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Double Crime!

This once happened to me...

By Alice K.S.Published 3 years ago 4 min read
My Puppy - Painting by KarmSpi Art

I was running away, crying out for help in the middle of the streets, when right in front of me, stood a lady at her porch, replying by simply pushing the door open, so I did, I entered. I’m not even going slightly over board with it, when I say: “It felt like home”. I’m not sure how to say it so I’ll whisper. There were pieces of heaven in there. There were words of grace written on the walls for me. In the entry way, a beige jacket was hanging of the main post of the grand staircase. It was like, time didn’t exist. So after realizing about where I was and of how truly welcoming the atmosphere resonated with me, I thought of how extremely curious it was that she still didn’t ask me what I needed help with? So I, I just said what was happening; that some people wanted to burn me alive so I needed a place of refuge. And the truth is that, in that entire tantrum, I ran so fast, that puppy didn’t even take notice, so I entered alone. And she still didn’t speak a word. The words on the walls spoke out already perfectly. “This place is a safe haven” one held. “Welcome to your new home” said another. To be honest, I wouldn’t want you to think that this whole thing was a setup, so I won’t think on that thought another instant.

Usually, I bring my little puppy with me absolutely everywhere I go. Somehow, it seems as if things just unfold differently when he’s not there…

Puppy knows quite well how to behave, basically anywhere he goes, and this applies also when he attends ballet class. Near that wall, to make the surface nice and comfy for him, I lay down my beige jacket on the floor, and after circling it a few turns, he snugly lays down on it for the entire class, not even knowing how well his curly light golden brown sheep-like soft fur assorts it so perfectly. But, if someone happens to promptly enter, first of all, this would be held as a high disrespect to the tradition, and there’s no point explaining more about why that is, simply because it’s basic common sense; ballet class shall not be disturbed unless the matter is of highest importance. Second of all, puppy would be taken by instinct, and out of his common sense, would bark away until being further noticed.

It’s a double crime they concluded; breaking and entry, and the trespassing of private property.

I am writing here today because what happened the other day may truly be the most fascinating thing that ever happened. Class was scheduled to start at dawn and little puppy looked so sleepy and cozy that I decided to leave bed impromptu. Without moving, and without a noise to be heard, I slipped out and he didn’t even take notice.

Here’s the scoop. That day, I was precisely practicing The Meadow variation, where amongst a field of flowers, the ballerina while turning, gets attracted by the unique gleam of a flower. And, as I was practicing my turn, we saw him exactly as I was about to stop to go pick up the Crystal Rose. At first, we had this as only proof for everything, actually, up until the end happened.

A Ballet Scene - Painting by KarmSpi Art

So while rehearsing, we saw his electric car stopping by my house. We could see it across the field, from one of the grand arched windows of the studio. Oh yes, well Emma saw his car differently, and since she thought it was kind of cute, she blew a kiss through the window and didn’t make any drama about it.

Oh! And how I wished I had been there to witness his reaction when my puppy barked. From the little speaker on my night table, I left for him in background noise, the delicate sound of leaves playing, as if the wind were making them dance and sing together.

But wait. I need to say something on the side before I go on, for that very morning I had left my little black book directly in the middle of the kitchen table. From there also came the suspicious thoughts that he may have read it or even worse, took it! The worst part is that I will never, ever, even know if he ever even opened it! For you see, I once promised that I would remit it intact…

Elisa says she has a special liquid in a small silver spray bottle, and that if I wanted to, I could spray it to reveal the fingerprints to find out if he touched it or not. And we burst into laughs since we know he always wears his gloves, especially when he’s up to something. Mr. Boroff is not the type of character who would start something for nothing.

To continue, in the end of the scoop, when I entered my room, all seemed perfectly normal. Puppy was gently sleeping, while upstairs the book rested in a closed position in the middle of the kitchen table. Also, would it even change a thing, let’s say, if he would have opened it for any particular reason? Imagine if he would have stolen something, the accusations would be even worse! And truly, what I think will save him out of all technicalities is the mere fact that, that day, on my bedroom wall, a new frame that I had never ever even seen before, was hung.

Crystal Rose - Painting by KarmSpi Art


About the Creator

Alice K.S.

I once believed I was a gifted ballerina.

She beseeched me for something to live for,

so I started painting it for her.

Welcome to my wordly world!

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    Alice K.S.Written by Alice K.S.

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