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love to die

you will fall in love with this story

By shahryarPublished about a year ago 2 min read
love is sad

Title: Love to Die

Once upon a time in the small village of Evergreen, there lived a young man named Ethan. He was a poet with a heart that overflowed with passion and a longing for true love. Ethan had spent his days crafting verses about love, dreaming of the day he would find his soulmate. Little did he know that his life was about to take an extraordinary turn.

One fateful evening, as Ethan strolled through the enchanting forest that bordered the village, he stumbled upon a hidden clearing bathed in moonlight. There, amidst a bed of fragrant roses, he saw the most breathtakingly beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes upon. Her name was Aurora, and she possessed an ethereal grace that captivated Ethan's heart instantaneously.

Aurora, too, felt an inexplicable connection to Ethan. She had been under a spell that confined her to the forest, waiting for a love that would break her free from the enchantment. Their meeting was no mere coincidence but a destined encounter.

As Ethan and Aurora spent more time together, their love deepened and flourished. The villagers whispered of their extraordinary bond, for their connection seemed to transcend the boundaries of the mortal world. They reveled in each other's company, their souls intertwined like the delicate tendrils of ivy.

However, there was a dark secret that loomed over their love. It was a curse that had befallen Aurora, the source of her enchantment. As they delved into the ancient chronicles, they discovered that true love's kiss could break the curse, but it came at a grave cost—the one who kissed Aurora would have to sacrifice their own life.

The weight of this revelation hung heavily upon their hearts. Ethan was torn between the unimaginable pain of losing his beloved and the unshakeable desire to free her from her eternal prison. Aurora, too, grappled with the burden of the choice before them.

In the end, their love was too powerful to be stifled by fear. Ethan made his decision, willing to trade his life for Aurora's freedom. On the eve of a full moon, under the shimmering starlit sky, he embraced Aurora and kissed her tenderly. In that fleeting moment, time stood still, and their souls merged as one.

As their lips parted, a gentle breeze swept through the clearing. Aurora's eyes sparkled with tears as she witnessed the sacrifice Ethan had made for her. The curse shattered like fragile glass, and Aurora was set free from her enchanted existence. But the joy of her liberation was overshadowed by the sorrow of losing the one she loved.

Ethan's life force began to fade, but his spirit remained, eternally intertwined with Aurora's. They were inseparable even in death, their love transcending the boundaries of mortal existence. The village mourned the loss of their beloved poet, but they marveled at the power of love that had united two souls so deeply.

Legend has it that if one were to visit the clearing on a moonlit night, they would hear the echoes of ethereal whispers, the verses of love that Ethan and Aurora had shared. Their love story became a timeless tale, a reminder of the sacrifices one can make for the sake of true love.

And so, in the village of Evergreen, the legend of Ethan and Aurora lived on, an enduring testament to a love that was destined to conquer even the boundaries of life and death.

ProcessJourneyGeneralFine ArtCritiqueContemporary Art

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    SWritten by shahryar

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