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Copywriting Made Easy

By BLESSING COOL Published 2 years ago 6 min read

Have you ever wanted to write your own blog? Maybe you already have, but you don’t have the time to write regularly, or perhaps you’re not sure how to even get started. With this guide on how to write a blog post, you’ll learn everything from coming up with great ideas and structuring posts that get read all the way through sharing your finished product online so your audience can find it.

1) Brainstorm your blog topic

The best way to come up with blog topics is simply by keeping your eyes and ears open. Ideas can strike at any time and all you have to do is be ready. Keep an idea notebook with you at all times so that when an idea comes up, you can jot it down. Some ideas may seem more realistic than others, but if they are things that interest you and make sense for your blog, then go ahead and write them down! It doesn't matter if your blog post is serious or lighthearted; just as long as the topic sparks some interest for you, then it will probably spark some interest for other people too.

2) Decide on your blog format

The question of what blog format should I use is a common one. The answer is that it depends on what you're looking for. There are four main blog formats: traditional, video, image-led and listicle. Traditional blogs are made up of text with headings and subheadings and multimedia elements like images or videos. Video blogs use video as the primary medium with text used sparingly or not at all. Image-led blogs contain mostly images with minimal text. Listicle blogs consist mainly of lists which include numbered points and short paragraphs explaining each point. So choose which format suits your needs best!

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3) Research and outline your content

The first step of writing a blog post is research and outlining your content. The next steps are writing, editing, formatting and publishing. Researching the topic that you want to write about will help give you direction on what you want to say. After researching the topic, you need to organize your thoughts into an outline that details how your blog post will be structured. Then it's time for the fun part: writing! Editing is then necessary before publishing. To edit your blog post, you should read through it again and correct any grammar or spelling errors. You may also want to add new sentences or paragraphs to make sure the content flows smoothly from one point to another. Once you have edited everything, format your text by adding headings, subheadings and bold words where appropriate. Finally, publish your post on whichever blogging platform you use!

4) Write the first draft of your blog article

1. Choose your blog topic

2. Create your title

3. Open a new document, and start writing

4. Create an outline of what you will cover

5. Create an introduction that sets the stage for what is to come next

6. Offer some background on the topic that may be helpful for readers who are new to this area of expertise or unfamiliar with the issue you are discussing

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5) Create headlines that entice people to read on

1. What's in it for them?

2. How will they benefit?

3. What can they expect?

4. Who should read this blog post?

5. Why should they take action now?

6) Add formatting, images and other web design elements

One of the most important parts of running a blog is writing posts. A post can be as simple as a list, or it can go into detail about a specific topic. The key knows how to write posts that will resonate with your readers and make them want to come back for more. It takes time to build up an audience and you should always look for new ways to get people interested in what you have to say. To help you start writing some great posts, here are ten tips on what you should do:

1) Keep posts short and concise - If you're trying to put together a long narrative, break it down into smaller segments so readers can follow along without being overwhelmed by text.

2) Use images - When including photos or other graphics, choose ones that relate directly to the post topic.

3) Use headings - Start each paragraph with a heading so readers know what they're getting before they click on the link.

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7) Plan and schedule your blog post promotion strategy

Promoting your blog posts is an important and necessary part of blogging. You can promote your posts by using social media, email, or other online platforms. Here are some ways you can promote your content:

1. Send the link to a friend and ask them to share it on their social media accounts

2. Create or purchase ads on different social media sites

3. Submit your post as a guest post on other blogs that have similar audiences

4. Reach out to bloggers with similar audiences and offer to write a guest post for their blog

5. Reach out to journalists who cover topics related to yours

6. Email companies whose products you mention in your blog post

7. Share a picture from the location mentioned in the blog post on Instagram

8. Add links back to your website within the text

9. Link back to previous posts when relevant

10. Reach out to bloggers who write about topics related to yours with pitches for collaborations

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8) Proofread, edit and publish your blog article

Once you have written your blog post, be sure to proofread, edit and publish it. This might seem like an unnecessary step, but it's important for both the quality of your content and the credibility of your blog. The last thing you want is for people who visit your site to see messy writing or typos! A good rule of thumb is that if you can't read what you wrote without getting frustrated, there's a good chance others will feel the same way too. So take some time to review the post before publishing. When you're satisfied with your work, upload it to your blog with a date, title and category. Then share it on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter so that more people will read it.

9) Look at traffic statistics

If you're not getting enough traffic on your blog, it might be time to try something new. Luckily, there are tons of ways to increase traffic, and all of them don't require any special skills or extra money. You can try reposting old content, adding more SEO keywords or even joining an affiliate program for your niche. Try one or two of the tips below and see if they work for you! -Always post about trending topics that your readers would be interested in. -If you're having trouble coming up with topics to write about, look at what is trending on social media or check out Google Trends for topic ideas. -Use headlines that grab people's attention and make sure to use links throughout the post so readers know where else they can find relevant information.

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10) Add more articles

1. Brainstorm an idea for your blog post. You may find it helpful to write some ideas down so you can start narrowing them down when you're ready to write.

2. Research and plan your content, including the sections you want to include and the information you want to provide in each section (examples: intro, body, conclusion).

3. Start writing!

4. Don't be afraid to go back and make changes after you finish your first draft. Your ideas will likely change as you get further into the post.

5. Proofread your work before publishing.

6. Publish your work on a blogging platform of your choice (examples: WordPress, Tumblr).

7. Promote it on social media channels like Facebook or Twitter with links back to where it was published


There are those out there who are more talented than you in almost every category, but that might never stop you from being a successful blogger. I believe the most important thing about being a content creator for the internet is to keep producing content. You've got to keep going, because if you stop, it's likely that potential followers will move on as well. You've put your toe in the water, now go ahead and plunge in deeper! You might not be the best at what you do, but that doesn't mean that you can't learn. There are tons of people out there who know more than you do, and they're willing to share their knowledge with anyone who asks. So go ahead and ask questions, read books on the subject (and maybe even write one yourself), listen to podcasts on your way to work.

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