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Unsolved Crime Mystery of Rajiv Gandhi

Why was Rajiv killed?

By DoneyPublished 7 months ago 3 min read
Unsolved Crime Mystery of Rajiv Gandhi
Photo by David von Diemar on Unsplash

The assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India, in Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, on May 21, 1991, shocked the nation and the world. The mastermind behind this heinous act was the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), a militant organization from Sri Lanka. The LTTE, also known as the Tamil Tigers, was a separatist group in Sri Lanka that sought to create an independent Tamil state in the northern and eastern parts of the country. The group was notorious for its suicide bombings and was, in fact, one of the first organizations to use suicide bombers in large numbers.

Rajiv Gandhi was targeted by the LTTE due to his decision to send the Indian Peacekeeping Force (IPKF) to Sri Lanka in 1987. The IPKF was supposed to ensure that the peace agreement signed between the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil Tigers was adhered to. However, the IPKF ended up getting involved in combat operations against the LTTE, which led to a significant loss of life.

The assassination was carried out by Thenmozhi Rajaratnam, also known as Dhanu. She approached Gandhi in a public meeting, greeted him with a garland, and then detonated a belt laden with 700 grams of RDX explosives. The blast killed Gandhi instantly and also claimed the lives of 14 other people.

The assassination had far-reaching implications. It marked the end of Rajiv Gandhi's political career and led to a significant shift in India's foreign policy. It also resulted in a crackdown on the LTTE by the Indian government, which played a role in the eventual downfall of the group in 2009. The assassination of Rajiv Gandhi is still remembered as one of the darkest days in Indian history.

The LTTE was known for its ruthless tactics and had a history of carrying out suicide bombings. The assassination of Rajiv Gandhi was one such instance. The female suicide bomber, Thenmozhi Rajaratnam, also known as Dhanu, was part of the LTTE's Black Tigers, an elite unit specializing in suicide bombings.

Rajiv Gandhi was campaigning for the upcoming elections when the incident occurred. Dhanu approached him in the guise of a supporter, bent down as if to touch his feet in a traditional Indian gesture of respect, and detonated the explosive-laden belt she was wearing.

The aftermath of the incident was chaotic. Rajiv Gandhi and many others were killed instantly. The LTTE's involvement came to light after an extensive investigation by the Special Investigating Team (SIT) of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

The assassination had far-reaching consequences. It led to a crackdown on the LTTE and other militant organizations in India. The incident also played a significant role in shaping India's foreign policy towards Sri Lanka and its stance on global terrorism. The tragic event prompted India to reevaluate its approach to dealing with militant organizations, resulting in the formulation of stricter anti-terrorism laws and policies.

The LTTE's brutal assassination of Rajiv Gandhi marked a significant shift in the tactics used by militant organizations. The use of a female suicide bomber was a relatively new phenomenon at the time, reflecting the LTTE's strategic innovation in its violent campaign. This incident highlighted the group's willingness to exploit societal norms and expectations to further its cause.

In the political arena, Rajiv Gandhi's assassination had a profound impact. It led to a period of political instability and a power vacuum in the Indian National Congress, the party that Gandhi led. The shock and grief that followed his death resulted in a wave of sympathy votes for the Congress in the subsequent elections, ultimately leading to the party's victory.

The assassination also had a significant impact on the peace process in Sri Lanka. It marked the end of India's mediation efforts in the Sri Lankan civil war. It also hardened India's stance towards the LTTE, with the Indian government officially banning the organization in 1992. This event, thus, had a profound influence on the dynamics of the Sri Lankan conflict and the wider South Asian region.

Moreover, the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi served as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by extremist ideologies and the lengths to which such groups will go to achieve their objectives. It underscored the need for vigilance and proactive measures to counter such threats, a lesson that continues to resonate in the present day. n terrorism.

The Rajiv Gandhi assassination case remains one of the most significant true crime incidents in India's history. It serves as a stark reminder of the devastating impact of terrorism and the lengths to which extremist organizations will go to achieve their objectives. It must be elaborated and should have a story-telling mode of writing.

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