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A Creepy Summer in Hexville {Part2}

The Fallen Pollen

By Z.a.i.n.t.zPublished about a month ago 6 min read
Refuge for the Undead

As they sped down the winding country road, the oppressive darkness of Hexville receded in the rearview mirror, but the memory of the otherworldly dimension lingered. Michael couldn’t shake the feeling that they had narrowly escaped something far more sinister than they could comprehend.

Several months passed, and life in the city resumed its frenetic pace. Yet, the events of that summer left an indelible mark on Michael. He became obsessed with finding out more about Hexville and the dark dimension he had glimpsed. Late at night, he would scour obscure forums, ancient texts, and conspiracy theories, piecing together fragments of information that hinted at otherworldly realms and hidden doorways.

One evening, as Laura was preparing dinner, Michael’s phone buzzed with an email notification. It was from a user named "The Keeper," who claimed to have information about Hexville and its secrets. The message was brief but intriguing: "Meet me at the old library on 5th Street. Midnight. Bring no one."

Against his better judgment, Michael decided to go. He told Laura he was meeting an old friend and set off into the night. The city streets were quiet, the only sound the occasional hum of a passing car. The library was a grand, imposing structure, long abandoned and shrouded in darkness.

Inside, the air was thick with dust and the musty scent of decaying books. Michael made his way through the labyrinthine aisles until he reached a small reading room in the back. A single lamp illuminated a figure seated at a large wooden table, face hidden in the shadows.

"You came," the figure said, voice low and gravelly.

"Who are you?" Michael asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"I am The Keeper," the figure replied. "I guard the knowledge of places like Hexville. Places where the veil between worlds is thin."

Michael sat down, his heart pounding. "Tell me what you know."

The Keeper leaned forward, revealing a face lined with age and wisdom. "Hexville sits on a convergence of ley lines, points of power that connect our world to others. Most of the time, these connections are dormant. But sometimes, during periods of great turmoil or when certain rituals are performed, the gateways open."

Michael shuddered, remembering the dark vortex in the fridge. "Why did it open when we were there?"

"Perhaps it was a coincidence, or perhaps you were meant to find it," The Keeper mused. "The entities you saw, the eyes in the darkness, they are the inhabitants of that other dimension. They are drawn to fear, to curiosity. By entering their realm, you attracted their attention."

"What do they want?" Michael asked, a chill running down his spine.

The Keeper’s eyes darkened. "They want what all beings of darkness want—power, control, and to feed off the energy of fear and despair. By crossing into their world, you’ve created a connection that they can exploit. They will try to find a way into our world."

Michael felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead. "How do I stop them?"

The Keeper handed him an ancient, leather-bound book. "This contains the rituals and symbols needed to seal the gateways. You must return to Hexville and perform the rituals at the place where you crossed over. It’s the only way to protect yourself and your world."

With the book clutched tightly in his hands, Michael left the library, determination mixing with dread. He knew what he had to do.

The next morning, he told Laura everything. At first, she was incredulous, but the earnest desperation in his eyes convinced her.

"Michael, this is insane," she said, her voice trembling. "But if you believe this is the only way, then we’ll do it together."

They packed their bags once more and made the journey back to Hexville. The town seemed unchanged, its picturesque facade hiding the dark secrets they knew lurked beneath.

They returned to the bed-and-breakfast, greeted by Mrs. Pendleton's warm but puzzled smile. "I didn’t expect to see you two back so soon," she remarked.

"We have some unfinished business," Michael replied, forcing a smile.

That night, with Laura by his side, Michael followed the instructions in the ancient book. They drew symbols around the house, chanted incantations, and burned herbs that filled the air with a pungent aroma. The atmosphere grew heavy, charged with a palpable energy.

Finally, they stood before the fridge. Michael opened the door, revealing the dark vortex. He began the final incantation, his voice steady despite the fear gnawing at his insides.

The vortex pulsed, the shadows within swirling violently. Then, with a deafening roar, it imploded, sending a shockwave through the house. Michael and Laura were thrown to the floor, their ears ringing.

When they regained their senses, the vortex was still there. The fridge was just a fridge again, but the gateway remained open. Michael knew what he had to do. He took a deep breath and stepped through, determined to close the portal from the other side.

The world around him dissolved into darkness, and he felt himself falling, tumbling through the void. When he finally landed, he found himself once again in the twisted, nightmarish version of Hexville.

The sky was a dark, swirling mass of clouds, and the buildings were crumbling and decayed. Shadows flitted through the streets, their eyes glowing with a malevolent light. Michael shivered and started walking, his heart pounding in his chest.

As he moved through the town, he noticed a familiar building—the bed-and-breakfast. It looked even more decrepit and foreboding than before. Driven by a sense of urgency, he entered the house.

Inside, the atmosphere was thick with malevolence. The air was cold, and whispers echoed through the halls. He made his way to the kitchen, hoping to find the mirror-portal that had brought him back last time. But something caught his attention—a door slightly ajar at the end of the hallway.

He pushed the door open and found himself in a dimly lit room. The sight before him made his blood run cold. Hanging from the ceiling was a figure, swaying gently. As he approached, he realized with horror that it was his wife, Laura.

"No, no, no," he whispered, his voice breaking. "Laura!"

He rushed to her, tears streaming down his face. As he reached out to touch her, her eyes snapped open. They were not Laura's eyes, but glowing, malevolent orbs. The figure grinned, a chilling, inhuman smile.

Michael stumbled back, his heart pounding. The creature that looked like his wife began to transform, its skin darkening, its features twisting into a grotesque mockery of humanity. It was a demon, a being from the dark dimension.

"Welcome back, Michael," it hissed, its voice a chilling echo.

He backed away, his mind racing. He had to find a way to close the portal and escape. With a surge of adrenaline, he turned and ran, the demon's laughter echoing behind him.

He made his way to the kitchen, where he found the mirror-portal. Grabbing the ancient book, he began to recite the final incantation. The air around him crackled with energy, and the portal pulsed with a blinding light.

The demon burst into the room, its eyes blazing with fury. "You cannot escape us!" it roared.

But Michael kept chanting, his voice growing stronger with each word. The portal began to shrink, the light intensifying. The demon lunged at him, but it was too late. With a final shout, Michael completed the incantation, and the portal sealed shut, sending a shockwave through the house.

He collapsed to the floor, exhausted but relieved. The darkness receded, and he felt himself being pulled back to his world.

When he opened his eyes, he was lying on the kitchen floor of the bed-and-breakfast. Laura was beside him, her face etched with worry.

"Michael, are you okay?" she asked, helping him to his feet.

He nodded, his body trembling. "It's over. The portal is closed."

They left Hexville the next day, vowing never to return. The town faded into the distance, taking its dark secrets with it. But Michael knew that somewhere, in some hidden corner of the world, other gateways still existed, waiting to be discovered.

As they drove back to the city, a sense of relief washed over him. They had faced the darkness and survived. But deep down, he couldn't shake the feeling that their encounter with the other dimension had changed them in ways they couldn't yet understand.

And in the shadows of the forgotten places, the eyes of the dark beings watched, waiting for the next curious soul to stumble upon their hidden realm.

WesternTrue CrimeTrilogyThrillerTechnologySequelScience FictionScienceSagaRomanceRevealResolutionProloguePrequelPoetryPlot TwistNonfictionMysteryMemoirMagical RealismInterludeHorrorHistoryHistorical FictionFictionFantasyEpilogueDystopianDenouementCliffhangerChildren's FictionBiographyAutobiographyAdventure

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🤞🏾Writing to 🧡share❤️ my dreams. 👌🏾💯

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Comments (1)

  • Mark Grahamabout a month ago

    Great story. Is this the end. I think it could be a good series of books or even a television series or a movie or two.

Z.a.i.n.t.zWritten by Z.a.i.n.t.z

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