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Little pieces of Me

Kayleigh's Challenge

By Lilly CooperPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
Artwork in progress by my friend, Lee Hunter, especially for me.

I read Kayleigh's Challenge a little while ago and started my list, I have just lacked time to finish it. This is the first story I have started and not censored in any way. Edited for spelling errors, but it has been written by recording the points as they came to me rather than rearranging ideas for reading flow or avoiding sharing difficult topics. This is evidenced by my excessive use of the word but.

Without further ado, here is me, not quite naked on paper, but certainly flashing more skin than I'd normally prefer!

1. I’m dyslexic. I was diagnosed later in life when a co-worker asked me why I was writing entire number sequences (13 digits) backwards. I was reversing entire lines without realising and could not see anything wrong with it. I also stutter on words sometimes and say things in reverse. It all makes complete sense to me, just not anyone else. I thought for awhile (and sadly, so did some other people) that I was sort of stupid.

2. I love to read. I've been an avid reader since I was young. I read the full Chronicles of Narnia at the age of 9 and moved on to the David Eddings series after that. I taught myself to read ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics from a book. Despite being dyslexic, books have always been a mild obsession. I just have to slow down when I read, particularly when I'm tired. I do struggle with forms, instruction manuals and things like that at times. Sometimes I have to ask someone to read it to me.

3. Childhood trauma has resulted in PTSD. Trauma left it's mark and I sometimes have panic attacks. It can be triggered by crowds, smells, sounds, textures or unexpected touch. I really struggle with crowds. I avoid shopping centres during the busy periods. And as much as I love the decorations and shopping for presents at Christmas time, I avoid the centres when I know they will be busiest. No matter what I need or how urgent. I function and I function well, but it is through having had extensive counselling. I really encourage anyone struggling to seek help. It is hard, but worthwhile. Keep in mind it can take time to find the right help for you. Stick with it, it is worth it in the end.

4. Speaking of Christmas. I still believe in Santa. I don't remember when some mean older kid told me he wasn't real because my mum laid the ground work early to teach us that Santa was the spirit of giving, not a jolly old fat man who breaks into people's homes once a year. I still did my best to stay up and see Santa, but mum always managed not to get caught. I now teach my son Santa is the spirit of giving that exists in each of us. He is now too old for Santa, but still believes, the same way I did.

5. I write under a pen name. I have some people in my life who really do not understand why I 'waste' my time writing. Rather than explain my self over and over again or have to tolerate a lecture on how my time would be better spent, I write under a pseudonym. The name is a name significant to my family and special to me.

6. I love to sing. Sometimes I can even sound good! Sometimes I really really don't. Similar to my writing though, I persist with singing a long with the radio, Spotify or musicals because I feel good when I sing. I sing in public sometimes and feel no shame about it.

7. I strongly dislike romance novels. I have read a couple. I don't enjoy them. I don't mind a romantic subplot, but not if it takes over the story.

8. I do not believe in love at first sight. Lust, certainly. But not love. I do believe in soul mates (though I don’t believe they soul mates have to be romantic). I'm a sentimentalist, not a romantic.

9. I LOVE magic shows! The child in me absolutely loves the wonder and awe of a good magic show. I know they don't really saw a woman in half and the cards that were printed a moment ago haven't really gone blank now. I know it is all illusion but what wonderful illusions they are! And I want so much to believe. For that short while, I can leave the weight of reality behind me and just indulge in child like delight.

10. I’m an introvert. I have worked in industries that require me to be more personable however, so I have learned to put myself out there, so to speak. I spend most of my day at work talking and go home absolutely exhausted. My son is an extrovert who can talk the leg off an iron chair. I get no relief until he goes to bed. Thank goodness I'm more of a night owl and I get to enjoy that peace that night brings!

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me better! Below is a link to Kayleigh's Challenge!


About the Creator

Lilly Cooper

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

I may be an amateur Author, but I love what I do!

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Comments (5)

  • Babs Iverson7 months ago

    Authentic and pure!!! Can relate to many of your points!!! Loved this, Lilly!!!💕❤️❤️

  • Jazzy 10 months ago

    This was so interesting to learn! I also can't stand large crowds and for the most part, don't go shopping at all.

  • ema10 months ago

    I can understand point 10 very well. I too am an introvert, surrounded by talkative people who never stop talking! I love them, but sometimes I wish I lived on a desert island! 😅 Regarding point 5, I agree, a pen name is a protection and an island of peace, and maybe this also has to do with introversion... 🙄

  • Kayleigh Fraser ✨10 months ago

    Phew! By number 2 I was already hooked!!! Sooooo interesting ❤️ I’m so glad you took part! 💜💜💜

  • Alex H Mittelman 10 months ago

    Good to know you! Great work!

Lilly CooperWritten by Lilly Cooper

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