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Man and Wife: A new Dawn

Chapter 9

By Arazella SnowPublished 5 days ago 7 min read


The sound of rumbles, and cheers of voices coming from the stage traveled all the way to this end of my boudoir.

It was yet another performance night here at 'the shack', and upon close listen I could hear the sound of ruction which was already ensuing out there.

Having a glance up at the clock hung in the room, a pang built in my chest upon realization of how it was almost time to take the stage.

I smeared my face with the powder blush set on my dresser, following to dab another coat of lipstick onto my lips.

I examined the face of the girl in mirror.

Those eyes of hers were rushed with delight, portraying every joy to go out there and grace the stage.

Eyes boldened by the wine cream shadow, I remained laden in that gaze she bore.

At this point it was this very signature look, which the lot of those punters would describe when enquiring the name of the lady who had just blessed the stage—Dark wavy hair, fiery red lips, and my black lacy lingerie which was sure to leave those gentlemen, quaking in their seats.

It was some routine, building up into this look.

I was reaching to smear another coat of lipstick, when the sudden flash of lights from outside the window had left me paused in my seat.

So abrupt it was, but I knew just well I was a light flash, particularly because it reflected in the mirror.

I tore out of my seat, going over to the windowside, but all I was met with was an empty seat, with no figures in sight, and soon scarfing the area, I shut the curtains at once, going over to grab my veil off the dresser, with a shadow of doubt crawling up my skin.

Narrator: Meanwhile, right outside lingered a dark figure. Stepping out of the shadows, the person remained accessing the girl in the photo which he had just captured.

It was her.

He froze on that spot, gaze lodged on the profile in the photo.

He could bet all he had that it was in fact the lady, and with that, he had rounded a corner, retreating into the murk.


I stepped onto the stage with a trail of ladies all ready to perform behind me.

It didn't take long for the hoots and calls to cause a ruckus around the room, with the eyes of every pleasure-seeking lad directed on us, upon mount of the platform.

It began with slow sensual steps, shifting to strong powerful movements which had caused howls breaking through the audience.

I found our lady ushers, taking in bids of men who had set their eyes on the price, and through the crowd, I locked gaze with one of them.

The performance ended with a round of applause, and in a moment, the curtains dropped, having me retreat to the comfort of my bodouir.

I waddled into the room only to find a waiting Bastiano, figure propped by the wall, with eyes accessing every bit of the space.

He snapped his gaze up upon my entry, scrutiny finally finding rest on me.

Setting sight on him had caused an itch in my heart, as I only remained staring at the fellow.

Performances had ended an hour ago, which left me to the pang as to why Bastiano was in boudoir, choosing to leave me in this disturbing silence which surrounded us.

"The shack hit its highest sale it ever had made tonight" His voice was of a mellow tone, gaze laden in mine.

I only settled with a smile, watching the pray closely.

"There's someone waiting for you upstairs" And here came the news.

He reached to grab a stick of cigar off its steel casing in his coat pockets, and soon lighting its end up, he made his way over here.

"I've updated the fellow with the rules..." He went on. "...No touching, only a private show that gives the gentleman better view of your goodness"

"I just ended a performance not a while long, wouldn't you at least spare me a minute to rest"

"He placed the highest bid on you" Followed his words. "I can't dismiss the fellow" He added, puffing a breath of smoke into the air.

"I'm not some puppet of yours, Bastiano"

"And I'm well aware of that, Chiara"

"I just need you to serve the gentleman, and he'll be on his way"

"Just some time with you, and give him a show he'd retreat the night with, that's all the fella wants"

"Your session begins in five. Get prepped" And with that, he was already making way out of the space, leaving me to the quietude which came prevailing afterwards.


I waddled down the hallways leading to the VIP courts, and upon bypassing these halls, one could hear the moans of pleasure coming from rooms in the halls.

The call of ladies, grieving in passion and crying in ecstasy, all who had ended the evening with men who paid for their services was all I caught onto while treading this way.

I exchanged pleasantries with some lassies who were found roaming the halls, perhaps after completion of their own work.

Making my further down the halls, I hurried from the discomfort, finally getting into the comfort which I had been assigned to.

I walked into the room only to find a figure laid in those bed, eyes lighting up upon my entry.

He had snatched off the robe securing protruding guts, leaving him clad in just briefs.

The fellow was on the buff side, with eyes which seemed to bore into one's souls upon contact. He had curls of grey hair lining his head, and a beard which seemed to trail down to his neck.

I believed the lad was no younger than anywhere sixty. It was his kind that were patrons of the shack.

Men who had garnered all which life could offer, every riches one could think of, and sought nothing but to spend the rest of their days being pleased by ladies after ladies who could be as young as their granddaughters.

I shut the door behind me, reaching forward slowly, but the man had shot off the bed even before I had a moment to go over to him.

His fingers reached for the light switch, switching it off at once, leaving the room in a dim glow.

Perhaps the fellow had no minute to spare, for in a moment, he had come over to me, about taking me in his arms, but at my sudden retreat, I watched that grin which was once on his lips, shift into a frown.

"I believe Bastiano enlightened you with the rules" I called at once, meeting that gaze of his.

"No touching" I followed. "You paid for a show, and that alone you shall receive" I added.

"I'm here for a night to remember, not to adhere to some rules" He called in response.

"Well there are certain rules I go by" I pitched in, boring into that gaze of his. "Rules that must be followed"

But perhaps my words weren't received well by the lad who had snatched me by the neck, grabbing ahold of me.

I saw the life flash out of my eyes, all the while I gasped for breaths.

The man had now slammed me onto the bed, his rotund figure coming atop me.

"con chi pensi di parlare, stronza? Those measly fellows who come here just to gaze upon your figure?"

"I spent a million euro in here tonight, and you bet I'd have every of my money's worth" He spat.

"Now, all I need you to do, is lay back there, and obey my orders like the dog you are"

With that, he was already snatching off my garter, and in a moment, I found the fellow taking down his shorts.

I was left with a view of an overgrown pubic air, which almost swallowing up all of his phallus, and with the fellow's hands now stroking it, he slammed hard onto my neck, those chapped lips of his, trailing roughy from my neck, to my chest, and down onto my cleavage.

I heard his breaths turn faster while he kissed on my skin, fingers still fondling the erection of his penis. He climbed off in a second, hurrying off to the dresser to fetch something off there.

I deduced it was condoms he searched for, from the way he huffed and cursed, after searching everywhere for it.

And in that moment, I reached into the layer of my underwear, digging out the steel which was usually secured in there.

The revolver settled into my hands warmly, and with an aim at it, my voice broke.

"What is your name?" I demanded of the fellow, who had now paused on his feet, soon turning around slowly only to find a revolver aimed at him.

"What are you doing?" His words came in a wavered voice, hands now shut up in a surrendering motion.

"Tell me your name!" I called louder this time, gaze laden in the fear-stricken ones of the man.

"A-Armando" He croaked. "Armando Pesci" He added, with eyes pleading onto mine.

Armando Pesci. I registered the name.

And with that, I pulled the trigger.

Perhaps, he sound of gunshot had caused and an uproar in the building, cause at the blare of the gun, I heard the sound of screams traveling down the halls, with sound of footsteps, running here and there.

The door to the room bust open, and in walked Bastiano, gaze shifting off my waiting form, to the figure of Armando laid lifeless on the ground, with a pool of his own blood, coating Bastiano's rug carpet.

Bastiano only remained gaping at the sight before him, eyes accessing the body of the man, and at once, I made my way over to him, slamming the revolver into his hands.

"Let it be known, that this surely would be the last time I'd act as some play thing of yours to feed your miser bastard of friends"

And with that, I snatched my garter off the bed, grabbing my heels, then walking out of the mess I had caused.


About the Creator

Arazella Snow

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    Arazella SnowWritten by Arazella Snow

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