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Twists Of Fate

One night stand

By Aria Sterling Published 10 months ago 5 min read
One night stand.

Chapter One

“Little child, you need a man in your life,” Kylie and Aviva teased me, laughing following their jokes.

I smiled. The dim lights of the upscale club cast a sultry glow, and my heart raced as I took in the frill surrounding me.

It was a world that was separate from my daily life, a world of diversity that does not sit well with my personality. Tonight, however, I was determined to step outside my comfort zone, fueled by both peer pressure and my desire to explore.

Beneath my friends' light-hearted comments, I felt their well-intentioned concern—the societal pressures to conform to expectations one needs to meet up with.

Their jests had struck a nerve in me.

Hiding a sigh, I twirled the stem of my glass, my fingertips grazing the rim while my mind wandered.

The pressure to fit into a prescribed mold was palpable, and tonight, it had worn me down.

As if the universe sensed my unrest, something unexpected unfolded before my eyes.

A tall figure across the room, with a well-defined jawline and a fit and athletic physique. An undeniably attractive man. Moved with an effortless grace that commanded attention that was impossible to ignore.

My gaze locked onto him, I could feel my heart skip a beat as I felt a magnetic pull—a force that drew me towards him despite my intentions.

My lips curved into a wry smile, I turned to look at my friends, with determination in my eye.

“Okayyy. So you won’t believe this,” excitement bubbling within me causing me to smile,

“ I’ve found the antidote to my singledom.”I pointed discreetly across the room to where my crush at first sight stood.

My friends followed my gaze, their eyes caught this strange man that seemed to have earned my attention, “Ohhh, my,” Aviva whispered, her grin widening. “You’re not wrong, girl. He’s certainly… intriguing.”

I blushed sheepishly, staring at him, The flutter of wings danced within my stomach, and the weightless wings of butterflies.

“Go for him, he’s never going to say no to you”. Kylie encouraged me.

Aviva nodded in agreement.

I took a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest as I downed the remnants of my drink.

“I’m going in,” I announced, my voice a mixture of determination and anxious excitement.

“Girl, go get him.”

Their encouragement inspired me.

A speck of naivety persisted at the edge of my mind, urging me to seek advice from my friends.

Yet, their laughter and conversations seemed to create a barrier, urging me to embrace this newfound independence and explore unfamiliar surroundings on my own.

Kylie was kissing her partner when I noticed her.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

I turned around to see Aviva engaged in a conversation with a man.

“These ladies!” I mumbled

I was left alone to decide what I wanted. I stared at him again in admiration. I didn’t feel a constraint within me and I couldn’t wait to approach him.

Setting my wine glass on the bar, I adjusted my posture, summoning newfound confidence.

With graceful strides, I made my way across the room, my heart was racing in time with the pulsating music.

As I approached the enigmatic stranger, my mind raced and I felt a knot in my stomach with a thousand thoughts.

Reaching his side, I cleared my throat, the sound almost lost in the noise of the club. Clubbing isn’t my thing anyways, it’s just noise all around.

I shot him a daring smile, with my eyes sparkling with a mixture of excitement and mischief. “Is this seat taken?” I asked, gesturing to the empty barstool beside him. “Because I’ve been looking for a partner in crime tonight.”

The man turned his gaze towards me, his expression a cocktail of intrigue and amusement. His eyebrows slightly raised.

His eyes vibrant and expressive,

His lips curved into a knowing smile as he leaned against the bar. “Well, I do happen to have an opening for an adventurous accomplice,” he replied, his deep voice, a velvety melody that sent shivers down my spine.

Woooooh! He’s so good with words too? I’m going to melt!!! I want this so bad!!!

My thoughts streamed.

There was a comfortable silence between us as I took my seat beside him.

My heart thundered against my ribcage, a wild rhythm matching the escalating beat of the music. A surge of blood pulsed in my veins.

Leaning against the barstool, In search of what to say, my grin matched him, and our eyes locked in a charged exchange. In that instant, the whole world seemed to stop, time seemed to stand still, and the outside world faded into insignificance as my connection for him deepened.

I could feel a spark between us, an unspoken understanding. I instantly felt comfortable, but timid.

I adjusted myself and cleared my throat. Stretching forth my hands towards him with a big smile, “I’m Emily.”

“Aiden,” he replied, his grip firm as our hands met. His touch sent a jolt of awareness through me and caused my pulse to quicken even further.

A charismatic individual weaved through the crowd, steadily closing the distance between us.

“Who's this hot guy? How many these guys do they see in clubhouses? Oh! This is the freedom Kylie and Aviva enjoy? I’ve missed out on a lot.”

My thought was interrupted by Aide's attractive laughter with this new stranger.

“Your new catch, uhn man?” This new stranger asked with a burst of teasing laughter.

My eyes widened on the question. My emotion mixed with uncertainty and unsettling.

“No courtesy, he couldn’t greet me. Hot but no manners.”

Their laughter rang out like a harmonious duet.

“I trust you to give her a night to remember,” he said my gaze in disbelief followed him as he walked away.

I was caught aback by Aiden’s vibrating voice.

“Sorry for the little distraction. That was a friend”

His smile had done something to me, it gives me a chill and sends me butterflies.

“So, Emily, what kind of adventure are you looking for tonight?” he asked, his voice threaded with curiosity.

“I would not let some random stranger damage my night moment.”

My lips curved into a playful smile, my heart pounding with a heady of nerves and exhilaration.

“I want a night that defies expectations,” my words laced with a hint of challenge.

He smiled. “Hmmm”

His voice vibrated in my heart regardless of the club noise, I could feel a liquid forming under me, and I began to move circularly on my seat.

I felt a sense of freedom that I hadn’t experienced in a long time. With Aiden by my side, I could simply be myself—a woman unafraid to chase her desires and embrace the thrill of the unknown.

I felt I had been in shackles, and finally experienced freedom.

Aiden’s gaze intensified as if he saw something in my eyes that resonated with his desires.

“Well then, Emily,” he said, his voice a low, captivating drawl, “I think we might be in for a night that you will never forget.”

Plot TwistRomance

About the Creator

Aria Sterling

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Comments (1)

  • Aria Sterling (Author)10 months ago

    Kindly engage and support this story. It’s going to be a fun and beautiful journey.

ASWritten by Aria Sterling

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