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Daily Diet Routine of Takishi Mamika the Incredible 92-Year-Old Fitness Instructor from Japan

By Muhammad Afzal ZauqPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Daily Diet Routine of Takishi Mamika the Incredible 92-Year-Old Fitness Instructor from Japan

Takishi Mamika at the age of 92 is Japan's oldest fitness instructor who continues to lead an active lifestyle. Her dedication and passion for fitness make her an inspiration to people of all ages. Many wonder how she manages to maintain her health and energy at such an advanced age. In this article we will dive into Takishi Mamika's diet and discover the daily foods that fuel her remarkable vitality.

Takishi Mamika begins her day by waking up before 4 am, a habit that contributes to her disciplined lifestyle. Upon rising, she drinks a glass of water to hydrate her body. Soon after she embarks on her exercise routine which includes a brisk walk of four kilometers followed by a three-kilometer jog in the opposite direction. She then walks an additional kilometer completing a rigorous two-hour workout. This remarkable dedication sets the tone for the rest of her day providing her with a boost of energy and mental clarity. At around 7 am, Takishi Mamika enjoys a well-balanced breakfast carefully designed to provide her with essential nutrients and sustain her energy levels throughout the day. Her breakfast includes several noteworthy components that contribute to her overall health. A prominent item in her diet is natto, a traditional Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans. Although its slimy and sticky texture may surprise newcomers, natto offers numerous nutritional benefits. A 100-gram portion of natto contains high levels of manganese, iron, magnesium, zinc, vitamin K, calcium, potassium, selenium and other vital nutrients. Furthermore, natto is rich in probiotics which promote a healthy digestive system and enhance nutrient absorption. Contrary to popular belief, obtaining natto is not as difficult as it may seem. It can be easily made at home using soybeans and fermented soybean powder. The fermenting process can be initiated using a yogurt maker or alternatively, ready-made natto can be purchased from Japanese food stores. By incorporating natto into her breakfast, Takishi Mamika ensures she starts her day with a nutritious and probiotic-rich meal. Alongside natto, she includes yogurt in her breakfast. Yogurt is known for its calcium content which is essential for maintaining healthy teeth and bones. It is also a good source of B vitamins, particularly vitamin B12 and riboflavin both of which have been linked to heart health and neural tube defect prevention. Additionally, yogurt provides phosphorus, magnesium and potassium all of which play important roles in various biological processes such as blood pressure regulation, metabolism and bone health. She particularly enjoys yogurt with honey as it complements the taste of natto and adds a touch of natural sweetness to her breakfast. Another notable component of her breakfast is a refreshing salad. She combines fresh lettuce, in-season broccoli, tomatoes and lean ham cooked without oil in a pan. This salad offers a balance of fiber, vitamins and protein providing a satisfying and nutritious start to the day. Takishi Mamika includes a traditional Japanese pickle called tukmano in her breakfast spread. Tukmano refers to household pickles that are fermented using a mixture of roasted rice bran, salt and kelp seaweed (known as "kombu" in Japanese). Vegetables are immersed in the mixture and allowed to cure for varying durations resulting in crisp, salty and tangy pickles. Tukmano pickles, rich in lactobacillus, aid in digestion and contribute to gut health. There are numerous recipes available for making vegetable preserves at home providing an opportunity to create probiotic-rich additions to enhance one's overall well-being. Apart from her dedicated exercise routine in the morning she incorporates physical activity into her daily life. Even while watching TV or resting at home, she ensures she remains active. She maintains proper posture by sitting with her back straight and her stomach drawn in. Additionally, she frequently walks around the house on tiptoe, further engaging her muscles and promoting circulation. These simple yet effective practices contribute to her overall fitness and vitality.

Takishi Mamika understands the importance of a light and nutritious lunch to avoid feeling sluggish and tired throughout the day. Her lunch consists of simple yet nourishing elements that provide the necessary nutrients without weighing her down. For lunch, Takishi Mamika enjoys the simplicity and health benefits of consuming a single banana. Bananas are known for their potassium content which aids in managing blood pressure by facilitating the excretion of excess sodium from the body. Additionally, bananas serve as a source of prebiotics which support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. This makes them an ideal complement to Takishi Mamika's probiotic-rich breakfast such as natto and yogurt. To further support her gut health, she includes a probiotic drink called Yakult in her lunch. Yakult is a Japanese sweetened milk beverage fermented with the lactic acid bacteria strain Lactobacillus casei Shirota. This probiotic drink provides beneficial bacteria to the gut aiding in digestion and promoting overall gut health. By consuming Yakult along with her potassium-rich banana, she ensures a balanced and nourishing lunch. If you are concerned about blood sugar levels, it's worth noting that less ripe bananas can be consumed as an alternative. This way you can still enjoy the benefits of potassium without causing a significant spike in blood sugar.

After a long day of teaching fitness classes, Takishi Mamika understands the importance of providing her body with a balanced and wholesome dinner. Her typical dinner consists of various elements that combine to create a nutritious and satisfying meal. She includes lean protein sources such as fish and chicken in her dinner. Fish such as salmon, is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids which are known for their heart-healthy properties and anti-inflammatory effects. Chicken thigh curry with carrots is another protein-rich dish that provides the necessary building blocks for muscle repair and growth. By incorporating lean proteins into her dinner, she ensures that she maintains her muscle mass while supporting her overall health and well-being. In addition to lean proteins, Takishi Mamika includes tofu, boiled spinach and Korean kimchi in her dinner. Tofu, a plant-based protein source contains all nine essential amino acids and is rich in calcium, iron and other important nutrients. Boiled spinach on the other hand is packed with vitamins A and C as well as iron making it a nutritious addition to the meal. Korean kimchi a fermented food not only adds flavor but also provides probiotics that support healthy digestion. The spice of kimchi pairs well with the fish and adds an extra kick to the dinner. To complete her dinner, Takishi Mamika enjoys a lettuce salad with tomatoes and chicken without any dressing. This refreshing salad adds freshness and crunch to the meal while the tomatoes provide essential vitamins and minerals. The chicken contributes to the protein content of the dinner without adding unnecessary fat or calories through dressings. Additionally Takishi Mamika includes miso soup and beans in her dinner further enhancing the nutritional value of the meal. Miso soup made from fermented soybeans is rich in probiotics and provides a comforting and nourishing element to the dinner. The addition of beans along with rachio pickled Japanese scallion offers fiber and additional nutrients to support overall health. By carefully selecting a variety of ingredients and incorporating them into her dinner, Takishi Mamika ensures she provides her body with the necessary nutrients to stay healthy and energized. Her balanced approach to dinner helps her recover from her physical activities and prepares her for the next day's challenges.


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    MAZWritten by Muhammad Afzal Zauq

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