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A homeless person may find love and perhaps a home by being run over.

By SabrinaPublished about a month ago 27 min read

It was a cold and dark November evening in the alley of the large northeastern city. Pam had gathered whatever clothing she could find and enough garbage bags that she wouldn't freeze to death. She had been living on the streets for quite some time, ever since her mother decided that her boyfriend's desires were more important than her daughter's right to say no. Her mother was out of it so much that even if she wanted to, she couldn't protect her child.

Even after living on the streets for a while, Pamela Allen was an attractive girl in her 20s. Her slim build, long light brown hair, and bright green eyes were hidden behind dirt, hooded jackets, and a mountain of sadness. Perhaps her attractiveness was the problem. If she had been uglier, her mother's boyfriend would have left her alone.

She pushed those thoughts aside. It was almost time for the shift to change at the diner. A couple of the staff always saved her some food. It was the only place she could get food, aside from the homeless shelter. She would stay at the shelter, but they asked too many questions, and there was a creepy man in his fifties who was constantly trying to feel her up. She preferred to go hungry than deal with that.

Mostly, it was the questions that kept her away from the shelter. She had no love for her mother's boyfriend, but she didn't want her mother to go to jail either. She didn't know if what her mother was doing was still considered a crime, but she wasn't prepared to answer any questions. She missed her friends and even school, but she had skipped ahead and graduated when she was sixteen. She was good at everything, but she had no idea what she wanted to do with the rest of her life, which was slipping by quickly now. She was sure that living on the streets wasn't it. Pam had been homeless and aimless for so many years that she knew no other way.

They left a warm styrofoam tray of spaghetti and meat sauce for her outside the diner, which Pam devoured quickly. You never know when you've just had your last meal. After supper, an older man in his fifties came out of the diner's alley door and called out, "did you get enough to eat? Sorry it wasn't more, but the owner is nasty and doesn't want us feeding you. "

pam stepped out of the shadows, "why? "

the very rotund middle-aged man, who was probably the cook, just said, "she thinks feeding you will create a dependency, and you will never leave. "

"well, the accommodations are quite lovely so i could stay for a long time, " pam joked. "i will say the food is pretty good though. "

"well, i'm not sure how true that is, but you're a nice girl for saying so, " the cook said with just a hint of an italian accent. "i brought you some coffee. The owner has no problem giving you that because i think she knows how bad her coffee is. "

Pam laughed. She hadn't done that in a while. She took the large paper mug from the cook and just said, "thank you. "

Thereafter, she headed back into the darkness to her spot near a warm wall, covered herself with the ratty old clothes and garbage bags, and went to sleep. It had become a nightly ritual, and she was getting used to it. The alley had bright spots toward the street and up by the diner, but her part of the alley was quite dark. She could see people coming and going, and while it may not have been the safest place in the world, it was safe. There were just enough people around so that if she was in real trouble, she could call out.

One thing she hadn't seen in the alley before was a car. Her legs were pretty far from the wall, and a medium-sized black car came down the alley. It was one of those darned electric cars, so she didn't hear it coming. There was enough garbage that the car didn't get its whole weight on her, but it still hurt a lot.

The man inside the car might not have even noticed, but he heard the scream and stopped. It was so dark, and there was so much stuff around that he barely saw her. When he did, he virtually flew over to her to make sure she was alright.

"i'm so sorry! I didn't see you there, " he said, trying to apologize.

Even in the dark, pam could see that he was a handsome man, probably in his thirties. Well-groomed, short, dark hair, and he seemed to have a strong-looking physique. He was wearing an expensive black shirt and black pants with a long overcoat. As bizarre as it is to think about a man who just ran you over, he had the kindest face and eyes.

Probably a serial killer. Pam thought.

"we should get you checked out at the hospital, " the man implored.

Pam thought about it but again, there would be too many questions. "no, that's okay. Just give me $50, and that should cover my pain and suffering for a few minutes. " pam meant it as a joke, but the man dug out his wallet and handed her a hundred.

"i'm sorry. I really didn't mean it. You can keep your hundred, " pam said as she pushed the money back.

"no, no, you keep it, but we should really check to make sure your foot is okay. You don't have to go to the hospital if you don't want to, but i really should get you checked out. "

"don't worry about it, " pam said to the handsome stranger.

At that, the stranger held out his hands, and pam grabbed them and tried to stand, but it hurt a lot. She winced through the pain and said, "see, i'm fine. "

"come on, " the stranger said and motioned for pam to get in the car.

I knew it! Pam yelled

knew what? The man asked

youre a damned serial killer.

Ok, tell you what. You can get in the back and when i least expect it, you can strangle me, the man said teasing.

Pam didnt think she could make it to the back seat, so she sat in the front. But i dont want to go to the hospital, pam said firmly.

Alright ill take you back to my place and have a friend of mine check your foot in the morning. Hows that?

Ok but are you going to rape and murder me?


Oh, ok just checking. Besides, i think you would have hurt me by now if that was your intent. Or you're playing the long game and just lulling me into a false sense of security.

Hmm that would be pretty devious, wouldn't it? But you can relax. I hardly ever kill this time of year. The man was joking or at least she hoped he was. There was a warm bed possibly in her future so dying seemed a small price to pay.

My name is David. David lane. I figure you should know who you're travelling with and who is probably going to kill you. Hmm wait its starting to get weird huh?

Yes, David, please stop telling me you're going to kill me. It actually is starting to scare me. My name is pam. Pam Allen.

Hi Pam. Sorry about the whole murder thing. I always seem to carry a joke a bit too far, David said apologetically.

No worries. I guess if you had killed me, that might be a bit too far. I thought you said you weren't going to take me to the hospital.

From out of the darkness, a massive building seemed to pop out of nowhere. It was as big as a hospital.

I didnt. This is where i live.

Holy crap! It's huge.

Yeah, it was my grandfathers and then my moms, and now that she is gone. It's mine.

As the car pulled up to the front of the huge red stone mansion, David asked Pam if she needed help getting up the long stone stairs that rose about six feet from the long circular driveway.

Yes, im sorry i think i do, pam said, still enthralled by the immensity of the house.

David jumped out of the car, opened Pam's car door, and carried her by the threshold up to the main door. The foyer was bigger than any apartment Pam had ever lived in.

Wow... Just wow! Is all Pam could manage.

At that, David picked her up again and carried her to a huge bedroom and placed her gently on the bed. About ten feet away there was a very large bathroom.

This isn't your room, is it? Pam asked.

No, no. This is the guest room. I may look a bit desperate but i... David was interrupted.

I just meant that i didn't want you to be put out of your room. Could you please carry me over there? And she motioned to the bathroom. As he brought her there, she squealed with excitement. There's a tub... A big, deep tub!

Do you need me for anything else? David asked.

Oh no, i got this, she laughed.

Ok ill go check to see if I can find you something to wear. He could hear her splashing and laughing as he left the room.

It took him nearly an hour to find a nice night dress that probably belonged to an ex, but it looked like it would fit Pam.

He brought it back to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

David, is that you?

Yeah, pam, were the only people in the house.

Oh. Can you come in? And not look at me with no clothes on and lift me up?

Um ill try.

David walked over to the tub with the beautiful naked girl in it and tried not to look. He brought her a towel to cover herself with and proceeded to help her up. He did his best to avert his eyes while lifting her. She smelled a lot better now. He helped her to the bed where the night dress was waiting. He turned around while she put it on.

Ive left some pills by the bed to help with the pain and i found my moms old walker to help you get around. The kitchen is just across the foyer, and you can help yourself to whatever, David offered.

I dont get it. Why are you doing this? Pam asked cautiously.

Firstly, i hit you with my car, i think that opens up a pretty large obligation. Secondly, it's a huge house and i could use some company until you are back on your feet. Then, we can determine what, if anything, you wish to do. David assured her.

Could i ask for something? Its a pretty big ask.

Of course, the worst thing i can say is to get out. David replied, a bit more seriously than he meant it to be.

Its ok. Never mind.

No, please feel free to ask me anything, and i promise i will do my best to fulfil your requests. David hoped it wasnt something he would later regret, like the head of john the baptist on a platter.

Tomorrow is my birthday, and i wondered if i could have a cake. I havent had one in years or possibly ever, pam said sadly.

Yes, you certainly can. After my doctor examines your foot, ill ask my secretary, who kind of hates me anyway, to get someone to take your measurements and ill buy you some new clothes. I know this wont make sense but even i have a limited amount of money. Most of it goes to keeping this mausoleum from falling down. But i think i can afford to get you a cake and some clothes. What flavour do you like? David asked.

Chocolate? Pam said after thinking about it for a moment.

Chocolate sounds great.

Pams foot hurt a lot, but she was getting very adept at using the walker pushing off with the good foot while the other rested on the walker seat. She was able to get to the bathroom and the kitchen where she made herself some peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

David happened by as she was coming out of the kitchen and stole half a sandwich.

Heyyy, pam protested. I would have made you one if you asked me to.

If i had known you were making one, i would have, david said in fake anger.

The night seemed to pass by like a century. Truth to tell pam had never looked forward to the next day. Now, she was bursting with excitement. She didnt fall asleep until dawn was breaking through the glass of the mansion.

Morning came way too early, but pam didnt care. Happy birthday, david said in his best frosty the snowman impression. Pam looked confused since she obviously had no idea who he was trying to be.

Ah thank you? Pam said confused.

I didnt know what youd like for breakfast so i kind of made everything.

Pam put her bad leg on the seat of the walker and used her other leg to push herself to the kitchen. On the table there was bacon, sausage, a stack of pancakes and a plate of fried eggs.

I hope you dont mind i cooked the eggs the way i like them, broken and over cuz...

Runny eggs are hideous, they both said together and laughed at their common dislike.

David seemed shocked at the amount of food the girl could devour. In the end she ate three eggs, two pancakes, four bacon, two sausages and toast plus four small glasses of apple juice and was now sipping on a cup of coffee.

Oh my god david that is the most food i have had in years. Thank you so much, pam said with a small tear in her eye that david pretended not to notice.

Happy birthday pam, david said while awkwardly trying to give her a hug. The two of them were not used to any form of intimacy so a hug was virtual torture for both of them. The last hug pam had was from her mothers boyfriend after he molested her, so she wasnt too receptive to davids. But he had been so kind and generous with her that she couldnt help but be a tiny bit receptive to it.

Just then the doorbell rang and when david opened the door a short plump man stood in the doorway. Im donald and im here to measure a street urchin, he said almost angrily.

Ahh sharon, my secretary, must have called you. But she is not a street urchin. She is a nice person who has had a rough time of things, david said defending pam. She had hopped and wheeled herself behind david and gave him a slightly less awkward hug this time.

Donald just stormed in by them and said impatiently, well young lady lets get your measurements so i can get you some decent clothes to wear. They walked and wheeled over to the room pam was staying in.

Ok drop the smock, donald said taking the measuring tape off of his neck.

Um... Pamela started to say that she was not comfortable doing that.

But donald interrupted, oh trust me sweetheart, as beautiful as you are, you have no parts that are of any interest to me whatsoever.

Pam just said, oh, and then ohhhh as she realized what donald was saying. So, she dropped her night dress to the floor.

I take that back, you are gorgeous, donald said with a small chuckle. Lets see, youre about 5-7, medium build... Donald ran the tape around her naked boobs, stomach and waist and her inseam. So thats 35, 26ish and 36, donald said, muttering to himself. Youre a size 4 to a size 6 depending on the fit. He got on his cell phone and left without saying another word.

As she was hopping and wheeling away to walk donald out, the doctor was waiting at the door.

She was very pretty. Short dark hair, lovely face and beneath her lab coat she seemed to have a nice figure. I wonder if there is something going on with her and david, pam mused to herself.

Im sheila watson, she said as she followed pam to the bedroom where pam sat on the bed.

Pam chuckled, so youre doctor watson i presume.

Im gonna stop you there. No more sherlock jokes or ill make your foot hurt twice as bad, sheila said sternly but with a bit of a glint in her eye.


its no problem really, i get it all the time. Now lets have a look at this foot of yours. Sheila pulled up pams foot and she could see the girl was in real pain. She winced every time the doctor moved her foot. While i cant tell without a proper xray, none of your bones appear to be broken but i am pretty sure you might have a small fracture.

Do i need a cast? Pam asked.

No, i dont think so, but i really would feel better if you got an x-ray. But if youre not willing to do that. Try to keep your weight off it for a week or so. At that, the doctor reached into her bag and pulled out a tensor sock and put it on pams foot. It hurt a lot but afterward it hurt a bit less than it did before. Im going to give you something for the pain but dont get too excited, its just a strong codeine pill. She wrote a prescription and handed it to pam. Give that to david and he will get it for you. The doctor then examined the rest of her, and she found a few old injuries like a couple of old broken ribs that didnt heal very well but otherwise was in surprisingly good health for someone who had been homeless for so long.

Sheila gave pam something for the pain and told her to have a nap, and she left the room with pam curled up on the bed.

David was waiting for her outside the room. How is she? David asked out of genuine concern.

Well, id feel better if she had an x-ray, but i think she will be ok in a week or two, the doctor answered. What about you? Are you going to keep her that long? You know from your description; it was just an accident. You really dont owe her anything.

I know, but this woman has known nothing but horror in her life, so i thought i would show her some decency. Besides, i kind of like her, david offered.

Oh, i see.

No no nothing like that. I just think we could be friends. David was getting uncomfortable talking about her. So, what do i owe you doctor watson? David asked.

Hmmm, a proper date night with dinner at a fancy restaurant and a movie might be nice, sheila said. But it will have to wait until your house guest can get around on her own.

Ok, you got it. Will your husband be joining us? David asked making a point as to why they couldnt do it before.

Um no he left me for his secretary about a month ago, sheila said angrily.

Im so sorry, david said remembering how much of jerk he thought the guy was.

Yeah, its really ok. I dont miss him at all. Sheila was convincing enough and now she just had to convince herself. She liked david but not in a romantic way. Still, dinner and a movie did sound nice. Ill see you soon, sheila said as she walked out the door.

Not if i see you first, david joked. Thank you so much for leaving the hospital and looking at her.

Its no problem. She seems like a nice person. I hope she gets better soon... Cuz then we can have our date night, sheila said half joking while getting into her shiny new tesla.

Nice car, david commented.

Yes, its exactly like yours, sheila said as she drove away.

Pam got up about 45 minutes later, but she forgot about her bad foot and crashed to the floor. David heard the thud and came rushing in. As he pulled her up, he felt her tightly embracing him. He knew that it was mostly out of necessity, but it still felt strangely comfortable. She held on for a minute as david pulled her to the bed and he realized she was crying.

Youve been so good to me, she sobbed. I have stolen and other terrible things to make money...

To survive, david interrupted.

Still crying she sunk into davids arms like jack on the titanic. He held her not knowing what to say or do.

Please dont send me away, pam begged.

Well, well cross that bridge when we come to it. But its certainly not happening today. Today we have a birthday party to enjoy, david said reassuringly.

As if on cue donald came in with a rack of clothes on wheels. There were several outfits. A business suit, 2 pairs of pants, t-shirts, blouses, bras, panties, leggings, a couple of pairs of jammies, even a naughty lingerie item she was pretty sure she would never wear. But the most exciting outfit was the red cocktail dress.

Wow donald you did a really good job. All nice colours and fabrics. Beautiful. And you, she looked at david, how can you afford all this? She was crying again now.

Ill figure that part out. You just get ready to have some cake, david said.

Then donald picked up a few things and the cocktail dress and she followed him into the bathroom. Come along street urchin. Its time for eliza doolittle to become a princess.

Pam didnt get the reference, but she followed him anyway. While her knee was on the walker seat, donald carefully removed her night dress and tensor sock and helped her to the shower. She literally hopped in the shower while donald held her arm.

When she was done, he handed her a towel and led her to the vanity. There he styled her long curly light brown hair and pulled makeup out of his coat pockets. She had shaved when she had her bath, so she was ready for the dress. Donald handed her a lacey thong and helped her get it on then slipped the dress over her head. Then she realized the only thing holding the dress up was her boobs.

Dont worry urchin, youve got plenty to keep that dress up, donald reassured her.

It was then that pam finally looked at herself in the mirror. Holy crap you made me beautiful, pam said appreciatively to donald as she studied herself in the mirror.

Oh, honey god did that, i just helped you to see it. You look amazing, donald said smiling. Then pam grabbed his hand and kissed it.

Thank you, pam said sincerely.

Donald kissed her on the top of her head and helped her to the walker. Lets go show david what his money bought. Then they opened the bedroom door.

David was in the kitchen when he saw her. He dropped his coffee cup. He was wearing designer clothes but suddenly felt under dressed. He knew she was pretty but with the dress, the hair and the make up, she was gorgeous. My god you could be a model. Youre stunning. I dont know if i have seen anything or anyone as beautiful, david said blown away by her transformation.

Pam wheeled over and threw her arms around david. She held him tight as she said, i dont know how i will ever repay the kindness and generosity youve shown me these last couple of days. Pams eyes were filled with tears.

Dont cry youll ruin your makeup, david teased her. Now lets get in the car. Donald, well meet you there?

Ill be there.

David reached behind the door and pulled out a pair of crutches. Im told these will fit you, david offered. Pam took the crutches and awkwardly moved around the kitchen.

Hurts the shoulders but i think i will be able to get around, pam said wincing a bit. Where are we going? Pam asked.

Back to the alley, david said tersely.

Pam started to cry. Did i do something wrong? I know the clothes and i am sure donald cost a lot but to be fair i only asked for a cake, and we could have got clothes from the good will...

Ok lets go, david interrupted with a cold firmness that told pam that the dream was over.

What about my new clothes? Do i get to keep them? And i cant wear this dress in the alley, pam was pleading but david seemed to be ignoring her.

Lets go and we can work all that out later, david said.

Pam was having a hard time with the crutches, but she was getting it. She took one last look at her beautiful room thinking she would never see it again. She got to the car and sat down in the backseat. She took one last look at the mansion where she had experienced the most happiness she had ever known. She didnt know what she had done to david or failed to do that was making him put her back in the alley.

David pulled the car into the alley and pam jumped out. Thanks for the last couple of days. She saw her spot was still there and the diners light was on which meant she might be able to score some food. She was starving, and she remembered she never got her cake. Not the best of birthdays, after all. She started crutching her way to the back door of the diner.

Hey, where are you going? David asked, realizing that maybe his practical joke was a bit too cruel. Youre not a backdoor person anymore, david said, motioning for her to follow him around the alley to the front of the building where the front door of the diner was.

Pam knew she could stop crying now. It was mean, and she realized that eventually, that was precisely what might happen. But as david said, well cross that bridge when we come to it.

At a table inside the diner donald was sitting with the doctor and a woman pam didnt know who looked to be in her late 30s and bore a striking resemblance to an actress pam had seen, complete with a lot of cleavage.

Pam made it to one of the wooden chairs that surrounded the table and flopped herself down.

The blond woman introduced herself, hi pam im sharon. Davids well everything, i guess. David says jump and i say no you jump, and he asks how high.

Pam and sharon shared a laugh.

My god youre gorgeous, sharon blurted out.

Well, i think i have you to thank for part of that. Donald gave me a makeover and this dress is amazing, pam said.

Just then a familiar face popped out of the kitchen. It was the guy who always gave her food. He did a double take and looked her over. Wow alley girl do you ever clean up nice. I always knew you were good looking but wow!

Thank you so much... Not just for what you said but the food you gave me kept me alive, pam said starting to choke up.

I was glad to do it alley girl. You were always so sweet and grateful. It made my day, the chubby italian cook said.

Just then a large italian woman came busting out of the kitchen. Are you gonna talk or you gonna serve?

Pam then realized the boss he kept talking about, who didnt want him to give away the food, was his wife.

The italian cook brought out servings of spaghetti for everyone. Sharon who had been drinking wine before anyone else got there just leaned over and said, normally i dont eat meat, but i am so hungry... And she started to devour the spaghetti like it was her last meal.

Sharon was pretty inebriated when she blurted out, youre so beautiful. I can see why david picked you to be his latest project.

Pam was angry, project? I am nobodys project. He ran over me with his car!

Pam was already losing her appetite when she looked up at david who was lip-locked with doctor watson. It was just a brief kiss but pam felt jealous. She didnt know why it bothered her so much that she was nothing more than the latest save a homeless person project. She thought maybe despite the age difference david was as into her as she was to him. She wished she had brought her clothes since there was no way she would survive a cold november evening in a cocktail dress.

I guess its time for cake, david said just starting to realize that something was not right with pam.

Just then the chubby italian cook brought out of the kitchen a huge chocolate cake. It wasnt wide but it was tall. It was the biggest cake pam had ever seen. It had 5 candles in it.

The cook leaned into pam and whispered, i didnt know how old you were so 5 seemed right.

Its lovely thank you.

Then pam blew out the candles and the cook cut pieces for everyone.

This cake is delicious, donald said. Arent you going to have some?

Im not very hungry, pam said quietly.

Its what you wanted isnt it? David asked knowing something was wrong.

Everyone at the table yelled speech! Speech!

Pam got up and said, thank you everyone for this wonderful day and party. But at some point... Pam was crying now. At some point we all have to wake up from the dream. I am a person not a project... Sharon looked down at the table realizing the mistake she made. So, i think its time for reality, pam said succinctly.

She grabbed her crutches and headed for the kitchen.

Wait pam, dont go, whatever it is we can fix it, david said pleading to her as she went by.

When she got through the kitchen doors, the cook had some folded cooks clothes in his hand. Ill save some of the cake for you later. The boss says you can use the bathroom to change.

Pam crutched her way to the bathroom at the back of the kitchen by the back door. She knew where it was because she had used it many times before, although this might be the first time with permission. She changed into the cooks uniform of black and white pants and a white shirt. It was a bit big, and she had no bra but at least it was warmer than the cocktail dress.

When she came out of the bathroom the woman the cook called the boss was standing there with a warm blue coat in her hand. It was going to be my daughters. She had addiction issues... Anyway, i am sure she would have wanted you to have it. It seems the mean boss lady wasnt all that mean after all. Pam thanked her and went out the back door.

She walked slowly with her crutches to the dark part of the alley where her favourite pile of garbage was beside the dumpster. She was about to sit when she saw david already sitting there. It was harder than she imagined, but she managed to sit beside him.

Then he said: i spent most of the last night planning this... Lining up donald for the shopping, fitting and makeup. I called around to find out which place was near the alley and the guy who answered volunteered to make you a cake. Gus, thats the guys name by-the-way, spoke of a quiet polite girl that he used to feed as often as he could afford to. He said she was beautiful but had never had a break in her life. Since she wasnt available, i got you instead, david joked as pam fought off a smile. I told him the only thing this woman was asking for was a chocolate cake. He said he was honoured to make it for you and wouldnt take any money for it... Although his wife did, david laughed. But after all the clothes and the make over and a restaurant youre familiar with, you wouldnt even try the cake. A few people went out of their way to make this happen for you, david said almost in tears. I dont get it, what made you want to leave?

Pam was crying. She didnt really want to leave but she didnt see another way. Look im sorry i ruined your party, but i am sure you can get your money back for the clothes, pam said still crying.

This isnt about money. Its about you -- and maybe me, david said.

Im sure you can find another homeless person out there. There are quite a few of us... Pam said angrily.

What are you talking about? David asked confused.

Sharon said that i was just one of your projects and soon i would be back on the streets like the rest of your failures, pam said still angry.

Ahhh sharon. She is a very good secretary, but she acts like its her money. And when she drinks, she can be meaner than a rabid dog. Look its true that i have tried to help people in the past. In a way its sort of what i do for a living. I give high risk loans to people to help them get a house, start a business or even to take a trade. It doesnt always work out, but you know when you take a chance on people, they will often surprise you. David explained.

So, youre a loan shark, pam said coolly.

David laughed, yeah, pretty much but my interest rates arent that high, and i hardly ever break someones legs when they dont pay.

Pam was smiling a bit now and remembering how she and david met she said, present company excluded of course.

David laughed again, yes i suppose so. Look in all my projects as sharon called them. I have never brought any of them to my house or let them make peanut butter and banana sandwiches in my kitchen. That was really good by the way. What do you do differently? David asked getting completely off topic.

Pam was smiling now and said, the secret is i use both butter and peanut butter on both breads with the banana in the middle.

Good to know, david said smiling. So, are you going to stay here or come back with me?

Ill stay here. I dont want to get in your way.

How would that happen? David asked confused.

Well, you and the doc...

No. David interrupted. She is a pretty lady. She is kind and compassionate... A perfect fit in every way except...

But i saw you kissing, pam interrupted this time.

What you saw was two friends saying goodbye. As i was saying, shes perfect in every way except... There was a long pause as david decided if he should tell pam or not.

Except what? Pam asked.

Except shes not you, david confessed turning bright red.

Youre blushing, pam teased.

I think its the heat of the garbage bags. They are surprisingly warm. I think ill get some for my place, david joked trying to avoid the embarrassment.

Pam put her head on his shoulder. A perfect fit, she said cuddling up closer. David leaned in for a brief gentle kiss and they stayed there for a few minutes. Pam leaned forward suddenly, damn!

What? Asked david confused

after all that ive still never had cake on my birthday.

Just then gus and his wife showed up with a box in hand. The boss got you covered alley girl, gus said almost laughing.

When pam saw gus wife, she got david to help het to her feet and started to take off the coat.

No no, you keep it. My daughter never got a chance to wear it and i was going to give it to you anyway, gus wife said with tears in her eyes.

Thank you! Its a really nice coat. I am sure she would have loved it, pam said as the four of them hugged and gus and his wife went sadly back to the diner.

David opened the passenger door of the car and helped pam in and then got in the other side.

So where to? David asked.

Some place ive never been before, pam said.

Wheres that?


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  • Tina D'Angeloabout a month ago

    Sabrina, I loved this and want to know more!

SabrinaWritten by Sabrina

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