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Strangest Place to Live - Part 2

Part II

By RohanPublished 11 months ago 5 min read
Strangest Place to Live - Part 2
Photo by Miquel Parera on Unsplash

Whittier, Alaska : entire city is located inside a single building

Whittier, Alaska is indeed a unique and fascinating town with its entire population living within a single building. Its history as a former US naval base and subsequent transformation into a small community showcases the resilience and adaptability of its residents. The extreme weather conditions in Whittier, with temperatures dropping to just 10 degrees Fahrenheit in winter, make the decision to live under one roof a practical choice for its inhabitants.

The Buckner Building, which is nearby, remains abandoned since 1966, adding a touch of mystery to the town. Although some may speculate about hauntings, it's essential to treat such claims with skepticism, as there's no scientific evidence to support paranormal activities.

The journey to reach Whittier is undoubtedly an adventure, with the only access being through a one-lane, one-track tunnel that also serves as a road during the day and closes at night to allow trains to pass through. This isolation is a testament to the remote location of the town. The 63-mile journey to Anchorage, the nearest major town, adds another layer of complexity to daily life, especially for those who run the general stores and need to make weekly supply trips.

Whittier's story is a testament to human resilience, adaptability, and the ability to create a community even in the most challenging and remote circumstances. It's a fascinating place that offers a glimpse into a way of life that's quite different from the bustling cities and urban environments that many people are accustomed to.

Santa Cruz del Islote : world's most densely packed islands

Santa Cruz del Islote is indeed a remarkable and intriguing place, located off the coast of Colombia. With its tiny size and dense population, it presents a unique living situation for its approximately 600 residents. The comparison of the entire island fitting inside London's Trafalgar Square highlights just how compact this community is.

Despite its small size and limited resources, life on the island seems to have a close-knit and community-oriented feel. The absence of a formal police force suggests a high level of trust and cooperation among the residents in dealing with any rare instances of crime. The weekly gatherings for music and dancing in the town square further reinforce the strong social connections on the island.

However, the lack of access to fresh water poses a significant challenge for the residents. Dependence on a single seller of bottled water can lead to issues of affordability and accessibility, especially for a basic necessity like water.

The limited industry and job opportunities also imply that those with ambitions beyond the island's constraints may need to leave in search of better opportunities elsewhere. This can create a unique tension for the inhabitants, who likely have deep roots and strong ties to their community.

The absence of a graveyard on the island is a poignant reminder of the space constraints, leading to the practice of shipping bodies over water for burial elsewhere. While this may be practical given the circumstances, it certainly adds a somber element to the realities of living on such a small and densely populated piece of land.

Overall, Santa Cruz del Islote is a fascinating example of human adaptability and resilience in creating a harmonious community despite the challenges presented by its size and location.

Migingo in Lake Victoria, Kenya : densely populated island

Migingo Island in Lake Victoria, Kenya, is undoubtedly an extraordinary place with its incredibly dense population and limited land area. With approximately 500 people living on just half an acre of land (about the size of four basketball courts), the island faces unique challenges and complexities.

One advantage for the residents is their access to fresh water due to the island's location in Lake Victoria. However, the political turmoil surrounding Migingo is a significant concern. The island's strategic location and access to abundant fish in Lake Victoria have led both Uganda and Kenya to claim ownership of it. The ongoing territorial dispute has created uncertainty and difficulties for the residents, who find themselves caught in the middle of this issue.

The attempts by both countries to tax the poor residents of Migingo only exacerbate the challenges faced by the community. The situation must undoubtedly feel claustrophobic, not just due to the limited physical space but also because of the political tensions that surround them.

Despite the difficulties, the residents of Migingo demonstrate remarkable resilience in their ability to adapt and make a living on the small island. Their ability to navigate the complexities of this unique situation is a testament to human strength and resourcefulness.

Living in such close quarters on Migingo Island likely fosters a strong sense of community and mutual support among the residents. Despite the challenges they face, they continue to find ways to make life work, showcasing the human spirit's indomitable nature.

Miyake-Jima : small island, Japan

Miyake-Jima, located about 62 miles south of Tokyo, Japan, is indeed a beautiful island with idyllic scenery and a close-knit community. However, its proximity to a stratovolcano, Mount Oyama, brings a unique and dangerous aspect to life on the island. The volcano periodically releases large concentrations of sulfur dioxide, which can be deadly if exposed to for prolonged periods.

Following a particularly volatile eruption in 2000, a significant portion of the island's population, around 3,600 residents, evacuated for safety reasons. However, after five years, almost 2,800 of them decided to return to their homes on the island, despite the ongoing risks. This shows the resilience and attachment the residents have to their community, even in the face of such dangers.

Due to the unpredictable nature of the toxic gas emissions, the residents of Miyake-Jima are required to carry gas masks with them at all times. Whenever there's a detection of dangerous gas levels, warning sirens alert the population, prompting them to put on their masks until the air clears. Despite this ongoing precaution, the residents continue to lead relatively normal lives, engaging in daily activities such as farming, attending school, and celebrating important life events like marriages.

For visitors who wish to explore the island, wearing a gas mask and undergoing a respiratory medical exam is advised to ensure their safety during their stay. While the island offers a unique experience and picturesque landscapes, the potential health risks associated with the toxic gas make it a challenging destination for many people.

Miyake-Jima is a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the deep bonds that tie people to their homeland, even in the face of natural hazards. While life on the island may be far from ordinary, the residents have adapted to their circumstances and carry on with their lives, embracing the challenges of living in such a beautiful but potentially dangerous place.


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I am young and enthusiastic writer, prefer to get more encouragement from fellow audience and colleagues. Please do support guys.. Thanks in advance.. Thanks for all the love & encouragement .. cheers

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    RohanWritten by Rohan

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