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Chapter One

By razornalePublished 11 months ago 6 min read


“Milly, this is a terrible idea.” I groaned as she dragged me through the gate leading into my neighbor’s backyard.

Milly has been my best friend since we were in kindergarten. She’s always had a wild side, I like to think I even out with my conservative personality. However, whenever we’re drinking her antics always go up a notch. Add to the fact Jackie and Ana were in town, it ends up being three against one in the wild shenanigans department. She'd gone upstairs to change after getting to my house earlier. When she came back down, she started asking me about my neighbor.

I told her the truth; I hadn’t officially met him. We'd wave at one another if we were both outside, but he wasn’t home very often. She asked me a few more questions that I had thought little of at the time but now I realized why she'd asked them.

The three of them stopped and turned to look at me, each of them smirking at me with an evil glint in their eyes. I closed my eyes and sighed. I knew what they were about to do.

“Sam, relax. Everything will be fine.” Ana said attempting to reassure me. Which means Jackie was about to reason with me.

“Yeah, Sam.” Jackie said. “You said that your neighbor isn’t home. So, it’s not like he'd know we’re here.”

I groaned opening my eyes looking at them. They knew they had me but to make sure Milly was about to seal the deal, as always.

“Unless you’re too chicken.” Milly laughed bringing her hands up to her armpits to make chicken wings. And there it was, they could convince me to do almost anything when they did this. Especially if we were out in public, which we normally were. Ana and Jackie followed Milly’s lead. Together they all started flapping their arms and clucking at me.

I tried to suppress a laugh that bubbled up because although I hated when they did this, watching them flap was still funny. I failed though.


The three of them stopped and threw their hands up in victory. They also did a small dance.

Shaking my head, I went with them into my neighbor’s backyard and over to his pool. It’s seemed as if it could be a junior Olympic sized pool. A diving board was at one end which was nice. It's rare to find a pool built nowadays that could accommodate one.

I glanced around as I walked and took in his backyard. He kept it well maintained and looked like it would be perfect for entertaining. Although I had only moved in four months ago my neighbor never appeared to be home and when he was I never saw anyone come over. So, for him to have this setup was sort of weird to me.

The patio had an extension that flowed into the walkway around the pool with a gazebo attached to the house to cover it. I loved the grilling area positioned off to the side. He'd the grill into some counter space and at the end of one counter was a built-in mini fridge. The patio furniture comprised a few rocker chairs and a loveseat. He even had an outdoor dining table.

I wanted the same setup at my house. I love sitting outside with a good book and this setup would be good for not only that but also entertaining when I had people over. Whenever he comes home again, I would have to work up the courage to talk to him and ask if he had any recommendations.

“Come on Sam, get a move on!” Milly called out breaking into my thoughts.

At some point I stopped following them to take in his porch setup. I made my way over to the pool and stopped short. All three of them were already in the water. What made me stop though was that all three of them were buck ass naked.

“You guys only said we were going swimming.!” I whispered loudly.

“We are swimming!” Milly screamed before breaking into a fit of giggles.

“No! You’re freaking skinny dipping.”

“Which is still swimming my dear.”

“This is ridiculous. I’m not doing it.”

They all glanced at each other and grinned. Turning their focus on me they started to chant my name. Starting off slow and as they got faster, they got louder.

Rolling my eyes, I reached for my shorts. I slid my thumb between the waistband of both my shorts and panties tugging them down until they fell to the ground on their own. I kicked them to the side as I grabbed the hem of my tank top. I wasn’t wearing a bra, so I was bare once I slid it over my head and dropped it to the ground.

I stared at my three pain in the ass best friends for a minute before deciding what I wanted to do.

Turning on my heel I walked the length of the pool towards the diving board. At some point, while I had been stripping the girls had started cheering me on. However, when they realized I was walking away from them they stopped and started begging me to get in. I guess to them it seemed like I was going back to my house. Silence filled the air when I stepped onto the board.

A part of me was excited, but also nervous. The nerves weren't only because I was naked though. The last time I had been on a diving board since I was in High School. However, Diving was like second nature to me. I tested the board gaging how much spring it had then walked to the back of it. As I got into position, I took a deep breath releasing it slowly. Once I was in position I didn’t hesitate, I did what came natural and flew into the dive.

When I resurfaced, I was smiling. That was amazing. I hadn’t realized how much I missed diving and being in the water until this moment.

One of the girls threw themselves at me in their excitement. “Hey!” I said but the force of whoever had launched themselves at me dragged me under. When I broke the surface all three of them were talking at once. I wiped the water off my face looking at each of them. “Hey! I can’t understand you guys when you’re all talking at once.”

They went silent and smiled at me.

“That was amazing Sam,” Ana said, breaking the silence. “Would you do it again?”

I chuckled, as she was asking me to do it again Milly had rolled her eyes. Jackie and Ana had never seen me dive since I was no longer doing it anymore when we all met in college. Milly however had been on the swim team and had seen me doing it plenty of times.

“Of course.”

I shook myself off as I got out of the water. Trying to dry off as much as possible without a shammy. Remembering I had seen some outdoor storage bins by the house, I went over to where they were and opened one hoping I would find a towel. With luck, the first one I opened did. I felt a little bad about using one but I would take it home and wash it. I’d worry about how I would bring it back without him knowing later.

Satisfied that I was dry enough, I went back over to the board and got into position again. When I was ready, I started going through the motions of the dive I wanted to do. This dive was going to be a little more complex than the first one I did. If I’m being honest with myself though; I wanted to show off a little.

Mid-way through my first jump to gain the air I would need for the dive, the lights on the porch came on followed by several lights that were out in the yard. Causing me to lose focus.

When I landed my ankle rolled. Intense pain shot up my leg which made me cry out. I tried to maintain my balance, waving my arms around as if I would somehow gain the ability to fly. It was no use though I was already falling backwards. I tried to fling myself off to the side of the board but it was too late. My head smacked against something as I fell into the water and everything went black.


About the Creator


I work full time. Life is a crazy mess and I take to writing to escape it. I love to write. I enjoy creating something that may or may not bring a smile to ones face or tear to ones eye.

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    razornaleWritten by razornale

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