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Drawn to Life

A Stroke of Magic

By Pep Talk RadioPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
Drawn to Life
Photo by Štefan Štefančík on Unsplash

Jamie trudged through the halls of Westview High with eyes downcast, clutching sketchbook and pencils to chest. As usual, the fifteen-year-old freshman did everything possible to blend into the crowd and avoid attention.

Slipping into homeroom unseen, Jamie took a seat at the back of the classroom. The teacher droned on about upcoming assignments and events, none of which Jamie cared about. As soon as roll call finished, Jamie opened a blank sketchbook page and began to draw.

Pencil gliding over paper, the outside world faded away for Jamie. A superhero took shape on the page - tall and muscular with a cape and mask. Jamie added some color, sketching a bold costume in red and blue. Drawing was an escape - a chance to be imaginative and free.

The bell jolted Jamie back to reality. Students jumped up, shoving books into backpacks. Jamie secured the sketchbook carefully to avoid smudging the still-damp lines.

Morning classes passed in miserable boredom. Jamie sat alone, as always, only half listening to lessons on algebra and history. The sketchbook lay open to a fresh page, just waiting. A doodle took form - an alien landscape with an otherworldly creature. Jamie became lost in detailing the bizarre flora and fauna.

When the lunch bell finally rang, Jamie bypassed the raucous cafeteria entirely. Finding a quiet corner outside, Jamie opened a bag of chips and went back to the superhero drawing. The act of rendering the costume details felt comforting, familiar.

Jamie was shading the bulging biceps when a breeze whipped the pages - except there was no breeze. Jamie gasped as the superhero flickered before eyes, detaching from the page. Shock became awe as the illustration hovered in midair, every bit as 3D and solid as a real person.

Heart pounding, Jamie reached out to touch the impossible manifestation. The superhero's chest felt firm beneath the spandex uniform. A grin split Jamie's face. This was no hallucination. Somehow, someway, a simple pencil drawing had come to actual life!

Testing, Jamie closed the sketchbook. The superhero vanished instantly. Opening it again resurrected the impossible illustration. Jamie laughed aloud. This was unbelievable! Crazy! Magical!

Jamie experimented by drawing a burger and fries. Soon a hot, delicious meal sat literally at fingertips. Jamie ate gratefully, wondering how far this newfound power could go. Sketching objects was simple, but what about drawing people? Could Jamie create a friend?

The warning bell interrupted musings. Jamie erased the remaining food and headed inside, giddy with possibilities. But first - Jamie needed to survive the rest of the school day.

By the time the final bell rang, Jamie sprinted home at record speed, ready to unlock the power's potential. Up in the bedroom, Jamie cleared desk space and opened the sketchbook to a fresh white sheet. Pencil poised, Jamie took a breath. Who to draw first?

Jamie closed eyes, picturing the kind, wise grandpa who had passed years before. Loving details etched across the page - wrinkled hands, balding head, bifocals. The last touch was a twinkle in the warm eyes. Jamie sat back expectantly.

Nothing happened.

Jamie frowned, silently urging the page to come to life. After five minutes, disappointment set in. Of course it wouldn't be so easy. Living people must be harder than inanimate objects.

Jamie turned the page, mind churning. Starting simple again made sense. A cat took shape on the next sheet. Drawing animals had always been calming for Jamie. Each furry line and whiskered curve held affection.

A soft meow made Jamie gasp. The orange tabby stretched lazily, then purred and nuzzled Jamie's hand. Jamie's heart leapt. It had worked! The power could create living creatures!

Jamie spent the evening blissfully sketching and playing with a parade of pets. A bounding puppy fetched sticks. Colorful fish swam hypnotic circles in a conjured bowl. Frogs hopped around the room, evading capture.

When exhaustion finally set in, Jamie reluctantly erased the menagerie and collapsed into bed. Images of the incredible magic danced through dreams that night.

The next morning Jamie rushed through breakfast and chores, too eager to return upstairs. Today's mission: to draw a person successfully. Jamie sat cross-legged on the bedroom floor, sketchbook in lap. This required thought and care.

Slowly the figure of a girl around Jamie's age took shape. With concentration Jamie added flowing hair, stylish clothes, a friendly smile. Every trait aimed to make someone Jamie could connect with. The final touch was a hand reaching out, offering friendship.

Jamie held breath and waited. After a tense minute, the paper girl blinked and looked around. "Hello!" she said brightly. "I'm Charlotte! Let's be friends!"

Jamie grinned, overjoyed. "I'm Jamie. Nice to meet you!" The two spent the next hours chatting happily. Charlotte didn't seem to know she wasn't real. Jamie almost forgot too.

Creating companions was exhilarating, but emotionally draining too. Jamie soon found the limits, erasing Charlotte apologetically. She waved goodbye with a smile before vanishing.

Sprawling on the bed, Jamie's mind raced at the power's implications. The temptation to show others was strong. But deep down, Jamie feared the secret was too precious and fragile to share. For now, Jamie would keep the magic between just pencil, paper, and imagination.

Jamie closed eyes, hugging sketchbook to chest like a teddy bear. Maybe this strange new ability could make life better, easing the loneliness. With these powers Jamie was no longer quite so powerless. Dreams came easier now, hopes growing.


This is the first chapter from my upcoming magical realism book "Jamie's Marvelous Drawings."

I hope you enjoy this first glimpse into my imaginative new world.

Magical RealismChildren's FictionAdventure

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Pep Talk Radio

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