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Chapter 1 of What If? A Rose And Flame Novel Rewrite.

By Louise Blake-Michael (Risen Phoenix)Published 12 months ago 6 min read

Remembering the life that I led the controlling asshole who took everything from me. I don’t know what I will do with all this, it feels like nothing really mattered just getting out of there. All of my dreams had come true like the blink of an eye, writing my memoirs is what started it all. Finding the courage to leave Logan County, Florida. It wasn’t until Uncle Elijah died the many years of therapy that would follow me all the days of my life.

I emailed my fiance letting him know what had happened. I would be delayed for my visit to Saint Lucia.

I didn’t want to plan Uncle Elijah’s funeral, but no one was willing to partake in as little special activity.

It took every ounce of my strength when I viewed his corpse to not spit on him. I had a strong dislike for this man. It feels like the devil himself has Elijah and they can have him.

I saw his brother Adrian in the distance when the burial happened. His menacing flare for hate made me shiver. This guy really gave me the creeps.

I stared at his grave, nodding my head for them to lower him inside. Elijah and Adrian were identical twisted twins if one wasn’t tormenting the other was assaulting me.

After the funeral Elijah’s attorney walks over to me handing me a cashier’s check my uncle instructed him to give me personally.

“Hey Kid, I’m sorry about your uncle passing, he was a good man.” Anthony spoke his condolences.

I received a lot of these kind words. No one really knew what this man was like. They treated him to be Mother Teresa.

“Thank you, it’s very troubling sir.”

He gives me a one arm hug from the side.

“Your Uncle wanted me to give this to you personally.” He said while he reached in his blazer to hand me this white envelope.

I open it, pulling it out, I gasp and look up at him.

“Is this a mistake?”

“No Emma, he wanted me to hand this to you in person. He said he wanted you to have this and to say he was sorry.”

Hush money, should I accept this. Or should I do some good with it?

I cover my mouth with the shock and disbelief on my face. If only I could see this somehow from the outside, I would probably laugh at myself.

“Emma, one more thing before you go, since this is an inheritance you don’t have to worry about paying taxes on this check.” said Anthony.

I nod my head, turning around and looking up to see Adrian had disappeared.

“What the fuck am I going to do with five hundred million dollars?” I pondered.

That indeed is the million dollar question.

My abuser is dead, my tormentor is still alive, what more can I ask for? You're halfway to freedom there is no way he can find you where you're going. I needed time to think of my next move today. This is just too much right now.

As I walked away from this situation, the first thing I had done was book a hotel stay. My feelings are numb right now. I received text message after another from Peter unsure of what to say. I laid in bed and my mental state felt nonexistent. I just wasn’t sure of what to think.

Then he starts to call me, the panic in how I felt right now is unwavering.

I reach for my phone unsure of what to say, my words shake, “hhelllo.”

“What’s wrong, love?” Peter’s voice is full of worry and concern.

I swallow and there is dryness in my throat. You know the feeling when you are about to cry and it’s like the tears are about to come but they don’t.

“I don’t know what to say right now, I was left with the responsibility with organising his funeral. That was bad enough, the inheritance is a whole different ball game. I never asked for this at all, Pete. I don’t know why he gave me this.” I ramble nervously unsure of what to say. So I pulled words out of my ass trying to comprehend everything.

He takes a deep breath, “How much is the inheritance?”

“Why does the amount matter?” My mind cries out, the struggle to keep things together.

I look down, lifting myself up from the hotel bed, “five mill.”

The shock in his voice as he says this, “five million dollars?!”

“Yeah, I don’t know what to do with it, it’s in the form of a cashier's check.”

“Deposit it, in your bank account Em, you deserve that money.” His voice admint.

As I look down ashamed at everything I went through, “Ya okay.”

“What's stopping you from coming to visit me now?” His words were slightly aggressive yet exciting at the same time.

I start to feel unsure of what to really say, “Nothing, I just need a few weeks to figure stuff out.”

“What’s there to figure out Emma you're free from the bloody bastard coming visit me so we can get married.” Now he starts to lose his patience.

“I’m coming, just give me just two weeks.”

“If you don’t come here right now Emma I will break up with you, I can’t keep doing this, it's too hard for me.”

“Are you giving me an ultimatum?”

As if the shock of losing the only person who made my life a living hell wasn’t enough. My fiance decides to give me an ultimatum, thinking I wasn’t going to be visiting him so we can start our lives together. This day just keeps getting better and better.

“Yes, I suppose I am. I just can’t keep doing this anymore. If you don’t come, I will break up with you.” He sounded defeated right now.

I let out a deep sigh, “Then maybe you should break up with me. I just needed two fucking weeks. What have I been through today? Of course you don’t, because you don’t care, you just had to give me an ultimatum.”

“Emma I–.” Peter stutters.

“No, you couldn’t even give me that. You just couldn't do that for me.”

“Emma, please– I.” He keeps stuttering.

“Nope, Pete, if you want to give me the ultimatum do it. Just end the four years we have been together everything we have been through. When you left Jasmine, when we found each other. You’re going to throw it all away.” Tears roll down my cheeks as I speak to him.

I could feel as if my heart had been broken in half. Nothing made sense anymore. I felt like the four years of torment, the abuse, everything had been for nothing. The money nothing made sense, what’s the point of having it if I couldn’t have him too. Peter is my family, my best friend, he was to be my husband.

“I’ve done this three times before, no one ever came. I can’t afford a green card, I can’t afford any of it, not the way you can. I don’t care about your money, Emma. I never did, I just want you. You have the ability to come so we can be together, you are going to throw all that away for two weeks when I could help you throw this.” He didn’t want to break up with me. I could tell this, but I could also tell he is hanging by a thread and I wasn’t anywhere near him.

“Bloody fucking hell, hold on it right now. You want me to come to see you so bad, are you ready to deal with a broken spirit? Are you ready to deal with my troubles? Probably have to deal with nightmares of biblical means.” I connect to my laptop, and book a flight to Saint Lucia.

“What are you doing, Em?” He sounded unsure now himself.

“I just booked a one way ticket for tomorrow, you can stick that ultimatum up your ass Peter and don’t you ever do that to me again ever. If you do I will never forgive you for this.” As the tears roll down my cheeks I send him the itinerary flight schedule.

“Emma, I’m sorry I did that to you.” He sounded so sincere, and troubled by his regretful words.

“Just don’t, you will see me in two days time, are you okay with that?” I was beyond mortified, and scarred for life.

His words would never leave my mind. I will always remember his ultimatum for the rest of my life.

“Yes, ma’am I’m okay with that.” His voice sounded so defeated.

Mine, however, was broken.

DialogueManuscriptFictionFeedback Requested

About the Creator

Louise Blake-Michael (Risen Phoenix)

LouLou maintains a boundary between her professional endeavors and personal life. She wears many hats as an author, blogger, and content creator. In various projects, each one a testament to her dedication and passion for storytelling.

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Comments (1)

  • Kenneth Lawson12 months ago

    Over all not bad. But the Openieng line feels like it's missing a word; Remembering the life that I led the controlling asshole who took everything from me. I think it needs a And, Remembering the life that I led and the controlling asshole who took everything from me.

Louise Blake-Michael (Risen Phoenix)Written by Louise Blake-Michael (Risen Phoenix)

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