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Find You

Pursue You

By Relly RoyalPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Dreams Do Become Reality

Have You Ever Went Through A Situation In Your Life That Seemed Almost Unbearable? Are You Experiencing A Situation That Seems As If You Can't Push Past The Stumbling Block That Is In Your Way? Have You Lost Faith And Started Climbing The Mountain Instead Of Telling The Mountain To Move Out Of Your Way?

You, You, You, Yourself Are In Control Of How You Feel, How You React, And How You Think. Of Course There's More To That But All In All Its All About You. You Are The Master Of Your Fate The Captain Of Your Soul As Worded In A Poem Called Invictus.

A lot of times we focus on everything and everyone around us. Trying to have the best life, trying to be the richest person. Trying to out do the Campbells or Joneses or Whoever, forgetting or not even knowing that you where born with everything you need within you. Thee unfortunate thing is awakening and finding you is sometimes the hardest thing to do. An unfortunately many don't have the time to put in the effort to Just Be You. It's really easy and comes naturally once you detox yourself from the opinions and ideologies of others. Sometimes you have to find a safe place, a place just for you, with just you and evaluate yourself. One of the things that I say often to people is learn you. What you like, what you don't, how you feel, what your favorite color is etc. Though these are basic things and may seem kinda corny, but they reveal you to you and when you know you no one can tell you anything about you that you don't already know. We as people spend a lot of time learning other people through conversation, interactions alongside of using your five senses which we learned about in pre k, never learning ourselves. Taking bits and pieces that we have learned, experienced, or heard from someone else and incorporating that into how your life and determining this is how my life should be. This is bound to happen when a person has never took the time to know themselves or mature them as a person. Dreams that you had as a child become obsolete, you forget what you want or what makes you happy to please the demand of others. Building the person you thought you were supposed to be instead of being who you really are, messing up the puzzle pieces. I Digress.

It is imperative that we understand that we are all pieces to this puzzle called life. Your individuality as a person creates the space for the next person to be them as an individual. A person who knows who they are has no time to judge the next man, they are consistently focused on bettering them so that the bigger purpose, bigger design, bigger bigger is complete. Joining us together as one perfectly fit together.

To Proceed, You create choas when you are miserable because you are unhappy you want others unhappy subconsciously you spew negativity into every good thing. Becoming the ultimate tyrant and judgmental peasant. You know damn well you not happy. Why make anyone uncomfortable or upset because you suffer from an identity crisis. I want to let you know that finding you is a rewarding experience.

So Find You And Be You. Make Yourself Happy And Attract All The Positive Energy In This World, Creating A Space For Others To Live Safely And Be Themselves 100%. It Starts With You. The freedom that comes from being you authentically breaks so many boundaries. The Sky Is Not The Limit Its A Glimpse Of Limitlessness. T.Carrell


About the Creator

Relly Royal

Sometimes We Go Through Things And In The Process We Forget Who We Are. The Real You Is The You You Are Afraid To Let Them See.

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Relly RoyalWritten by Relly Royal

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