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No one knows the secret 😔☹ī¸â¤ī¸â€đŸŠš

No one knows why he is so sweet to me 🤷‍♀ī¸đŸ˜”

By Samya MohammedPublished about a year ago â€ĸ 10 min read

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hey friends i'm vanya from moldova

please like and subscribe i was born in

a small town to a single mom who made it

big when she moved to the big city mom

was an entrepreneur and every business

she'd start would become a gold mine and

mom spoiled me rotten i just had to look

at something and she'd get it for me for

my eighth birthday i asked her if i

could have a bigger swimming pool and

she got a water park installed in her

backyard my friends and i went crazy

when we saw it oh my god mom you're the

best anything for you love and remember

what the doctor said talk slowly and you

won't stutter that much yeah i used to

stutter a lot when i was young i mostly

had it under control but it could get

worse when i was nervous or excited but

other than that my life was perfect and

everyone wished they were me that is

until the 10th grade when mom's company

stock crashed one day and she was left

with nothing we were gonna lose our

house i decided to reach out to my

friends for help but that's when they

all showed their true colors so sorry

vanya but um we're facing financial

problems too

i want to help but my dad works really

hard and i don't think he'll give your

mom money he always says she got rich by

pure luck luck

my my mom works really your mom works

really hard i don't think so and that's

right now go away please we don't have

all day for you to finish your sentence

gosh people could change so fast

we did lose the house and mom decided to

send me to her hometown to live with a

friend for a while though i hated the

idea of being away from her i agreed for

her sake by the time i landed at the

airport i was already homesick but just

then i saw a boy my age holding a

placard with my name hey you must be

here for

me wow it's really hot here wait aren't

you gonna pick up my bags oh i'm so

sorry where are my manners i'm dmitry

and guess what i'm not your servant so

pick them up yourself how rude i carried

my bags and followed him outside to find

a donkey

where's the car

gosh you sound like a broken record

that's your ride princess so hop on that

was my first time on a donkey cart i

didn't mind but the entire way i felt

like punching this boy dimitri for

making fun of me mom's friend was lovely

though she hugged me the moment she saw

me and then took me to a tiny room this

is so cute my cat has a room just like

this i had to leave my room for this

city brat look if you don't like it you

can always sleep in the basement it's

got lots of space and pets too a family

of rats what a jerk i wouldn't have

lasted a day there without his amazing

mom and i mostly tried to pretend he

didn't exist a week later i started

school and surprisingly i made friends

instantly but soon i discovered why all

the girls wanted to know what it was

like living under the same roof as


not great cause he's a

a handsome a few days later

our school was having a football match

and i volunteered as the water girl

dimitri was team captain and all the

girls were chanting his name geez so

lame sure he was handsome but just a

little i was so busy looking at him that

i didn't notice this player trying to

catch a ball and he crashed straight

into me are you trying to kill me watch

where you're going great advice i'll

remember it for next time he just smiled

like an idiot and before running off he

winked at me the next day i saw the same

player outside my school with a car full

of roses as soon as he spotted me his

silly smile was back hey beautiful these

are for you by the way i'm nova wow

that's a lot of roses thanks nova was on

the football team of another school but

he just turned up outside every day to

ask me out i kept saying no but he

wasn't taking it and then one day at

home i saw a car pull up outside with

nova in the back seat he'd found out

where i lived but just then i saw

dimitri's mom go to the car and the

driver stepped out handed her an

envelope and left what was that all

about later i asked dimitri's mom and

she told me her husband used to work for

nova's dad and even after he was gone

the family kept helping her with money

they were even paying for dimitri's


wow that made me see nova in a different

light so the next time he asked me out i

said yes when nova picked me up for our

first date he said i was surprised this

is where you live how do you know these

people i told him everything about why

i'd moved here i'm sorry that sounds

tough but just be careful of that

dimitri what do you mean dimitri's dad

worked for us and we'd play together as

kids but i always felt like he resented

us especially me like he hates me

because i was born rich and he wasn't

i'm sure he has nothing nice to say

about me even after everything my family

does for him i didn't have trouble

believing that dimitri was always

mocking me too for being some rich brat

my date with nova was totally unexpected

instead of taking me to some fancy

restaurant he took me to a soup kitchen

for the homeless and we signed up as

volunteers i always come here when i

want to do something special feels good

doesn't it

this boy was so sweet when he dropped me

back home i found dimitri on the porch

seriously you're dating nova did the

rest of the male population die what's

your problem he's a nice guy

oh yeah so where'd you go on a date was

it an orphanage this time or a pet

shelter to see some poor puppies that's

the kind of stuff he does on first dates

to impress girls i don't expect you to

understand what it means to be genuinely

nice i didn't expect you to be this dumb

but hey you surprised me actually you

guys deserve each other two spoiled

brats nova was right about him he

sounded so judgy and bitter i started

going out with nova and was having a

good time but he was always too generous

with fancy dinners and gifts which made

me uncomfortable nova i wish you

wouldn't i can't give you gifts like

these i'm not expecting anything but i

can spoil my girlfriend can't i he

gently kissed me for the first time and

i didn't exactly feel sparks and i felt

he was falling for me much too fast the

next morning i didn't see dimitri or his

mom anywhere and then i found them both

in her room she was in bed with a high

fever when we called the doctor he said

she'd caught some virus he advised us to

stay home from school for two weeks too

i really wanted to help in some way so i

made soup for her i was carrying it up

to her room when dimitri stopped me

what's that it's soup

mom would give this to me when i was


no thanks you're not giving that to my

mom how would you know how to cook

anything when you never had to lift a

finger and suddenly i snapped dimitri

can you just shut up for once yeah i

used to be rich it's not a crime and i'm

not useless and spoiled i pushed him

aside and went up with the tray gosh i

was so sick of him later at night there

was a knock on my door and dimitri

peeked in


i'm sorry about earlier i shouldn't have

spoken to you like that yeah you

shouldn't have but it's okay i get that

you're worried about your mom yeah but i

haven't been very nice to you i'll be

better after that day dimitri and i

kinda became friends we took turns

caring for his mom and doing household

chores and at night we'd sit outside and

talk for hours he was sweet and simple

and was really starting to grow on me

two weeks flew by and his mom recovered

completely one day dimitri was working

in the garden while i was reading and

observing how good he looked without a

shirt on when suddenly he spoke hey

vanya can you check if the water's

coming from the hose i don't know if

it's broken or just as i picked it up

water came gushing straight at my face

and dimitri was laughing like crazy

gosh you are so easy to trick i picked

up a handful of mud as he ran off as i

was chasing him he tripped and fell and

then i rubbed the mud all over his face

what are you doing to her jerk nova was

about to attack dimitri when i stopped

him hey we were just playing i started

it and why were you doing that did you

forget i was picking you up for dinner

you're gonna tell her what she can and

can't do now the boys looked ready to

kill each other so i dragged nova aside

and told him to wait in the car while i

cleaned up i had totally forgotten about

dinner at his place nova lived in a

mansion with his dad who welcomed me

warmly you're living with dimitri and

his mom right his father was a close

friend of mine friend come on dad he was

our servant dad's really soft-hearted

and likes helping people dmitry would

have never gone to school if it weren't

for him and i'm glad i helped because

that boy is hard-working and will make

something of himself unlike some

entitled rich kids i know just then his

dad excused himself and nova flung his

plate at the wall this is what happens

every time i bring that jerk up dad has

always liked dimitri more than me i'm

sure that's not true don't think i'm

blind or stupid you like dimitri moore

too don't you you've been avoiding me

for two weeks just to spend more time

with him are you crazy i told you his

mom was unwell liar i stared at him in

shock and he suddenly snapped out of his

anger vania i'm sorry i'd like to go

home please with the driver i felt

shaken on my way back nova was turning

out to be really strange and at home

dimitri was sitting in the kitchen with

an unpleasant face you're back early

were you waiting for me yeah waiting to

tell you that you're an idiot for dating

nova he's fake and horrible why can't

you see that are you blinded by his

expensive gifts or too impressed by his

fancy cars and mansion i was gonna tell

him i was breaking up with nova but that

made me so mad there you are back to

being a jerk mind your own business

dimitri and don't talk to me dimitri and

i stopped talking after that day and i

broke up with nova too he kept begging

me to forgive him but i held my ground

he was just too much a few days later

mom called me with the most amazing news

her company was up and running again and

she wanted me to come home i decided i'd

leave right after the final exams the

next week there was nothing keeping me

here anyway

after exam week there was a big football

match between our school and novas and i

made sure to sit far behind on the

bleachers so he wouldn't spot me the

match was an intense one dimitri and

nova kept butting heads on the field and

almost broke into a fight but our team

won by a large margin and nova stormed

off the field furiously dimitri looked

so happy and i wanted to congratulate

him i thought i'd catch him outside the

locker room but i walked into the

building to find two guys pinning him

against the wall as nova punched him

stop it nova don't hurt him nova turned

to me with crazy eyes oh how worried you

are now but you didn't care when you

hurt me i know you broke up with me

because you have feelings for this worm

after all that money i spent on you i

thought because you were rich once you'd

have some class but you're just ch

cheap you're a psycho and yeah i like

dimitri a lot now i understand why your

dad likes him better you'll pay for

saying that i'll make sure dad stops

giving them any money i'll convince him

you'll see no you won't nova because

i've seen everything i needed to and i

am so disappointed in you we turned

around to see nova's dad who'd come to

see the match and he looked furious he

grabbed nova's arm and led him away

dimitri are you okay your face i'm fine

vanya i should have listened to you

about nova no i was unfair and mean to

you and i'm really sorry about what you

said back there is it true which part

the part where you said you like me a

lot yeah i like you but big deal

like like me because i like like you i

guess it's just you then he grinned and

pulled me in for a kiss and it was


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Samya Mohammed

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    Samya MohammedWritten by Samya Mohammed

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