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- Victims Too -

The Phone Stopped Ringing

By Jay KantorPublished 11 months ago Updated 11 months ago 4 min read
Top Story - August 2023
Original Oil Painting © Terrilynn Cook

Author © Jay Kantor


-They Just Didn't Know-

Out of respect for families that are "Victims Too"

So many families have lifetime memories of not being able to say our GoodByes. This bond between survivors that such tragedies build - I'm so sorry for your loss - Please reach out and show them that you care. Oftentimes the lack of human empathy is the cruelest behavior, and it never goes unnoticed. The focus of this 'Tell-Tale' is how one may be treated by family and friends after a horror that only compounds the tragedy for all the subsequent years.

This was written with assistance and blessings from fellow Author Professor Doc Sherwood and following a discussion with our Vocal Pastor Randy. So many have asked over the years, I would like to tell it now, please delete if you may find this to be offensive.

SHE ~ was supposed to meet me at the wedding of a client since she was the Supervising RN at the Dialysis Unit and needed to complete her shift. I kept calling home and the phone was constantly busy. Out of frustration a friend came with and we left the huge wedding venue and sped home.

I hopped-up our 27 Zig-Zag Brick Steps to see what was happening and why she wasn't at the wedding venue. As I ran into the door I heard barking-whimpering from Lola & Libby, our two Corgis, coming from the closed guest bathroom door just off of the entry; I opened it and they came running into me. I called out for Rita Louise with no answer, then went into the bedroom and she was lying there, supine-naked and white-cold like a china doll - couldn't believe my eyes - even the dogs stood back frightened of my screams.

My friend was following me in - I then instinctively covered Rita Louise up with the Pink Bathrobe lying next to her that I gave her for x-mas; a reaction to protect her modesty? The Police had a field-day as to WHY I did this. It even came out heavily in Keith Green's trial, the co-worker charged with her murder. Everyone knew he was constantly bugging her, including her patients. She always told me, "I'm a big-girl and I can handle him myself." It took the Detectives years to DNA test him, simply saying, Quote: "We really did drop the ball on this one." Especially after the attention of viewing an America Most Wanted reenactment T.V. episode of this dwindled down.

My friend dialed 911 Immediately. I was in so much shock he literally carried me out of there. Detectives took me 'Handcuffed' in their squad car to headquarters. After stripping me of my Groomsmen's Tuxedo and putting me into an orange paper jumpsuit they began relentless interrogations. My Attorney kept saying "JB, the Cops are not your friend, they are trying to trip-you-up, it's always the boyfriend or husband being the person of interest." After Failing (inconclusive) two Polygraphs and enduring days of grueling questioning, along with carrying out bags of 'evidence' from our home they said, "one more 'Fail' and I'm going to Jail."

Adding to this overwhelming frustration. As a 'person of interest' nothing was ever disclosed to me about the investigation – nothing – The Therapist said that I was a "Victim Too" and I vehemently denied it at the time.

After (2) trials (2) years of 'No-Bond' lockup and DNA match with claims of consensual sex Green pled and got a lighter sentence of 17 Years. After his sentence our Nephew went to the 'Impact Statement' podium and mocked how 'Consensual Sex' could be 'pled-to' after 41 stab wounds.

So unimaginable his family was tossing footballs in the corridor and giggling in the courthouse; amused by all of it? The Judge asked them to leave if they couldn't control themselves. But, knowing Rita Louise, she would have just punched them in the nose for such blatant disrespect! You can't imagine how I'd go to sleep every night wanting to blow his face off; still do!

After this was all publicized many relatives-friends said to me, verbatim, statements that I will never forget. Quote: "JB, I'm so glad to hear that you're not a murderer." Surely, they thought this to be a 'compliment' never knowing what to say. But it will never stop resonating with me - it Killed my Spirit.

Dear Virtual Family: Of course we all have been accused of something in which you may have not done in our lives from the smallest of issues - it can be devastating.

Sometimes it defies explanation and every effort to explain yourself only makes things worse. These life's episodes are best just left behind, since they may never be accepted for whatever reasons, this might be why so many tragic stories are left untold. Admittedly the intensely varied reactions that I've received from people knowing this has silenced me for years. This is so personal yet so universal among 'victims-too' all over the world. There are so many versions of their personal tragedies - I stand up for them as well -

— I Stand with Respect —

Jay Kantor, Chatsworth, California

'Senior' Vocal Author - Vocal Author Community -


About the Creator

Jay Kantor

Retired: Write for "The Kids Someday"

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Comments (46)

  • Lacy Loar-Gruenler5 months ago

    Oh, my God, Jay. I am crying for you both, literally, as I read this. What a horrible thing to happen, and then to be suspected had to double the nightmare. You advocate for all the victims too shellshocked to tell their stories, and that shows your tremendous grace and generosity. I know I would have thought up every horrid way to kill Green, but that wouldn't have accomplished anything positive, so I am glad you didn't blow his face off. But I am hoping he is still in prison and miserable or if he is out that karma has dealt what he deserves. Rita Louise sounds like she embraced life, and she surely had a good man in you. My husband was also a supervising RN before he retired. I am just so, so, sorry you didn't get to be retired with Rita Louise. Keep writing; it's cathartic and you're damn good at it!

  • Caroline Jane6 months ago

    Holy shit Jay. I have no words. I am so very very sorry this happened. How you keep your humour is astonishing. Truly. For what little it is worth you have my love. ❤️

  • PJ Watts7 months ago

    This is such a profoundly horrific experience, Jay. It must have taken so much courage to write it. Thank you for sharing.

  • Babs Iverson7 months ago

    Jay, so sorry that you were a victim and proud of you for standing up for others who's tragedies aren't told because they have been humiliated & persecuted. Sending positive vibes & virtual hugs!!!

  • Healty Life8 months ago

    love your work, I am trying to improve my work as welll, I would really be thankfull if you could read mine give me some feedback on how can i improve my writing.

  • So very sorry to read the unimaginable tragedy you have lived through… praying you have supportive family and friends. Especially impressive that you’re helping support others with your ‘puppy therapy’.

  • Judey Kalchik 9 months ago

    Oh Jay- I came here to take on the spammer. Then came back to read this. I am heartsick for you and even more incensed at their disrespect to peddle their AI dreck on your pain. Love to you my friend

  • hamzeh Habas9 months ago

    Obstacles and setbacks always face us in the journey of life, but strength comes from rising from every setback, and the will increases to reach your goal and achieve your dream.

  • Test9 months ago

    Dear J-bud, This is horrific. I am so deeply sorry that you had to deal with all of that, people are infinitely stupid. First, having to deal with the awful loss of a loved one, then the idiocy of the police and on top of that people you cared about saying such insensitive things. My heart is with you. So brave to share and I hope that you are surrounded by people who support and love you with sensitivity 🤍

  • Shirley Belk9 months ago

    I know it must have taken a lot for you to write this story. You are very brave and I'm sure it will be a healing balm to those who have walked this journey, too.

  • Rachel Deeming9 months ago

    Jay, this is just awful, a terrible story with so many layers of loss it is unfathomable. I can't begin to imagine how you have managed to move on from this. I hope you've found it cathartic to open up on here. And I am positive that Rita Louise would approve. I hope that you still have folks on whom you can rely too. Powerful stuff. Good on you for sharing.

  • Paul Levinson10 months ago

    A sobering, powerful story. You should expand this into a book!

  • Hannah Moore11 months ago

    This must be just awful. Hopefully aspects of it less so over the years.

  • Pius Junior 11 months ago

    Excellent and uplifting

  • Congratulations on a Deserved Top Story💯💖🎉✨👍✨👌📝❤️😉Thanks for sharing🥹

  • I never knew.... and I apologize .... truly .... the life experiences and trauma you have endured and openly, bravely share with your virtual readers/friends/audience ... humbles me ... thank you ... I have always believed there are stories behind stories and though sometimes similar, even if only in small details, which is where we find our commonalities, all are unique to individual person and circumstance ... your story has given me an enlightened perspective of tragedy and those left in its' wake ...

  • I did read this story Jay. I hearted it. I didn't leave a comment because it hit too close to home for me. I did time for a crime that I did not feel in my heart of hearts was a crime. I did 8 months in jail for that and it ruined my life and my career. I lost everything, my home, my things, and yes like you say, my spirit. You are right with the moral of your story; However, it is very hard for those of us (victims too) to talk about it once we've survived it and we are trying to move on.

  • Nitu Gupta11 months ago

    Congratulation on top story 👏 Please share and support my story 🙏

  • Cathy holmes11 months ago

    Omg. I'm speechless. I am so sorry for all you've been through and have the upmost respect for you for sharing this incredible story. 🙏

  • Jay Kantor (Author)11 months ago

    Posted from my bff in San Francisco: "JB, As a lifelong friend, it was both difficult and painful to read about the events surrounding Rita Louise’s murder. Perhaps even more painful for me is the fact that you needed to keep this bottled up inside all these years. Clearly, you are a "Victim, Too.” Upon reflection, I’m also amazingly proud of you… and the fact that you mustered the courage to share with me (and others) the immeasurable pain and personal wounds you've carried all these years. Your story is amazing, and I truly believe an important and absolutely necessary phase of “healing” for many as it has finally begun for you…!!! Guy"

  • Kristen Balyeat11 months ago

    Jay- I am so sorry for your tragic loss, and for all you have endured. A nightmare I cannot even fathom. Thank you for your bravery in sharing your story with us! My heart aches for you, a tragedy so deeply ingrained in your mind, emotions, heart, soul. Sending a deep well of love and support your way! 💫💞

  • Lana V Lynx11 months ago

    This definitely deserved a Top Story, and I'm glad it made it.

  • Nina Yates11 months ago

    Your narrative doesn't offend me at all. Thank goodness Keith was eventually found. I cannot imagine going thru what you did. Intimate Partner Homicide ruins lives of the 3:5 who are innocent... It also shocks and confuses friends & family in outer orbits.

  • Margaret Brennan11 months ago

    I think for the first time in my life, I'm speechless. This was truly an amazing piece of writing. I am so looking forward to reading more of your work. You are, no doubt, an amazing writer.

  • Lamar Wiggins11 months ago

    Wow! JBud, I'm speechless. I'm so amazed at the outpouring of support from the community. Thank you for the bravery you've displayed here.Truly, Thank you...LBud

Jay KantorWritten by Jay Kantor

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