy horseWritten by Holy horse

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