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Love ~ Hate

-The Circle of Life -

By Jay KantorPublished 2 years ago Updated 11 months ago 3 min read
© Terrilynn Cook ~ Oil Painting

Author © Jay Kantor

LOVE ~ HATE – Circle of Life – Jumping Through Hoops: Most of us can relate to too many problems to solve overloads. As soon as you solve one problem, more circle to appear side-by-side with those special moments. 'The Circle of Life,' as a philosophical concept is that our lives resemble a complete full-circle – with its joy and trials.

Love~Hate~Relationships. From inanimate objects to our everyday occurrences. We don't often stop to think about why we wonder about them? Is it possible that 'Things' can be equally 'Hated & Loved' at the same time? Who's right – Goes around Comes around.

—Full Circle Moments—

I've always been fascinated, but hated the Child's 'Circle' Game. I marvel at how these total inaccuracies actually can occur; rumor misinformation whether real or conceived results. Caught up in Circles Time after Time.

Remember the 'Circle Game' once the 1st ear is whispered into, it came out invariably different at the end of the circle, every time. Interpretation? No just different meanings altogether. Even at the 'Suits' big conference room table what goes around the room changes with each 'Half-Listening' at its finest — While thinking of what they are going to say next rather than what's going around the table at the time — happens every time! Hence, the probable explanation for unexpected off the wall outcomes.

Oh, what were we talking about, again? Monday morning daydreaming reflecting on weekend romps is common to most of us. Turned off to the mash-ups of the, often heard before, rhetorical circular corporate table-talk! Not unlike jury room big-table repetitive circular deliberations.

Out to Pasture - Retirement: The first thing that popped into my mind was the fact that I 'Love' being retired, but I 'Hate' not working with the remarkable people that were in my life for so many years. I sometimes think that I've lost that aspect of my sense of purpose. Nah! I just miss the daily drama coffee-break lunch room dessert swaps while Juicy 'Gossip' runs amuck. "You Don't Say - Who would have thought? Not Them!" The constant who's seeing who streaming grape vine: We've all chimed-in with that! When, of course, we weren't that days subject matter!

— I think MOST people —

When it comes to 'Eats' either pre-frozen or fast-food wraps are often chosen: 'Love' to Eat ~ 'Hate' Cooking.

Truly 'Love' kettle corn, but hate the judgment and possible wrath it may incur in those who only view its enjoyment as nothing more than obnoxiously noisy-crunch.

'Love' the antics of an infant, but an unwanted pregnancy can divide or unite families. I think it also separates the men from the boys. Ready or not, here I come!

'Love' the look of a Buff-Body in the mirror but SO resist – 'Hate' the need to exercise on a regular basis to get-there.

I have always treasured certain everyday things. Diners 'Greasy-Spoons' became a much loved obsession of mine when I was going through my college-military years. I liked the fact that the common man (or woman) could sit right next to a person of the highest social status and it was acceptable, nay expected, behavior to talk to that stranger. Although, the food only came in one genre — COMFORT — Meatloaf slathered in Gravy.

These centers of social life were all entertainment for me; a shy loner. And one never had to dress up or even buy tickets to attend these non-stop 'Observational Feasts.'

Dad taught us to be 'cordial,' from childhood, to strike up conversations with strangers. He practiced that regularly, and found it fascinating relating to others. I must say, that I’ve learned a great deal from mere-strangers. Such as food preparation insights that have been precisely-rattled on to me in grocery store aisles, simply because I asked. But, especially in hardware stores. Imagine all of the 'know-it-alls' within those 'Electrically-Tapped' aisles: Any advice about a mechanical task from aged-handyman-minds that have long forgotten what you need to know. I’ve incited many a heated debate, that I should forget-about 'Self Repair,' I must have 'Klutz' tapped to my forehead? 'It will cost less in the long run if I hire him.' Yes, that was always so true, on so many levels.

— Got any Love~Hates? We all have them —

Jay Kantor, Chatsworth, Cal

'Senior' Vocal Author

Co-Creators, INK


About the Creator

Jay Kantor

Retired: Write for "The Kids Someday"

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Comments (6)

  • Shirley Belk9 months ago

    Love how you think about topics I would never consider, walking along life just accepting it the way it make me think of whys and contrasts here...loved it! Now I'm making a mental list of my personal love/hates

  • Insightful and entertaining in parts, a great topic!

  • Doc Sherwoodabout a year ago

    "Circle" also used to be called "Chinese whispers," though I have no idea how this bizarre name came about or what the game has to do with China. I lectured there for ten years and never saw it played! It's hard to picture you as a shy loner, "J," but this is a great piece on those dualities we all encounter in life. The thing about every love-hate, of course, is that the one can't exist without the other, and we understand each by knowing what its opposite is. Signs are referential, writes Paul DeMan!

  • Gigi Gibsonabout a year ago

    Jay… we played the same game, but also, like C. Rommial Butler, we called it “Telephone”. It was such great fun back then. Now that we are old and retired, we sometimes have to repeat what we’ve said to older folks because they haven’t heard us right and get our messages jumbled. That one’s not as much fun! Thus the love/hate goes on. Well done my friend.

  • C. Rommial Butlerabout a year ago

    The game you call "Circle" we called "Telephone". Art is like a game of telephone over generations. One generation's trash is another's treasure, one generation's hero the next generation's oppressor, one generation's villain is the next generation's martyr... It goes on and on! Amor Fati? I love and hate my fate, I suppose. Great read!

  • Janet Carpenterabout a year ago

    Definitely hit "the nail on the head" (hardware pun intended!) when it comes to do-it-yourself advice!! I totally agree with the Love-Hate feeling of retirement. It's so nice to have time for yourself, but then again...a big part of yourself is just "gone". I guess that's what writing is sometimes...therapy, purpose, your voice being heard (even if no one is listening!) Ha! I truly believe that Love and Hate are "ugly cousins"...there's so much passion in both feelings, they can't possibly be opposites; just balance. I think the total opposite of Love or Hate is indifference. I really loved your examples in your story. Really hits home.

Jay KantorWritten by Jay Kantor

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