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wonderlani || fem one direction fanfiction

chapter 2 of 36

By shaynaPublished 6 months ago 8 min read
wonderlani || fem one direction fanfiction
Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash

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I laughed as we looked over the huge parking lot. The line blocked up the whole street. It's the supermarket of talent shows, but it's Manchester.

I sighed, adjusting the belt around my waist. I gently pulled down on my tank top, brushing my hands down my arms. Jerms smiled over at me, resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Harri, you're gonna kick ass today. Take a breather, in through the nose and out through the mouth." He squeezed my shoulder, taking my hand down and patting my thigh.

He's right. In through the nose. Out through the mouth.

In. Out. In. Out. I---Remember when you had your first concert at your dad's store, forgot the lyrics, and got so anxious you threw up your breakfast burrito all over your crush?

I swallowed hard. Is it too late to go back home?

"We're here!" My dad swung hard into the parking spot. The car behind us honked so loud I jumped out of my skin and almost took a tinkle. Ugh, okay... I'm good, it's fine. the feeling's passed.

My dad looked into the rearview and grunted, "Eat my shorts!" He rolled his eyes, set the car in the park, and turned around to us. I swallowed hard again, crossing my arms over my chest as I sniffled. Jerms sighed and leaned over, clicking the seatbelt loose.

What if that's a sign? I shouldn't be here right now, I should go back home. Go to university overseas, maybe California.

Or Vermont. Not a lot of people live up there, so I wouldn't have to worry too much about crowds and packed houses, and blocked exits.

I won't have to worry about all of this.

"Harri." His hand rested on my inner thigh, I jumped from my thoughts. I swallowed my head and grinned at Jerms, pushing his hand away.

"Ew, cooties," I giggled and pushed the belt behind me.

Jerms rolled his eyes, "Ew, UTIs." He tried to jump out of the car but choked as the seatbelt pulled back on his chest. I laughed loudly as the door swung open. My dad shook his head over at Jerms, helped me out of the car, and hugged me around his waist as I raced around to meet with Jerms.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking." He cleared his throat and rubbed his Adam's apple.

"I'm sorry Jerms, could you pass me my book and bag? Thanks," I asked, motioning to the stuff between our seats. He rolled his eyes and laid back into the car. I smiled brightly and leaned against the car as my dad dug through the trunk for the "line-watching" gear.

I looked at a fun-sized girl with black braids and blue streaks to match, wearing a long-sleeved white crop top with a "Living Single" logo, ripped blue jeans, and yellow Converse.

Oh, sweet Florida Sanchez. Let me count the ways.

Her index finger flew up to her mouth. I zipped my mouth, looking back at Jerms.

"Think Evolution will come," I asked, turning to face him more; an evil smile slipped onto my face. He yanked the chair out hard, dropped it on the ground, and jumped back in to get my book bag.

"Think so," He huffed, "What the devil, all this stuff for just waiting in line?" He asked, his body turned to our dad. Dad slammed the trunk closed with five chairs and three big Christmas blankets in their arms.

"Jeremy, did you even see the line while we were driving in?" Dad shook his head, adjusting the chairs and meeting Florida's blue contacts with a bright smirk. He looked down at me, and I zipped my lips again. He nodded and cleared his throat, "If anything Jay, I think we're short."

"Got enough for the X-Factor and the American Idol lines." Jerms huffed, pulling out my book bag and dropping it aside. Finally, he snatched my songbook from between the seats, his legs dangling outside the car. Florida walked up and yanked hard on his legs.

He kicked his feet hard, pushing Florida down on the ground, "Ow!"

He jumped onto his feet and groaned, "Harri! What the f-" His body dropped to the ground when he flung around and saw Florida grounded. He slid down to her side and started to dust her off with mumbled apologies.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Jerms looked up at Florida as his eyes washed with concern. She smiled right back in his face, pouting her bottom lip.

"Sorry isn't going to make up for it," Then a small smirk appeared on her face, "Plus my butt still hurts, how are you going to make up for that?"

Jerms smirked as he leaned in and whispered something in her ear.

Step back. I think I'm gonna vomit!

He yanked her to her feet, kissing her cheek sweetly as she giggled in his arms.

I gagged, "That's disgusting," I picked everything off the ground, including the shirt that he dropped for Florida. I sighed deeply, picking it up and shaking it out.

"Oh come on Harri, your drummer's hot, how could I resist?" I heard them both share a chuckle, and they kissed... like on the mouth. I shook my head as my eyes stayed on the shirt.

I swallowed hard and cleared my throat as I shot my head back up with a forced smile. I joked, scratching my neck with my free hand, "Well, I found her first, so please refrain till the competition is over or we're no longer friends."

She laughed, "Harriet, Jeremy, play nice; there's enough of me to go around."

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever." He snaked an arm around her exposed waist, and I swallowed harder. Crap. Florida blushed softly, and I fixed my hair while looking away from her stormy blue contacts.

"Thank you, Harri," She mumbled, taking the shirt from me.

"Babe let go," He jokily held her tight at the waist. She pulled away from him and shoved his shoulder. He winked at him as she walked away to throw her shirt on. Jerms looked at me and smirked, his brown eyes lightening as he closed the space between us.

He hugged me against his side, and I winced, hugging him back quickly. I took the stuff off the ground. My dad just watched in the background with a soft smile.

Jerms chuckled with a knowing smirk down at me, "Baby Tubs, it's okay to get dizzy. Florida is hot as-" He looked over at our dad, who snapped his eyes to glare at Jerms, "Miss. Florida Georgia Rose Sanchez is a very attractive, brilliant woman and an amazing drummer for Evolution.

I'm blessed and honored to have her apart of our lives." He cleared his throat, taking the stuff from under my arm except for my songbook.

Dad's head slowly turned away.

"I'm not jealous Germy," I flared my nostrils and crossed my arms while turning to him. He raised an eyebrow, typical boys. "And I can have her if I want." Gasp. I shoved the stuff back in his arms and took a few steps back.

"Pinky! Brain! What'd I just say, no fighting!" Her light voice now a loud ripple through our ears, "Let's just call a truce until after Harriet makes it through to boot camp, agreed?"

Our eyes met, and then he looked back at Florida, her hands resting on her hips.

"Fat chance rockstar!" He ran over to Florida and attempted to pick her up with my free arm, "Change of plans," He threw everything on the ground and yanked Florida on his shoulder.

"Come on Beauty!" He turned and raced down the street. Florida hit him hard on his back and squealed loudly.

"Beast! Make a right, a right!" And they were gone.

My dad padded my shoulder and walked over to pick up what Jerms had dropped. I threw my book bag and walked over to pick up the light stuff in my free hand.

"You know he's only playing with you, right," He asked while he took the blankets from under his arms to refold them. I swallowed softly as I took my bag off and shoveled the light stuff in.

I huffed. We always joked with Florida! Always! I mean, geez, that's why I love her so much.

"Of course I do; he's just being stupid-" My dad glared, "I mean he's being obtuse. Nothing new," I shrugged my shoulders, helping him fold up a blanket. My dad nodded in my direction with a small smile.

I blushed. Again. Shit.

"Look Pop, I'm sorting through things." I swallowed back and sighed deeply, brushing my hands up and down my arms slowly, "It's just a phase. Besides, I've kissed plenty of guys before and," He flustered while clearing his throat. I closed my mouth and looked away.

Am I... Am I trying to convince myself? That I'm okay... I'm not okay; this is not okay. That's not normal. Is it?

"Harri." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back at Dad, who kneeled down in front of me and held my shoulders, "Be. Whoever. You. Want. As long as you're happy, nothing else should matter, okay?"

As long as I'm happy, nothing else matters. I wish it were really that easy.

"You're right Pop," I hugged him around the neck and kissed his cheek, "Now let's go show those judges what a real Saint looks like." I smiled with my songbook tucked under my arm.

He laughed and clapped his hands together, "That's my girl." We walked down the same street that Jerms had taken Florida.

He gently tapped my side and handed off some blankets; I wrapped my songbook up in one and then loaded the rest under my arms.

"And who knows Harri," He grinned at me, "You might just meet a really handsome young prince who'll sweep you off your feet." He chuckled, tapping my side again.

Handsome Prince Charming? Like a Disney fairytale... Except last I checked, Disney doesn't welcome people like me. Well, Tianna. But she's not my type.

I laughed and blurted, "What if I want a pretty young princess to save me instead?" I covered my mouth quickly with my free arm, and my cheeks burned like a thousand suns.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"Like Florida." Excuse me, Pop. What the hell?! My dad grinned wickedly down at me and sped off down the street. My eyes fired up, and my nostrils flared hard again as I raced straight behind him.

"I'm going to kill you both!" I yelled as we whipped hard around the corner hard down the street to Manchester Central. Story of my life.

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Young AdultFictionSeriesFan Fiction

About the Creator


digital marketing expert. content creator. check out my other 'ventures via my milkshake and as always, #keeponwriting!


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Comments (1)

  • Test6 months ago

    Wow, what an intense day at the talent show! From nerves to banter, you went through quite the rollercoaster of emotions. It seems like Jerms and Florida have a playful dynamic, and your dad's support means a lot. How are you feeling about the competition now that you're there?

shaynaWritten by shayna

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