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The Attendant of Shadows

The Keeper of Shadows

By Ayesha Begum Published about a month ago 3 min read
The Attendant of Shadows
Photo by Shawn Rain on Unsplash

In the little, languid town of Everwood, settled at the edge of an old woods, stood an old house known as Blackthorn Estate. It had been deserted for a really long time, its once-stupendous veneer currently shrouded in ivy and secret. The residents stayed away from it, murmuring stories of hauntings and condemnations that had kept its entryways solidly shut for ages.

One cold fall evening, a young lady named Eliza showed up in Everwood. A trying author, she had abandoned the clamoring city looking for harmony and motivation. Charmed by the neighborhood legends, she chose to lease a little cabin on the edges of town, right close to Blackthorn Estate.

Notwithstanding the admonitions from local people, Eliza felt a baffling draw toward the old chateau. Every day, she would sit by her window, gazing at the terrific, rotting structure, envisioning the narratives it held inside its walls. Her interest developed, and one twilight evening, she chose to investigate the estate.

Outfitted with only an electric lamp and her journal, Eliza cleared her path through the congested nursery to the front entryway. Amazingly, it squeaked open effectively, as though welcoming her in. Inside, the air was thick with residue and recollections. Blurred pictures lined the walls, and spider webs hung the furniture like old ribbon.

As she wandered further into the house, Eliza found a terrific library, its racks loaded up with cowhide bound books and failed to remember information. In the focal point of the room stood an enormous, elaborate mirror, its surface shrouded in a layer of grime. As she cleaned it off, she saw a particular engraving around the casing: "To the individuals who look for reality, let shadows be your aide."

Inquisitive, Eliza looked into the mirror. Rather than her appearance, she saw a dream of the past: the chateau in its prime, loaded up with chuckling and light. She saw the previous proprietors, the Blackthorn family, facilitating excellent gatherings and carrying on with their lives. Yet, as the vision proceeded, haziness started to sneak in. She saw the family's ruin — a grievous series of occasions that prompted their less than ideal death and the house's deserting.

Captivated and frightened, Eliza went through hours before the mirror, revealing the privileged insights of Blackthorn Estate. She learned of illegal sentiments, stowed away fortunes, and the strong revile that had bound the family. Every disclosure was more fantastic than the last, and Eliza felt a sense of urgency to compose their story.

Days transformed into weeks, and Eliza's fixation on the estate developed. She invested all her energy in the library, her fingers flying across the pages of her scratch pad as she reported the stories of the past. Yet, the more she dug into the set of experiences, the more she felt the presence of the shadows — murmurs in the dimness, spooky figures toward the edges of her vision.

One blustery evening, as Eliza was composing by candlelight, she felt a cool breath on her neck. Pivoting, she saw a figure remaining in the entryway — a man wearing outdated dress, his eyes loaded up with distress. It was Thomas Blackthorn, the last beneficiary of the Blackthorn family. He addressed her, his voice a simple murmur.

"You've uncovered our story, however you should watch out. The shadows are fretful. They need conclusion, however they additionally request equity."

Not set in stone to help, Eliza asked Thomas what she could do. He told her of a secret room in the estate, where the wellspring of the revile was kept — a reviled memento that had brought destruction upon the family. It must be annihilated to liberate the spirits.

Directed by Thomas, Eliza explored the twisted passageways of the estate to track down the secret room. Inside, she found the memento, gleaming with an evil light. As she grasped it, she felt a flood of dim energy, taking steps to overpower her. Bringing all her fortitude, she crushed the memento with a weighty bookend.

An explosion of light occupied the room, and the severe air lifted. The spirits of the Blackthorn family showed up before her, their countenances peaceful and appreciative. With a last, thankful grin, they evaporated into the ether, abandoning Eliza in the now-tranquil manor.

Getting back to her cabin, Eliza completed her book, recounting the genuine story of the Blackthorn family and their shocking destiny. The town of Everwood embraced her work, and the legend of Blackthorn House changed from a story of dread to one of reclamation and boldness.

Eliza's experience with the shadows made her a commended creator as well as carried harmony to a spooky family. What's more, in the calm corners of Everwood, the murmurs of the past were at long last hushed, leaving behind just the reverberations of a story very much told.

MemoirMagical RealismFictionFantasyAutobiography

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    ABWritten by Ayesha Begum

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