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The Art of Letting Go

A masterclass in untangling life’s knots

By Cm pariharPublished 12 days ago 3 min read
Photo by Ankush Minda on Unsplash

Letting go sounds so simple, yet it’s an intricate dance few of us have mastered.

We cling to memories, nurture grudges, and lug around emotional baggage that weighs us down like an anvil made of regret and resentment. But what if I told you that beneath the burden lies the liberating art of letting go?

Imagine your mind as a vast, cluttered attic. Every experience, every hurt, every outdated belief is a dusty box crammed into the corners. With each passing year, the attic becomes more chaotic and more suffocating. Yet, we desperately grasp at these boxes, terrified of the emptiness that releasing them might bring.

Here’s the cosmic joke, though: those boxes aren’t anchors — they’re anchors weighing us down and preventing us from soaring.

Letting Go Is an Inside Job

“You can’t heal a broken leg by meditating on it,” my eccentric uncle Zeke loved to quip between belches of cheap beer.

And he was absolutely right — letting go isn’t about slapping a spiritual Band-Aid on your wounds. It’s an intricate process of untangling the knots that keep you tethered to the past.

Think of every lingering grievance, every “what if,” every obsessive replay of hurtful moments as a tightly wound knot in your mind. Letting go is locating those knots, one by one, and gently loosening them until they unravel.

It’s examining ancient beliefs instilled in childhood and realizing they no longer serve you. It’s forgiving yourself for past mistakes and extending the same compassion you’d offer a dear friend. It’s consciously choosing to shed the dead weight of resentments so you can ascend lighter and freer.

The Reluctant Sculptor’s Lesson

Last week, I tried my hand at sculpting for the first time (don’t ask about the disturbing lump of clay that was meant to be a human figure). As I wrestled with the medium, the instructor dropped a pearl of wisdom that shifted my perspective on letting go:

“The beauty isn’t in what you add, but what you choose to remove.”

Those words struck me like a cosmic tuning fork. We spend so much time accumulating — achievements, relationships, material things — but so little time removing what no longer aligns with our growth.

Letting go is the art of removal, of chiseling away the inessential to reveal the masterpiece underneath. It’s deciding what thoughts, habits, and situations uplift you and boldly discarding the rest.

The Delicious Freedom of Surrender

Here’s the paradoxical truth: by letting go, you’ll gain more than you ever lost. When you finally release those soul-crushing expectations, the acid of past resentments, the dead weight of failures and self-judgment, you create space for new possibilities.

Suddenly, you can breathe more deeply, laugh more freely, and embrace the present with a childlike wonder. You’ll make decisions from a place of inner clarity, not knee-jerk reactivity. And you’ll open yourself to richer connections because you’ve removed the barriers keeping others at bay.

If you found this perspective on letting go valuable, I’d be deeply grateful if you could Buy Me a Coffee at to support my work in sharing these insights. Your contribution allows me to keep creating content that hopefully inspires and uplifts.

Letting go is an art, a spiritual defiance against the shackles of stagnation. It’s choosing to be a forever work-in-progress, sculpting your life with the deft hands of intention.

It’s choosing to be a forever work-in-progress, sculpting your life with the deft hands of intention.

So lace up those badass letting-go boots and start chiseling — your masterpiece awaits.

SculptureTechniquesMixed MediaIllustrationHistoryGeneralFine ArtFictionDrawingCritiqueContemporary Art

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Cm parihar

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    Cm pariharWritten by Cm parihar

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