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What If the World Lost Oxygen for 60 Seconds

There Will Be Damage Or Not?

By Amine OubihPublished 2 months ago 4 min read
What If the World Lost Oxygen for 60 Seconds
Photo by Mockup Graphics on Unsplash

The Day the World Lost Oxygen: Alien Scenario A and Alien Scenario B

Let us embrace ourselves and visualize every day in the morning, the familiar path along the street, when suddenly, our world around us starts to collapse. One building topples after another forming a pile of brick dust as if a house of cards was dropped, the sky is no longer impressive and livens but instead is ominous dark dulling, and the burning sensation literally is like breathing fire. This is the the all-out-apocalyptic end of the human race? The first thing you perceive is a quiz question. You struggle with the words trying to answer but suddenly, you are no longer there, you are gone with all the existence. Such a spooky scenario suggests what would be happening on Earth in the case of oxygen depletion for a minute and it does this perfectly.

There are two polarization that could be reveal if oxygen suddenly be gone from earth, either through a quick, violent eradication or a slow, degenerative melting by the flames. The effect of all oxygen on the planet, including that which lives in the rocks, were given, it will only take Earth a short time to die. Nevertheless, should that be the case only with the Earth’s atmosphere oxygen, this would be the fair outcome since it could still sustain human life with little turbulence.

Scenario 1: Earth’s Atmosphere Undergoes an Unsettling Change: it Completely and Permanently Loses All Oxygen.

The destructive cycle of lost oxygen will be the trigger of the destructive chaos. And it begins, one second passing, and the sky’s rule-of-thumb blue color slightly changes, and it’s field day for the monsters from my nightmares. Pressure variations cause huge injuries to bodies, from busted ear drums and burst blood vessels to drag bones and nerve through the hell that the journey is. People are coughing and gasping for air, which sounds like a desperate sigh that will never become a breath in this suffocating space.

In just 3 seconds, panic frenzy envelops everyone as truth seeps into their skin…they now know they are screwed. The engines of the taxis gasp for air, which was supposed to be swiftly pumped into a busy metropolis, now sound nowhere. Flames would die out, because basically oxygen- starved fires tried to breath their last and then a terrible freezing would spread in the area.

At 10 seconds, the world becomes an absurd dystopia. Cars roll to a stop and their engines cannot ignite without oxygen. Airplanes that were flying drop from the sky because their engines stall, creating fear wherever they crash.

A minute later — as mysteriously as it vanished — oxygen reappears. The first breaths of life-sustaining air are drawn, and an audible collective exhale reverberates across the globe. But the devastation has left its mark on reality itself; a chilling reminder of how fragile we are.

Scenario 2: All Oxygen Instantly Vanishes

In this terrifying scenario, instantaneous annihilation follows loss of oxygen. Within seconds life disintegrates into atomic mist blanketing a barren wasteland. Oceans boil dry in a tumultuous hiss sucking vibrant liquid out of existence leaving behind only vaporized voids. Buildings crumble to dust – monuments to human intellectuality now failed by foundations deprived from bonding with essential elements that hold them up together – eternally haunted by this history which they can never forget since it is not part of their programming anyway!

By the third second, disorder increases as the planet screams out in pain. Sirens are going off in nuclear power plants but no one can hear them over everything being destroyed. The cores of these facilities blow up when they run out of coolant, releasing floods of radiation into a world that was already destroyed.

Ten seconds later, and the earth is on its last legs. Reality keeps coming apart more completely every second until it’s like there’s nothing left except a creepy diorama filled with ruins. But somewhere in the middle of all this mess, hope springs up.

After thirty seconds have gone by since this all started happening, there is no noise at all anywhere on earth. The streets are empty and quiet where they used to be crowded and loud with life; people aren’t dying from lack of oxygen fast enough to keep pace with how quickly they were being born before everything went wrong; but still there is hope.

And then another thirty seconds pass–sixty seconds total–and as if some trickster god were mediating this contest between humanity’s hubris and humility, air comes back into space around us like normal again! We breathe deep for first time in what feels like forever while we let out big collective breath: Aaaaahhhhhh! Thank goodness! Because even though we can now start rebuilding things right away thanks to our new unlimited supply of breathable atmosphere (yay!) there will always be those nasty scabs left over from when bad stuff happened so close together back-to-back – it’s gonna take a while for us forget about those…

AdvocacySustainabilityshort storyScienceNatureHumanityClimate

About the Creator

Amine Oubih

🌟Amine Oubih🌟

📝 Writer | 🎨 Creative | 🌍 Explorer

Hello,I am a traveler and writer. Whether It's Real Or Fiction, I always find something interesting to write about, and I use this content to spark the desire to learn more in readers.

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Comments (1)

  • Alex H Mittelman 2 months ago

    Very interesting! ❤️💙💜♥️

Amine OubihWritten by Amine Oubih

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