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Take me Ho(e)me

by: Alias Sora/Mayang

By Alias SoraPublished 11 months ago 13 min read
chapter 1 : Purge and Guardian


A/n: There's heavy gore please be warned, I advise you to skip it if you can't handle it. I'll put a sign where you can skip.

Author's Pov.

She will die today, that's for sure.

An unmoving body, one can mistake a corpse due to the inhumane position she was currently in. Lying on her bed unmoving as her alarm rang and undoubtedly fell on deaf ears. She began to twitch and shift uncomfortably when she finally found the energy to grudgingly slid out of bed, and trudged towards her closet. After picking out decent clothes, going back to her bedside table switching off the alarm. Whom in the right mind would change clothes before turning off an obnoxious alarm?

She began, to do her daily things, eat, shower, and prepare. Today was the day, a day where she dreaded to come. A yearly program would occur, a night of full slaughter, sure some would say she was exaggerating but murder was one of the things they allowed in this specific program. This night was called The Purge, March 21st, where any and all crime, including murder, would be legal. Such a shame, for her to die on the day she was born.

Happy me, I guess. The soon-fallen heroine thought, now grabbing her money and phone, she went out to buy 'materials' for tonight.

Calling an Uber, she got on and went to the nearest grocery store. Although, as I expected almost everything was sold off, a look of disappointment soon graced our heroine's face. Grumbling in annoyance, she went to look for another. After a while, she found one after walking aimlessly for about one to two hours or so, she sighed in relief and happily skipped towards the small convenience store.





This is bullshit, She thought, barely getting anything. With only a foot in the small building, a crowd of scary women legally ransacked through the products, sighing she trotted towards the things that were left for her...she was tired, the energy she had earlier was gone. She worked her butt off walking towards who knows where until she finally found a place, but the things she could get are the things that were left for her.

Still have some money left, deciding it was time for lunch. Choosing to eat at a secluded cafe in town, she entered the place and sat down at what she liked to call a solo private table, with walls on both sides and curtains in front, with a mini water dispenser and all the utensils she could need. She ordered a tempura bowl and curry, with lemon iced tea.

A few minutes later, the usual waiter that served/catered for her for the past 2 years named Haru, which she befriended in those span of time of course. Gave her the meal, and she gave her thanks and dug in. Opting to have a small talk with him as it has been a few years already, but alas he was soon called off and scolded by his manager for taking too long, she hoped he wouldn't receive another pay cut just for that, their manager was quite biased. Choosing to favour good looking man, it irked her, to say the least, that such a good friend was forced to work for someone so...boneheaded. Yeah, this author will work on her insulting skills.

Haru came back to her table pushing aside the curtain a little bit he, with the usual smile would greet her with, "Good noon, Miss Eli." He said in a gentle manner, if only Haru wasn't a waiter but a host she would definitely go for his ass.

"Good noon, Haru. Also, stop calling me Miss, we've been friends for at least a year or so..." She now named Eli, said smiling at her friend. While also chomping down on a fried tempura, not before dipping it in spicy mayo. He sighed in response.

"We both know that won't happen, or else I'll get scolded again. "You are the cause of most of my troubles you know" Chuckling playfully now leaning his head on his hand as he looked at her eat, well she just shrugged in response ignoring the small tint in her cheeks that she desperately wished he would not notice.

"So...what are you planning tonight, Eli?" He trailed off, sending her curious gaze. She shifted uncomfortably in response, honestly, she didn't know what she could do, wondering how she even got this far in life being an orphan and all is shocking to her.

"Probably locking myself at the house, with double the security from last year. I also inserted some cameras and big padlocks I bought off Amazon." Happily chirped, and gobbled down a spoonful of curry. He hummed,

"You think thick padlocks would work on guns?" He playfully asked, "You never know, Haru. Plus I can protect myself...a bit?" It came off as a question rather than an answer, she pouted. Now opting to change the subject before he could tease her more.

"What's up with the manager, by the way, she seemed so annoying. Especially her high-pitched voice." She says rolling her eyes in the process. He scoffs,

"She's the owner's relative of some sort, the other staff seems to disagree." He leaned in, whispering to her.

"Oh? what's the true catch then?" Curious, she leaned in as well. Amused at her antics, bringing a hand to her forehead he flicked it, earning a surprised yelp. Adjusting to her seat again, she decided it was better to let him talk not risking another tease. Now silently eating, while looking at him with hopeful eyes, he sighed in defeat, a smile danced on her face when she finally won.

"Apparently she's far from a relative, his mistress they suspect. He was really chummy with her after she got accepted, and rose up to a manager in just a month." He shrugged at the last part, sure it was unfair to him but he didn't care, the owner and his mistress were two peas in pod. Both were trash, another reason was probably that he only has the lousy minimum wage to rely on, apparently, the tips for him and the other waiters were for the owner. He pretended to be blind and deaf to the obscure affections the two trash shared.

"Oh, that makes sense, how many times have I offered you a job at the company I work for again?"

"51? If you're implying what I think you're implying then it's 52..." Trailing off, Eli finished her food.

"It's a shame but my boss would need a partner." Eli quietly giggled, she stood up ready to pay. Walking off to the counter she took out her wallet but before she could hand over her money, "Don't pay, It's on me!" Haru called out cupping his mouth with his hands he shouted, with her looking back, she was met with an ever so graceful smile that radiated so bright. With widened eyes she sent him a curious stare, watching him mouth the words Happy Birthday, my dear Eli.

A small smile settled on her face while she left, too bad she would leave him soon. She could tell.


Arriving at home, her body immediately slumped on the couch the bags that she carried slipped out of her hands. With narrowed and creased eyebrows she pondered whether to sleep and cram later before the purge starts or get up and lock/barricade all the openings and turn on the security system then sleep. Obviously, she chose the latter and grumpily stood up and began to work.

When she was finally done she went to sleep, the only thing that woke her was when a monotone voice entered her ears,

"This is not a test. This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by the Government."

Ah, there it is the voice I dreaded to hear. She thought, a burning irritation spread across her body she hated this, clearly but she could not escape...unless she dies of course. An easy way out at least, but why would she build up security in her home when she welcomes death with open arms? Well, that's one thing she doesn't understand about herself, but it was clear she gave up already, how she knew it was her time? Simple, she feels it. (hehe I don't have a better explanation)

As she lets the rest of the announcement fall on deaf ears, closing her eyes once more letting her fatigue get the best of her. She didn't need to hear it anyway, she had it memorized.

😇You Can Skip This😇

After a good hour or so she again woke up to various bangs, thuds, and many screaming. it isn't even that late yet, what drugs are you all on to start killing this early?!

Sighing, she sat up and went to her PC to see if the security camera is doing its job. Lucky her it was, she could see a few bodies lying on her doorstep,

she tried not to cringe at how mangled their bodies were. So worse when she zoomed in,

Oh god, She froze in terror, eyes wide at what she was seeing just who would do this? It was far from recognizable. A body had its other arm nailed to the ground it wasn't even an arm anymore the killer left no gap between the nails, and the eyes were pulled out, and blood seeped out from their sockets. It only got worse when she saw the other bodies. They all have one thing in common though, their eyes were missing...

Luckily Eli won't die this way, :)

✌️You Can Read Again :) ✌️

She crawled away from the PC, her heart still pounding as she recalled that God help her. She couldn't get the images out of her head! She was crippled in disgust as one thought of it made her want to puke, but she needed to respect the dead. Her head started throbbing as unwanted thoughts came in,

I could have saved them...If I just stayed up to hear their cries, I could have helped!

I'm the reason why they suffered, if only...if only...

She tightened her hands into a fist until they turned white, disgusted with herself. She thrashed, threw, rip anything she held. Droplets of water fell from her face as she cried for help. Someone who can help her banish her guilt, she was sleeping there relaxed while the others were fighting for their lives. So engrossed in her sorrow she failed to see the light, for she thought she was a monster herself. Kneeling down on her bed she began to apologize and reflect, reflect on what? She didn't know.

As the wind heavily blows and droplets of water began to flow.

On the neighbouring streets could be heard.

Desperate pleas and yells, as if she's a caged bird.

Beliwedered, people halt, listening in

Hearing the cries of the fallen heroine.





A sudden twitch where her body felt like falling and also being electrocuted in a split second jolted her up from her uncomfortable sleep. Her palm rubbed the sore eyes, the puffy eyes from crying made her vision slightly blurry. A plain white wall (she assumed) entered her sight, and now looking around everything seemed to be white. There hardly was anything in the room except the walls and floor yet no door.

Did I die? Was the first question that came to her mind, it was plausible. What about Haru? The thought of leaving her only friend behind scared her. He was all she had, and she'd be damned if she couldn't take him to the grave with her. Looking at her hand it looked slimmer than before, what happened to her exactly?

Now standing up, her back screamed when she bent her body backwards to stretch. Groaning, now aimlessly walked around the room until she reached a wall. With her hand brought up, placing her hand on the wall, knocking to hear if there was another side.

None, nada, so with her hand still placed on the wall she began to walk to the side gliding her hand across the wall, noticing the white dust that the wall left on her hand while she already explored the four corners of the white room.

She felt somewhat unfair for her to die on the day she was born(well if she's dead), who decided to have the purge on her birthday anyway? Lost in her thoughts, she failed to notice the empty wall behind her that started forming some kind of door a while ago. Still observing the walls in front of her, a man looked like in his early thirties entered the makeshift door. The man wore a dark-grey polo shirt with black slacks, a long white hospital robe and a stethoscope hanging on his neck.

He took a couple of steps towards her, observing her form from what he could see she looked fragile, her clothes barely fit, her terrible posture, and her eyes seemed so tired. Deducing that it may be the effects of her severe trauma, the years she had to endure, well it was only once a year in his defence.

He couldn't understand why it traumatised her so much. Well, he wasn't exactly human to begin with so his confusion is somewhat, just somewhat understandable.

A couple more steps he took until the fragile-looking girl finally turned to the man. Clearing his throat,

"Hello, you must be Miss Eli? A pleasure to meet you." He said, the girl looked uncomfortable with his choice of how to approach her. Her hands fiddled with the yellow cardigan she wore, she hummed in response.


"Well Miss, I need to examine you to know if you're good to go for the next place you're off to." The man said stepping into her bubble. She may have been too calm about this situation, so she began to ask questions.

"To where?"

"A place I hate but you may like..." He responded, flaring his nose. Grabbing his stethoscope, and waving a hand to the side a puff of smoke emerged then came to a makeshift hospital bed. Motioning her to sit down while she looked at him perplexed.

Unsatisfied with his answer, clicking her tongue and looking elsewhere was her solution in an attempt to lower her rising anger.

"Did I die?" She again asked, barely a whisper this time if he was human he probably wouldn't hear it, but he wasn't. Putting the stethoscope on her chest he instructed her to inhale and exhale. The face she gave him was amusing, so he decided to tease her a bit. It is quite unexpected coming from him.

"Not quite..." He said, done with his test. If I tell her she died because of a severe breakdown that led to her hitting her head at the corner of a table, would she be embarrassed and shut up?

He paused at the thought.

Although, seeing her cry might be entertaining right now but it's against the rules... He thought, and sighed.

"Then what is this place anyway?"

Eli's pov.

"Then what is this place anyway?" I pressed further, I have been getting vague answers so far and can't help but feel frustrated about it, and the fact that I don't want to offend this man because he's good-looking! Fuck you, stupid maybe a demon hunk! I ranted to myself, still bothered by his gaze. Why is he so handsome thou- and here I am a freaking skeleton.

My face morphing into awe as I stared at him more, I may be gawking at him but dear lord you don't see a fine man every day. A slight twitch in his lips made me arch my brow. He had a fine-ass jawline with a neatly trimmed beard, his hair combed and tied to a bun. Damn...

He suddenly took out! There are phones here??

"Sir, her condition is fine, just severely malnourished." I'm not fine then! what's the point of looking like a doctor if you consider someone who looks like a skeleton 'fine' Being beyond angry, you may be handsome but you're fucking dumb! I was about to yell at him, but the door burst open.

There stood a man, with a demeanour I couldn't quite get. He seemed kind yet the hairs behind my neck screamed danger, seemingly begging for me to run. My legs started to turn weak as my hand lousily gripped the bed sheets. I was scared to stare at him, so I just averted my eyes towards the mysterious man's side. He walked towards us, while I waited anxiously.

"Child." A firm voice came out of his mouth, looking down at me with a cold-hardened gaze. The man cleared his throat and spoke again.

"In time you will know my intentions, believe me, I want no harm done to you. So please don't be confused when the time comes." What? I stared at him in confusion, his hand found its way into my head as he gently pat it, gently combing my hair with his fingers. His hand feels warm, I might get used to head pats.

"What do you mean, sir?" I asked him, slightly leaning into his hand. I felt comfortable around him, is this how kidnappers coax children now? Dress like an ancient and act like a god?

"You will know...Tia, I hope you have a safe trip." With a gentle tap on my head, I blacked out.

Back at the two non-humans

"You got attached...Haru"

"Can't help it, Romo-sama. I'm her guardian." Haru replied with a pout, meeting his human once more after she died made him ecstatic, who knew this guardian who has been by Eli's side for a long time would have this part of him? If he was really her guardian why couldn't he prevent her death?

"I wonder...for a guardian such as yourself to get attached to this girl. Would they become possessive of her as well?"

Next Chapter:

"What's up with these toddler-sized hands?!"


About the Creator

Alias Sora

Hi! I write novels for fun, have a nice day :)

What kind of Stories do I write?

-Fantasy - with lots of gore, with a pinch of romance.

-Adventure - I like torturing my OC

-Historical Romance - Fluff, NSFW,

-Fanfiction- mainly animes

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