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The Man Who Survived Being Married to the Black Widow

A Case of Survival, Betrayal, and Justice

By Sally APublished 9 days ago 6 min read

It was an ordinary day in 2019 when Rob Parks received a phone call from the police that shattered his world. Someone wanted him dead. The police played him a recording of two people planning and bargaining over the price of his murder, and he recognized one of those voices as that of his ex-wife, Victoria Breeden. What followed was a chilling journey through years of manipulation, control, and an unrelenting vendetta that almost cost Rob his life.

The Beginning of a Toxic Relationship

Robin Charles Parks was born in 1980 in the rural English County of Northamptonshire. He had a typical childhood, though his father was distant, and Rob often looked up to his older brother as a father figure. In 1998, Rob moved to Teesside University in Middlesbrough to study psychology and criminology. He was intelligent, dedicated, and quickly adapted to university life.

In 1999, Rob met Victoria Breeden, an 18-year-old student who joined the amateur dramatic society where Rob was the head. They quickly became inseparable, spending almost all their time together. However, what seemed like infatuation soon turned into an unhealthy obsession from Victoria. She isolated Rob from his friends and manipulated him emotionally, claiming debilitating illnesses to keep him by her side.

The Control and Manipulation

Victoria's manipulative tactics included feigning severe health issues, such as endometriosis, to keep Rob close. She would complain of intense pain and headaches whenever Rob tried to spend time with friends, ensuring he stayed home to care for her. Over time, Victoria's behavior became increasingly controlling, leading Rob to attempt breaking up with her several times. Each time, she would find ways to reel him back in, often using emotional manipulation and false accusations.

Marriage and Escalation

Despite the toxic nature of their relationship, Rob and Victoria got married in April 2004. Their marriage did not improve their situation. Victoria's controlling behavior intensified, and Rob found himself struggling with anxiety and depression. In 2006, they had a daughter, which shifted Rob's focus to protecting his child. However, Victoria continued her manipulative ways, using their daughter as a pawn in her schemes.

Victoria's health complaints and demands for care never ceased. She even suggested having another child to alleviate her endometriosis symptoms. This was the breaking point for Rob. In April 2008, he finally left Victoria, taking their daughter with him. The separation was tumultuous, with Victoria making numerous attempts to sabotage Rob's life, including false accusations and manipulative tactics.

Life After Separation

After the separation, Rob began to rebuild his life. He moved into his own flat and started making friends and going out again. However, Victoria was not ready to let go. She quickly moved on to a new man named Russell and started using him to further her vendetta against Rob.

False Accusations and Manipulations

One of Victoria’s first vendettas involved manipulating their daughter to lie about Rob. She coached their daughter to go into school and falsely claim that Rob had hurt her. This led to an investigation by child protective services, but the truth quickly came out when their daughter confessed that her mother had promised her a lollipop if she made the false accusations. Despite this, Victoria faced no legal repercussions for her actions.

Fabricating Health Issues

Victoria continued her pattern of fabricating health issues, this time with their daughter. She often took their daughter to the hospital, claiming various severe symptoms that never seemed to match the medical tests. One such incident involved Victoria making their daughter sleep with a hot water bottle and windows closed during the summer, causing unnecessary hospital visits. This behavior raised concerns of Munchausen by proxy, where a caregiver fabricates or induces illness in someone under their care for attention and sympathy.

Legal Battles and Harassment

Victoria’s attempts to control Rob didn’t stop with false accusations. She tried to prevent Rob from spending time with their daughter by hiding her passport when Rob planned a trip to Disneyland. Additionally, Victoria frequently sent harassing messages and made anonymous threatening phone calls to Rob, trying to frame him for drug dealing and other illegal activities.

The Arson Attack

In 2013, Victoria's vendetta escalated dramatically. Rob's car was set on fire in the middle of the night, causing a dangerous and frightening situation for his family. The police traced the ominous 999 call reporting the fire back to Wayne, Victoria’s then-partner, who had used a burner phone. The trial that followed revealed the absurdity of Wayne’s attempt to impersonate Rob. He spelled Rob's name wrong and provided the wrong address. Even more comically, Wayne's own mother testified against him, revealing that she had seen him carrying a can of petrol days before the fire.

Wayne was found guilty of making the false emergency call and of setting the fire. He was sent to prison, and in a twist of irony, Victoria divorced him shortly after his incarceration.

Close Call with Danger

Despite the separation and the physical distance between them, Victoria’s relentless vendetta against Rob continued. One day, Rob received a call from the police with alarming news. Victoria and her then-partner, Wayne, had been caught trying to bring a gun back to the UK from Germany. Given Victoria's history of violent threats against Rob, the police took this incident very seriously. They warned Rob that this could be another attempt on his life.

The police promised Rob that they could keep him and his family safe under protective custody, similar to temporary witness protection. However, this required immediate action. Within an hour, Rob had to pack his bags and leave his home. He pretended to his daughter that they were going on a secret surprise holiday to avoid alarming her. This drastic measure underscored the real and present danger that Victoria posed.

Rob's Story on TV

Rob's ordeal caught the attention of a TV production company filming an episode of "24 Hours in Police Custody." When the police came to inform Rob about the latest threat to his life, they brought along a crew from the show. Despite the sensitive nature of the news, Rob agreed to let them film the encounter. The episode captured the moment when the police revealed that Victoria had been plotting to have him murdered by soliciting a hitman. This footage was later broadcast, bringing national attention to Rob's story.

The Investigation and Arrest

Victoria’s latest boyfriend, Graham, uncovered a recording of Victoria planning Rob's murder with a hitman. Initially suspicious of Victoria's behavior, Graham decided to record her conversation with a man named Earl Gan, a convicted drug dealer.

In the recording, Victoria and Earl discussed various methods to kill Rob, including setting him on fire or attacking him with a brick. They settled on a price of £5,000 for the hit. Graham, horrified by what he heard, took the recording to the police, initiating an investigation into the conspiracy to murder Rob Parks.

The police raided Victoria's home and found £23,000 in cash hidden in baby formula tins, presumably to pay for the hit. They arrested Victoria and Earl on suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder. During the trial, several men testified that Victoria had solicited them to kill Rob over the years. Despite her defense claiming it was all a misunderstanding, the evidence was overwhelming.

The Comedic Trial

Wayne was sent to trial for his involvement in the arson attack and the false 999 call. The trial was almost comical. The recording of the 999 call was played in court, and it was evident that Wayne had not even attempted to disguise his voice. He spelled Rob's name wrong and provided the wrong address. Even more absurdly, Wayne's own mother testified against him, revealing she had seen him carrying a can of petrol before the fire. Wayne was found guilty and sent to prison. Shortly after his incarceration, Victoria divorced him, leaving him to face the consequences alone.

Aftermath and Moving Forward

Rob's story highlights the importance of recognizing early signs of domestic abuse and manipulation. Throughout his relationship with Victoria, he was subjected to emotional and psychological abuse, which significantly impacted his mental health and well-being. His experience underscores the need for better support and awareness for victims of domestic abuse, regardless of gender.

Today, Rob works with a charity called Reducing the Risk, helping victims of domestic abuse. His story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of speaking out against abuse.


Rob Parks' journey from a loving husband to a targeted victim of a murder plot orchestrated by his ex-wife is both harrowing and inspiring. It serves as a stark reminder of the devastating effects of domestic abuse and the lengths to which some will go to control and harm others. Rob's survival and subsequent advocacy for other victims demonstrate that even in the darkest times, there is hope for justice and recovery.

Rob's story is a powerful example of the importance of recognizing and addressing domestic abuse early on. It also highlights the need for strong legal protections and support systems for victims. As Rob continues to rebuild his life and help others, his experience serves as a beacon of hope for those trapped in abusive relationships.


About the Creator

Sally A

Animal lover 🐾 | Health enthusiast 💪 | Self-development junkie 🌱 | Beauty explorer 💄 | True crimes & mystery enthusiast 🕵️‍♀️ | Let's journey together! 💫

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