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Markings in White

Navigating the Road of Consequences

By Eguakun VictoryPublished 15 days ago 3 min read
Markings in White
Photo by Brendan Steeves on Unsplash

Weak sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting hesitant streaks across Cole Hayes' face as he lay motionless in bed. The muted glow betrayed the hour, mid-afternoon, with autumn casting long shadows outside. He welcomed the drowsiness like a cocoon, attempting to shut out the world and its growing weight.

But the warmth that seeped through his limbs contrasted sharply with the throbbing onset of a migraine. Cole groaned, his hazel eyes clenching shut against the intrusive light. Slowly, he coaxed his weary muscles into motion, a painful process that ignited sharper pangs in his head. Sitting up, he leaned forward, elbows on knees, as if trying to hold his crumbling resolve together. The disheveled remnants of last night’s attire—stained khakis and a crumpled polo—clung to him, contrasting with his once meticulously groomed copper hair now plastered flat against his temples.

This, he knew, had become his routine—a chaotic existence mirrored by the disorder of his surroundings. His room painted a picture of his current life: a belt carelessly tossed on the floor, sneakers haphazardly strewn, and empty beer bottles casting fractured reflections in the afternoon light. The air was tinged with the faint residue of white powder, credit cards scattered carelessly alongside it. Amber-orange pill bottles and Ziploc bags containing various medications completed the tableau on his dresser—a stark reminder of his descent.

Dragging himself downstairs, Cole navigated past appliances that bore the scars of neglect in his bachelor life. Thoughts of his mother surfaced briefly, memories of her cooking his favorite meals in a kitchen now haunted by silence and emptiness. Shaking off these images, Cole reached for the amber bottle awaiting him on the kitchen island. With practiced familiarity, he dispensed two gray-blue pills into his mouth, the bitter taste a prelude to fleeting relief. The drugs dulled the edge, momentarily quieting the agony that threatened to overwhelm him—a temporary reprieve from his spiraling reality.

Slumping onto the couch, Cole sought refuge in the flickering images of daytime soap operas, a feeble attempt to distract himself from the news broadcast that shattered his fragile detachment. Mia Hansen's solemn presence on Channel 6 froze him in place, her Nordic blue eyes carrying a weight that pierced through his numbness. The report of Henry Langford's tragic death on Route 7 tore through Cole's consciousness like a sharp blade, resurrecting memories of a fateful night he tried to bury.

The collision of fragmented recollections flooded his mind—white lines on the road, a sudden jerk, and a sickening impact. The aftermath had left Henry Langford dead and Cole's conscience irreparably scarred. Guilt gnawed at him as he recalled the earlier incident involving his father's cherished Mercedes, a drunken escapade that had fractured his spine and set him on a path lined with prescriptions and self-destruction.

As Mia's broadcast continued, detailing the grim aftermath of the hit-and-run, Cole's heart pounded in sync with each passing second. The sight of Henry's grieving widow and daughter amplified his anguish, pulling him deeper into the abyss of remorse. The phone's shrill ring broke the oppressive silence, pulling Cole back to his cluttered living room and the reality he could no longer evade.

Mike's voice on the other end recalled a night of blurred memories at a bar on Route 7, a night Cole had tried to forget. Panic surged as he noticed his missing keys and the damning evidence awaiting him in the garage. With a sinking feeling, he confronted the battered front end of his Range Rover, streaks of crimson and strands of torn fabric vivid reminders of his recklessness.

The revelation of potential vehicular manslaughter jolted Cole into action. Adrenaline surged as he retrieved his passport, a lifeline in his hands, a symbol of a past that felt increasingly distant and irretrievable. Tears blurred his vision as he confronted the stark reality of his choices and their devastating consequences. With resolve born of desperation, Cole embarked on a final journey—to face the repercussions of his actions head-on.

The police station loomed ahead, its walls closing in as he stepped inside, grappling with the weight of guilt and fear. His trembling hands sought purchase on the cool surface of the reception desk, his confession poised on the brink, a tumultuous storm of emotions threatening to engulf him.

"Can I help you?" The uniformed officer's voice cut through the haze of turmoil, forcing Cole to confront the devastating aftermath of his decisions, each word a step closer to absolution or ruin.

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    EVWritten by Eguakun Victory

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