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6 Songs to Justify Your Disdain for Valentines Day

An Anti-Valentine's Day Playlist for the Emotional Unstable

By Brandon KrogelPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

Ah, Valentine’s Day—where the world’s supply of chocolate reaches its apex, red and pink greeting cards suddenly cost a month’s wages, and everywhere you turn there are heart-shaped balloons and inconceivable lineups anywhere that sell flowers.

It’s a wondrous sight to behold (cue the nausea) if you’re not gagging on strangers passing by.

It’s also the one day of the year I refuse to scroll my Facebook, Insta, or any other social profile as my feed is riddled with endless displays of couples desperate to declare their all-encompassing love for each other to the world because hey, it’s Valentine’s Day.

Whether you’re single or not is beside the point. Valentine’s Day sucks like a good vacuum because of the very fact that—quite simply—everything is so damned forced.

It doesn’t matter what’s going on in your life, what you’re struggling with, whether things are going pretty well, or your dog just died the same day you got fired—the reality is that this day unreasonably demands your very best presentation. If you are in a relationship of any kind and fail to regurgitate some type of heart-shaped gesture for public display, well you’ll probably be going to bed that night more single than you were that morning.

For all the single people out there just trying to live their lives and go about their day, it’s more or less a full-scale invasion of Cupid’s love-infected army parading around unwelcome reminders that you’ll be forever alone.

Of course, this really isn’t true, it just feels that way because suddenly the fact that we’re single is amplified and magnified by 100% under the judgmental lens of society. The world just holds up a giant mirror of resounding solitude and the lonely reflection staring back at us maybe hits a little too close to home.

Romantic love is beautiful when you have it, soul-crushing when you lose it, and quietly sits on your to-do list as some backburner task you’ve neglected as you—perhaps surprisingly well—go about your single life.

Personally, I despise Valentine’s Day whether I’m single or romantically involved with someone. When I’m in a relationship, I hate that this day seemingly forces me to “prove” my love for someone through performance art, tacky gifts, and other gestures our Hallmark overlords have demanded. If I’m single on Valentine’s Day, I’m usually just waiting around for all the heart-shaped chocolate that’s going to be in the discount bin after midnight.

If you are the type to feel the impending loneliness and isolation as someone who’s single on Valentine’s Day, well here are 6 songs to hopefully remind you that deep down inside, most people probably hate this day, and love comes and goes so don’t sweat it.

An Anti-Valentine's Day Playlist for the Emotional Unstable

1. Your Ex-Lover is Dead by Stars

I find nothing helps me care less about Valentine’s Day more than listening to break-up songs that serve as constant reminders that nothing lasts forever (namely: love) and this song so readily reminds us of the unique divide that happens when a separation occurs. Two people, once entwined, now go their separate ways in each their own way. The past love they shared, irrelevant now and only a foggy memory of a nearly forgotten time.

My Favorite Lyrics in This Song

Captured a taxi despite all the rain

We drove in silence across Pont Champlain

And all of the time you thought I was sad

I was trying to remember your name

2. Breakeven by The Script

This song serves as a difficult reminder that in any breakup, one person will usually have it worse than the other. Someone will be the first to move on and someone will be the last. We can keep on feeling those feels for someone long after any trace of love they once reserved for us had all but evaporated.

This type of thing doesn’t happen when you’re single by the way.

My Favorite Lyrics in This Song

They say bad things happen for a reason

But no wise words gonna stop the bleeding

'Cause she's moved on while I'm still grieving

And when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven, even, no

3. Love Drunk by Boys Like Girls

Perhaps one of the most sobering musical compositions I’ve ever heard, this track so accurately and humorously embodies the notion of being “love drunk” and the concept of remaining in love “forever” as simply passing altered states that we will most likely, eventually "sober up" from.

Whatever amazing, over-the-top feelings or deluded euphoria we immerse ourselves in can always change to heart-shattering agony and resentment, and then eventually, to nothing at all (the emo has clearly taken over this paragraph).

Isn’t it great when you can remain objective and rational instead of “love drunk”? I feel like I make smarter choices.

My Favorite Lyrics in This Song

I used to be love drunk

But now I'm hungover

I'll love you forever

But now I'm sober

4. Grew Apart by Donovan Woods

Even with the best of intentions and genuine loving origins, love changes, people change, and life changes. Time doesn’t care whether you were inseparable or totally in sync at one point in the past—lovers can grow apart at any moment. By the time most couples realize what’s happening, it’s too late. It doesn’t matter if you gave it your all or didn’t care much to begin with, growing apart is often something completely out of our hands.

At least you don’t have to worry about this if you’re single on Valentine’s Day (*wink wink*).

My Favorite Lyrics in This Song

But she's better off and so am I

It is what it is, man, it's alright

I don't tell 'em how you broke my heart

I just tell 'em that we grew apart

5. Strangers by Seven Lions

A helpful strategy for reminding yourself you might be better off alone on Valentine’s Day is reminiscing about the soul-crushing devastation, fear, confusion, and sadness that comes from a dissolved romantic relationship you truly cared for.

Those first few weeks trying to adjust to the absence of your now ex-partner—turning around to speak to them and then remembering they’re not there or waking up in the morning and rolling over to the empty space that was once inhabited by someone you believed you'd spend forever with—it is truly a devastating experience.

This track always reminds me of those moments and also reminds me that I’d rather not endure that level of suffering again (even though there’s a good chance I will). Happy Valentine’s Day!

My Favorite Lyrics in This Song

Nothing more than strangers

Passing by out on the street

Memories are fading though

It's only been a week

All the little things are gone

The things we used to be

Nobody could take us down

There was only you and me

6. Don’t Start Now by Dua Lipa

Let’s finish this on a more positive note. I absolutely love this song because it is such a great reminder that once you’ve made it through the miserable and lonely journey of getting over someone, you feel empowered and emboldened upon reaching the other side. You’ve made it through the impossible. The days you thought you’d never survive, the mornings you couldn’t get out of bed, the sheer volume of ice cream you’ve consumed alone watching Netflix in bed—all justified now!

Maybe you don’t know how you did it but frankly—who cares? You survived, you endured, you persevered and now here you are. Perhaps a little scarred. Perhaps not entirely the same person you were before but whoever you are now, you’re rested and ready for whatever comes next.

Let this be a heart-shaped light on this dimly lit day of red fluorescent bulbs.

My Favorite Lyrics in This Song

Did a full 180, crazy

Thinking 'bout the way I was

Did the heartbreak change me? Maybe

But look at where I ended up

I'm all good already

So moved on, it's scary

I'm not where you left me at all

Some Last Words

Valentine’s Day shouldn’t force people to bend over backwards in some desperate attempt to prove their love to the world nor should it serve as a stark reminder to those of us that are single that we’re single and apparently, that’s a bad thing.

My advice for making it through Valentine’s Day unscathed is simple:

If you’re in a relationship, shower your partner with love in simple, genuine, and authentic ways every day of the year so that when Valentine’s Day shows up, there’s an unspoken acknowledgement that no fancy public displays of affection are necessary because you’re both secure in the love that you share.

And if you’re single, take this day to capitalize on the soon-to-be discounted chocolate, throw an anti-Valentine’s Day party, or take solace in the fact that people in a relationship have everything to lose but as someone who’s single, you’ve got everything to gain.


About the Creator

Brandon Krogel

I'm an aspiring musician, writer and filmmaker. I love to create and find the beauty in life. My goal is to translate deep emotion into artistic works and to make a positive difference in the world.

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    Brandon KrogelWritten by Brandon Krogel

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