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Why Is Cloud Computing Important For Data Science

Brief Introduction to Cloud Computing

By HassanPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Image made in Canva by Author

Data science is a growing field and has been called the sexiest job of the 21st century. It’s a thrilling time to be a data scientist, but it can also be challenging and overwhelming. One thing that makes it easier for me as a data scientist is cloud computing. Cloud computing allows me to work with datasets at scale, test my code on different platforms, and expand my skillset by using multiple programming languages within one project. In this article, we’ll explore why cloud computing is vital for data scientists today and in the future.

Get the Edge on Your Competition With Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a game changer for data scientists. It allows you to use different programming languages. Instead of being locked into a language, cloud computing lets you use Python, Java, and R — or even C++ if it suits your needs — to solve the problems at hand. This gives you more flexibility in approaching issues and allows for workflows that maximize your team’s efficiency.

In addition, you can get deeper into data science without deep pockets. While plenty of free resources are available online, cloud computing allows businesses and individuals with limited funds or time constraints to get started on their research projects faster than ever before. This is achieved by supplying access to state-of-the-art tools and technology at no cost (or meager cost). In addition, many big companies like Google Cloud Platform offer free trial periods where they’ll let users run programs on their servers before deciding whether or not they want them as regular customers.

Work With Multiple Programming Languages

On the one hand, cloud computing allows data scientists to use any language they like. This is because they don’t have to install anything on their computer and can access the software through a web browser. But, on the contrary, there is a small subset of languages that are more used than others in data science. For example, Python and R are two popular languages for doing data science work. In contrast, Java isn’t so much used for this purpose due to its slower development cycle compared to newer technologies like JavaScript.


In the world of data science, cloud computing can be an essential tool for your business. It helps you focus on your work instead of managing your IT infrastructure.

This is especially true regarding training models and applying them to real-world problems. This process needs large amounts of computing power and storage — two expensive things to acquire and maintain on your own. With cloud computing, however, you don’t have to worry about these things: You pay only for what you use (as opposed to buying or leasing hardware), and it’s already integrated into the rest of your organization’s infrastructure (instead of requiring additional labor). That means more time spent doing what matters: solving problems with data.

Maximize Work Accuracy and Impact

Cloud computing allows you to test your code on various datasets, maximizing your work’s accuracy and impact.

For example, say you were writing a model for predicting whether or not someone will get sick after eating at their favorite restaurant. You might want to run your model on multiple datasets: one consisting of only healthy people who’ve eaten at that place, one consisting of primarily healthy people but also some sick ones (as well as some non-healthy ones), and one with all types of people who ate there, etc.

Doing this in the cloud allows you to compare each prediction against reality and see how they do. Moreover, suppose they don’t perform well enough at any point during testing or real-world application. In that case, it’s easy enough to increase training time or use different parameters until they work better again.

Cloud Computing Works at a Scale

First, it allows you to run on a large number of machines. You can efficiently run on thousands or even millions of devices and expand that number as needed. This is because you pay for what you use instead of owning all the equipment yourself.

Second, cloud computing allows for horizontal scaling — you can add more capacity when needed without making costly upgrades or replacements. So if your data science workload doubles overnight but only temporarily (like during tax season), this isn’t an issue! The cloud will handle it just fine until things return to normal levels later in the year (or maybe even longer).

By Max Duzij on Unsplash

Data Science and Cloud Computing in 2022

Data Science in 2022 is an exciting place to be, and cloud computing is a tool that can help you reach new heights.

The future of data science is bright — and cloud computing will play a big part in helping data scientists get there. By providing high-powered processing and storage resources in web services, cloud computing makes it possible for individuals or small groups to accomplish tasks that would otherwise require large teams or massive hardware setups. For example, one person could use a cloud-based Hadoop cluster to analyze large datasets without buying expensive on-premise hardware. In contrast, others might use the same service for running machine learning algorithms on their personal computer instead of renting time from Amazon’s EC2 service (which charges by usage).


Whether you’re just starting or want to sharpen your skills, cloud computing has the tools and resources to help make your data science project successful. But, of course, to take advantage of all these benefits, it’s essential to understand exactly what cloud computing is before trying it out, so there are no surprises along the way!

Originally published on Medium: https://towardsdev.com/why-is-cloud-computing-important-for-data-science-54a0f3603a8b

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About the Creator


I'm a data scientist by day and a writer by night, so you'll often find me writing about Analytics. But lately, I've been branching into other topics. I hope you enjoy reading my articles as much as I enjoy writing them.

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    HassanWritten by Hassan

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