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Man and Wife: A new Dawn

Chapter 8

By Arazella SnowPublished 6 days ago 6 min read

~ LUCA ~

Father died later that evening.

His death a huge blow to the rest of the family, I got tossed into such blank state I never had experienced before, sinking into such despondency for the rest of the night.

A funeral had been set up at the instruction of the clan, and come the next day, the body of father was being conveyed onto the town's cemetery to be disposed.

The whole of England was ridden in a minute of melancholy at the news of the death of Aldo Bonnucci.

And however infamous the deeds of father had been, such news was enough to shake the core of the country.

Despite how much Aunt Lola thought to keep the news out of the media, it just wasn't the kind to be buried without leak.

It had gotten out only hours after the incident, and come the next day, I was receiving reporters at my doorstep, arriving with their rounds of questioning, but fortunately they had been sent off at the arrival of Aunt Lola.

I scarfed the entire area, taking in the number of figures clad in black. Some of these faces I recognized, some, I barely could place familiarity to, yet, there they all stood, stylishly dressed like they had arrived for some function while they watched the casket securing father's body being led to the grave.

Perhaps, it was more of a celebration to them, having such name as father finally brought down.

The few who even appeared to be in sorrow, were strangers I barely knew a thing of.

I skimmed the crowd, marching onwards while holding onto father's casket with the support of Enzo and Giancarlo.

It was the duty of the sons to convey the body of our father to the grave, a right we had to complete, in order to see the passing of the founding member of the mafia.

I went further out of sight while the grave was being covered up, watching the activities from a far end.

Sympathizers dispersed in directions, the lot of these tossers only to here to catch gossip of whatever ill had befallen the Bonnuccis.

Bastards! All of them.

I found a reporter, being led by her videographer taking coverage of the event.

One would think with all security Aunt Lola had fetched to surround the area, those measly fellows wouldn't have found a way in.

Not at all.

Digging a cigar off my coat pocket, I relaxed onto a tree I found around, choosing to rid the sting that came with the morning with inhales of the tobacco in my hands.

My gaze went skimming around, going to settle on the figure of Paoletta stood afar.

Drenched in tears, the girl was. Shoulders quaking, face distressed, that figure was the only one I found to appear desolate amongst the crowd of people who had turned up.

I wouldn't assume she cared so much about father, but thinking of how he had taken care of her bills after the unfortunate incident to have befallen her mother, and put her under my roof, it there was every reason for her grief.

Perhaps, father's death had come so hard on her, for as much as I knew he was the only pillar she had here in England.

I watched the girl closely, taking in how her eyes never took leave off father's grave being covered up.

She would brush a strand of her dark hair to the back, wiping off her tears, and come the next second, those tears would return.

Poor Kid.

I took another puff of my cigar, and in that moment, she snatched her gaze up, eyes meeting mine. I watched her dab her tears off, quickly evading the area.

And soon enough, I was jolted by the call of a voice behind me. And when I turned around, I found the figure of Tom Campbell making his way over to me.

He approached with his wife whom I hadn't caught glimpse of ever since the incident three years ago.

Come to think of it, I don't think I'd come across any of them ever since Isabella's disappearance, and for some reason, here they were showing up at my father's funeral.

"Luca..." Tom took a stop before me, taking me in his embrace.

His hold on me was light, and the instant he pulled back, his eyes settled mine.

"We came as soon as we heard the news" I heard his words follow. "We're so sorry" Mrs Campbell was quick to add.

And all through the outbreak of their utterances, I only remained stood here lodged in utter silence, staring at the couple before me.

Those gazes were filled with sheer sorrow, and I was only lost wondering wherever such gloom spawned from, for as much as I could recall they never for once made a call to me making emitting their sympathies after Isabella's disappearance.

One would assume they bore no relations with her if not being told that they were in fact her parents.

"The news hit us hard" Came the voice of Mrs Campbell.

And in a moment, her hands came reaching for mine. "We're sorry, Luca" She dropped.

"It must be hard" She went on. "First, losing a wife, now your father"

"I commend you for your strength, Luca"

"Now in as much as we miss Isabella, you're the only one who has held onto her this much. Even her death has nothing on what you've harbored for her"

"But I tell you, Perhaps, it's time to dispose the pain" She sighed.

"We do miss our daughter so well, but we can't keep holding onto what's past. Isabella was a girl loved by all" The lady uttered. "She's missed"

Those words were most soothing coming from the lady, but I tell you, all they did was leave a pang in my heart, as her utterance did nothing but cause a burn in my chest.

I sought to scream at them, telling them that my wife was alive, yet, I only found myself staring at their figures which were now dispersing.

They bade me farewell, then proceeded to leave the scene.

I turned to an incoming figure of GianCarlo, gaze all the while laden on me, as he approached.

He took a stop before my form, scrutiny for a moment, accessing the area, and soon enough, he had turned his attention on me, and in a mellow voice he dropped;

"I warned her"

"From the first day she walked down that aisle, I knew this family would only put her in regrets"

And with that, he was gone.

I sought to get far away from here. Away from the prying gazes of people, off the barge-in of figures coming to give me yet another sermon on how I should accept the death of my wife.

Those darning talks!

When were they going to get into their heads that I wasn't ready to accept such?

That I just wasn't ready to accept that my wife was dead, all because they thought so.

On all I stand for, I tell you Isabella's alive.

I could swear on all I had that she is. All I needed now was to find her, and run a bullet in the man who had caused this pain on me.

I made a step forward, only to be interrupted by a figure coming before me.

Aunt Lola.

Her gaze accessed mine, soon shifting to the cigar in my hands, and in a quick motion, she slapped it to the ground, returning her gaze on me.

Believe me, she did a great job concealing the gloom in her gaze, but not so well in the bags which had now formed underneath her eyes.

Of all, the news surely hit her the hardest.

He was her only family, and now he was gone.

She turned to me, face gone pale in desolation.

I heard a sigh emitted from her, tone mellow.

"Even with all that money he couldn't save himself" Her words came low, gaze secured in mine.

"This is why you need to start living, and let go of the past, Luca. You never know when death would come knocking"


About the Creator

Arazella Snow

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    Arazella SnowWritten by Arazella Snow

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