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Vocal I Tip My Hat to You Even as I Burn in Rage at You

Credit to the Vocal Team for Publishing Critical Material Even as Their Absurd Content Prohibition Policies Enrage

By Everyday JunglistPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Too on the nose? Image by Brigitte makes custom works from your photos, thanks a lot from Pixabay. Pixabay, its a bay you can't swim in, unless you are a pixie of course.

I have to give credit where credit is due. After three of my first six submissions were rejected for content related reasons, two for "religious content" and one for "graphic material content" at least the crew at Vocal media have the stones to publish my reworked pieces in which I was more than a bit critical of these ridiculous, arbitrary, and totally not possible to enforce fairly policies. I guess these "rules" are supposed to be in place to prevent the publication of "controversial" content which might offend the fair and tender youth who frequent this very popular (lol!) new media website. They are well known to wither and faint at the very thought of a graphic description of oral sex or the dropping of a non redacted F-bomb. And heaven forbid (oops, religious content) any discussion of religion might be forced upon their agnostic and atheistic impressionable minds. What would their friends and family think if they knew their own pals and sons and daughters were accidentally exposing themselves to religious content. The horror! The fact that I, possibly one of the least religious people on the planet, had not one but two stories rejected for religious content, is irony of the highest order. So ironic in fact that the very definition of irony itself might have to be adjusted and expanded to account for it. Perhaps even a new word is in order. How about ultrirony (short for ultra-irony). I like it, I like it a lot. It certainly was an ultrirony in addition to being ultrididuclous, ulttridumb and ultratarded. I cannot believe that in this day an age a corporation with any sense, and any sort of competent legal team, would believe they could actually get away with something like this. We are talking about old school, old fashioned, classical censorship right out of George Orwell. If it wasn't so sinister I would laugh at how unbelievably insane it is. Crazy indeed. And don't even get me started on the 600+ word count minimum. What the frack is that all about? Gheesh. Right now I am really wishing Medium would not have suspended my account. For the second time. Buttfaces. lol!

And that right there was intended to be the end of the story however upon checking by copy pasting into microsoft word it turns out that is not even 400 words. Thanks by the way Vocal for implementing a minimum word count but not providing a mechanism for actually counting said words. In any event now I have to drone on for another 200 words when really everything I wanted to say I have already said. Really sucks, and really pisses me off to no end. My wrists frackin hurt from so much frackin typing today already and now I have to even more because of some stupid, craptackular suckfest of a rule that makes less than zero sense. And the fact that I am afraid to actually use the F-word lest my article be spiked for graphic content pisses me off even more. I am stuck using possibly one of the dumbest televisions series based curse words of all time, frack as a poor substitute. Thank you Battlestar Galacatica for that little blight on the English language. Anothe quick word count check right there and guess what I am only at 542 frackin words. Frackin, son of a frack. This is bull-frack. Frack off, frackface, frackin, frackety frack. The words really start to lose all meaning and become just a mishmash of noise and wind.

Time to conclude this little frack fest. One thing being a scientist has taught me is that conclusions are very, very, very few and far between, or it could be there really never are any. Not in life, not in science, not in art, not in anything. To conclude something is to know everything there is possible to know about it. Since it is not possible to know everything possible (unless you are God or a God perhaps) than it is not possible to ever really conclude anything. Are conclusions possible in fiction? You might say as an author you are the "God" " of your fictional universe and therefore you know everything there is to know about it. Since you created it would seem to be the case. However, what are the boundaries of that universe? You might say they are the boundaries of your imagination. To suggest you know everything about your fictional universe would suggest you know everything you might ever imagine about it. But do you really? Of course not, if you did you would have already imagined it. Therefore, even for a self created fictional universe it is not possible to know everything and therefore not possible to ever conclude anything about it. Lol! What do you think? rock solid argument right? hah!

Wait, what was the question again?


About the Creator

Everyday Junglist

Practicing mage of the natural sciences (Ph.D. micro/mol bio), Thought middle manager, Everyday Junglist, Boulderer, Cat lover, No tie shoelace user, Humorist, Argan oil aficionado. Occasional LinkedIn & Facebook user

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Comments (1)

  • Jazzy 11 months ago

    You truly have a dizzying intellect 😂

Everyday JunglistWritten by Everyday Junglist

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