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Scientists Discover Planets to Survive After Earth Dies

There Is Alternatives To Earth?

By Amine OubihPublished 2 months ago 4 min read
Scientists Discover Planets to Survive After Earth Dies
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

The planet is not doing too well. If humans do not come up with alternative plans soon, we might be next. It's a sobering reality that compels us to ask: Where are we going to be crammed when we are not here? Would there be planets even beyond our planet called Earth which are more suitable to human life ?Then will we make it in a crunch time – what are the chances to use technological tools to transform our closest planets?Now, that we realize this, we have to act quickly, otherwise we all will be in a real mess here in the universe!

To begin our frantic search for a planet more livedable than our own planet Earth, we should be first aware of the known conditions or factors which make a planet habitable. What is the reason for Earth, with its celestial companions shining in the sky, to be such a paradise for life while its planetary neighbors, like Mars or Venus, aren’t?Per NASA, habitable earths are those where life can survive for a long period time. May sound strange, however, how does it work, so that a planet does support life?

Life, as far as we can imagine, consists of liquid water as a source of energy and nutrition. Hence, the criteria for inhabiting a planet is that it should comply with all these three conditions. Apart from that, it should be distantly close to its star to be warm, but not too hot, its gravity should also be similar to Earth's, and along with that liquid water may also exist there.

Similar to Earth, Venus and Mars enlightens what is the difference between the survival and death of a planet. The extreme conditions on Venus which have scorching surface temperature of about 450 degrees Celsius and Mars's frigid -50 degrees Celsius make them liveproof conditions. While Venus is very unsuitable for life because of the temperature ranging from 464°C to 220°C, our planet has stable climate and temperature and for such a long period of time many animals and plants develop on it.

Our planet carries many factors that are known to support life. It is relatively stable in terms of rotation, magnetic field strength, and ozone layer that protect life from harmful radiations. Moreover, they have their sun—a yellow dwarf—which is also stable, thereby giving them a reliable source of power. Jupiter, as the largest planet in our solar system, also plays a crucial role by catching asteroids and comets, hence keeping them from colliding with Earth.

Nevertheless, outside our own Solar System lie other planets which come up as a contender in the contest that is the search for habitability. These are called superhabitable planets—other planets in our solar system which may or may not be habitable, but is speculated to be capable of sustaining life even better than our Earth. Known to researchers at Washington State University in 2020 and can adjust our boundary of habitability.

Temperature-wise superhabitable planets are older and larger, and likely also wetter than the Earth. They could be orbiting around stars that are older than the sun and therefore are more long-lived. These planets provide conditions needed to sustain more different species.

Nevertheless, locating Superhabitable Planets is not a trivial pursuit. Data collectors use planet-star systems with small, terrestrial planets located within the habitable zone to carry out their research. These planets, taken from Kepler Object of Interest list, provide insight about possible harbors of life besides Earth.

Numerous of those exoplanets revolve around the G Stars similar to are sun; however, there are others which revolve around K Stars that are cooler and less luminous than the G Stars. K dwarfs stars have significantly longer lifetimes, considering that the surrounding planets may exist in their habitability zones for a much longer span compared to other star types.

Of the 24 supersunshine planets that make the list, KOI 5715. 01 is remarkable because it is a young object, big enough, and most of all, likely fit for life to grow. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel — we can reach these planets only in 100 years, when we will develop our technology. Special laboratories , such as the James Webb Space Telescope, ,are great tools for exploring more the way of the distant planets.

Though, Superhabitable Planets may be a fresh new home, searching for a space is not just about discovering these planets. There’s terraforming (the process of making other planets as Earth-like as possible) and everyone (scientists or sci-fi lovers) is fascinated by this. Mars and Venus rank as those planets that merit the further exploration concerning the terraforming mission.

Mars in the past, had a very erudite atmosphere with running water but now, it lacks its good old magnetic field thus, the atmosphere was etched away. Mars' atmosphere has been thin and hostile from the get-go. The problem of making a magnet to shield against solar winds is the current challenge.

Then there is Venus, which has a gravitational pull nearly as strong as Earth’s, and an atmospheric pressure that is arguably more precisely earth-like. Suggested terraforming technologies include the construction of cities afloat in the clouds over the impurous atmosphere, cleaning up the air so humans can breathe. The amount of work may seem too much to attain, but everything depends on consistent ambition and technology breakthroughs.

The search for other habitable planets and the fantasy of transforming old worlds into a hospitable place beyond the Earth opens up the horizon for a whole new territory. If we find Superhabitable Planets or change an inhospitable worlds into suitable one for living, we show how we are able to find our second home which demonstrates adaptability of human beings as they strive to cope in the universe. Humans reflect their resourcefulness in overcoming extra misfortunes. Through discovering more and more secrets hidden out in the space, we may very well get the clues we want, so that we can safely expand our species and continue to live beyond the border of our original scope.

Sustainabilityshort storyScienceNatureHumanityClimateAdvocacy

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Amine Oubih

🌟Amine Oubih🌟

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Hello,I am a traveler and writer. Whether It's Real Or Fiction, I always find something interesting to write about, and I use this content to spark the desire to learn more in readers.

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    Amine OubihWritten by Amine Oubih

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