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Everything Turns into a Competition, Because I Am Poor

The Harsh Reality of Life in Poverty

By Sarah DanielPublished 28 days ago 3 min read

The Reality of Competing to Survive

Some people compete to win, but for many, competition is a means of survival. Born into a life where every moment counts towards paying the bills, the struggle is real and relentless. Unlike those who have the luxury of viewing money as a non-essential, the harsh reality for many is that financial security is critical to survival.

The Everyday Battle

Competing in school is not just about grades; it’s about securing a future. High academic achievements can be the key to scholarships and opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach. The job market is another battleground where names without significant weight need to work harder to get noticed and secure employment. For many, there is no room for mediocrity.

The Impact on Daily Life

Living in poverty affects every aspect of life, including personal care and basic necessities. Simple luxuries like shampoo or having three meals a day can become sacrifices to ensure others in the family are taken care of. The daily struggle is not just physical but emotional and psychological.

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Love and Relationships in Poverty

Even love becomes a challenge when finances are a struggle. There is a constant burden of responsibilities that require financial stability, making it hard to indulge in the luxury of romantic relationships. Social pressures and the need to keep up with peers add to the stress, highlighting the disparity between those who can afford to dream and those who must fight for basic survival.

The Harsh Reality of Greed

The world is full of opportunities, but often these are seized by those who are already privileged. This leads to a cycle where the rich get richer, and the poor remain stuck in a vicious loop. The struggle for opportunities can sometimes seem insurmountable, but giving up is not an option.

The Power of Hope and Family

Despite the challenges, hope thrives within the walls of a loving home. Family dinners filled with dreams and plans for a better future provide the strength to keep going. The desire to break free from financial constraints and provide a better life for loved ones is a powerful motivator.

Dreams of a Better Future

Aspirations go beyond material wealth. The dream is to ensure that family members can pursue their passions without financial constraints, to travel, and to live without the constant worry of making ends meet. It’s about finding comfort and peace in knowing that tomorrow is secure.

The Call to Fellow Dreamers

To those sharing this journey, keep competing and striving. Climb every mountain, knock on every door, and never lose sight of your dreams. Success is subjective, but true success brings happiness and the strength to inspire others. When you reach your goals, help others on their path, showing them that the struggle is worth it.

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Why is everything a competition for you?

Because I need to survive and provide for my family.

How does poverty affect your daily life?

It means skipping meals, using minimal necessities, and constantly striving for survival.

Why is education so important to you?

It's my only way to secure a spot in college and improve my future.

How do you view wealth and privilege?

Privilege offers opportunities, but those without it must fight harder to succeed.

What challenges do you face in finding employment?

My ordinary background requires me to compete fiercely for job opportunities.

How does financial struggle affect your relationships?

Love becomes a struggle due to the financial responsibilities involved.

What keeps you motivated despite hardships?

My family's hope and the dream of a better future keep me going.

What are your dreams for the future?

To travel, support my family, and ensure a worry-free tomorrow.

How do you handle societal pressures?

By competing, striving, and maintaining hope despite the odds.

What message do you have for others in similar situations?

Keep fighting, inspire others, and believe in the possibility of a brighter future.


The journey from poverty to financial security is arduous, but it is not impossible. Through resilience, hope, and mutual support, it is possible to overcome the challenges and emerge victorious. Embrace the struggle, support one another, and keep moving forward toward a brighter way.

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HumanityTeenage yearsSecretsEmbarrassment

About the Creator

Sarah Daniel

Writer, blogger, activist. Blog, Researcher & Analyst and Content Creator at Self-Employment.

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  • Khan28 days ago

    Oh such a wonderful piece❤️

Sarah DanielWritten by Sarah Daniel

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