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Vocal Getting Hot ‘n’ Heavy with Commitments…

Don’t freak out, it’s what you DO in a relationship!

By The Dani WriterPublished 5 months ago 7 min read
Photo by THIS IS ZUN on Pexels

*When ya go-to writing platform asks for more*

Vocal Media, I gotta hand it to you for stepping up.

You went there.

Everything you did last year demonstrated you wanted more from this relationship. Said you wanted to be more attentive and responsive to my needs. Said you were determined to keep it fresh. The culmination of this is the creation of a challenge (your 200th to be exact—Woot-WOOT!) to 'amp things up' in the writer development & delivery department.

I take joy in divulging that I’m impressed, my 'writing boo.' Impressed that you know me well enough to ditch resolutions and standard objective-setting that make me wanna hurl S.M.A.R.T goals to blasted smithereens against every calendar that ever thought about ‘cal-ending.’

Sweet stuff went after my HEART and asked for my Vocal writing aspirations and intentions for 2024, akin to an epic effin’ writer’s proposal.

Of bloomin’ course, I melted!

Next, I got busy and wrote this just for you:

We both accept that I’m unboxable. Unorthodox and clinging to as many other “uns” this side of the latest edition dictionary that may need a content warning I’m not about to give. Therefore, it comes as surprise-grade ‘nada’ that my aspirations/intentions for Vocal in 2024 are as well…

Grab Some Vocal Hook-ups

I type furiously into a digital universe whilst those around me all over the world with Vocal membership do the same.

But wait a hot minute!

Some of those members occupy the same geographical region that I do. Writers close by—well, relatively speaking. But hey, close enough for an in-person writer-to-writer hook-up as in let’s meet, have a hot beverage, hang out in Waterstones or some obscure favorite writer’s haunt in total silence scripting whatever floats our boats, and do other wild and crazy writer shizz.

I’m already gonna be hanging with Mikey-dred Singleton in a couple of months, hence I envisaged…

"Why not widen the ‘Vocal net’ (so to speak) and ask Caroline Jane, Kayleigh Fraser, or Paul Stewart for starters also and be like, “Hey, whacha doing 25 weekends from now? Wanna sit in silence in a library writing spitfire limericks, dressed like total weirdos, and attract attention?”

Or something along those lines.

And then…write about it.

Yes, even if it’s godawful awkward.

Photo by Petr Ganaj on Pexels

Even if the on-screen persona and character of their Vocal profile acts nothing like the person I meet and I run screaming for the hills (or they do the same to me.)

Personal safety above and beyond everything.

A binding legal oath will be taken on both sides with solemn vows never to drag someone into a subterranean enclave to be spoilt rotten with William Hill insider betting tips, fed gourmet select takeaway meals from Wetherspoons prepped to perfection, plus view all expenses paid 24-7 Netflix options whilst bound in felt-lined handcuffs.

I do have standards you know.

And why would I venture from my Cancerian solitude to do this you ask?

To present evidence that we are more than online writer personalities with digital interface communications. We’re the real deal community.

*Throwing up eternal pen signs to Tom Brad in the Vocal Media Ancestral Realm*

And if Vocal Media can bring previous strangers together on such a trusting unity vibe, then there’s still hope for the world, and maybe…just maybe…the Vocal Writers Posse may number amongst those meek who will “inherit the earth.”

And then, we can for damn sure stop all this global shenanigan nonsense!

Bust Geographical Borders

By Marianna Iguess on Unsplash

In that similar vein of getting around the membership, I do wanna generally get around, as in, exploration of those roads I’ve never traveled.

Truth be told, one factor that pushed me off the mainstream edge, was that treks to certain areas within my jurisdiction by train are a greater financial outlay than airfare outside of it.

Ergo, I’m like, “What am I doing?”

*Literally a GTFO moment*

I mean, ain’t nobody getting any younger here, and while I have access to places yet to feel my footprints, I’m gonna access as much as I can.


Yes, write about it.

“Whassup Vocal Wander Community!”

Develop A Vocal Write Comfy Space

Some of you may know that after a serious accident in 2020, I struggled silently with high-level pain, swelling, and circulatory issues. It made writing for long periods comfortably in any position difficult to impossible; thus, it was hard to propagate the platform with a plethora of written pieces.

Photo by Cottonbro Studio on Pexels

This year, the plan is to develop a workaround—don’t know if it will succeed—but I’m feeling slightly confident about it. I’m gonna develop an ergonomic and comfortable place to draft, edit, revise, and publish. Preferably the most pleasurable and snug space to create from. My bed. Most def, will let you know how that one works out.

Fuel For My Notebook Addiction

I’ve got two empty and one with ten pages filled in. I want to completely fill those bad boys with poetry/prose and buy some more.

Yours truly is overjoyed with a notebook and pen.

See, so easy to please.

I’ve had poetry writing books forever, which I find is the best modus operandi for me to do what I do best (in the context of composing that is.)

Vocal Moo, yah gurl low-maintenance, so neva EVA let me go!

New Laptop or PC Guaranteed

I’ve had it with glitchy-temperamental equipment.

When at the editing or publication stage, I have zero patience. Thanks to my humble beginnings with Vocal Media, my development and thirst for more have expanded exponentially.

(Spoiler Alert - Refer to impending intention point re: More Cha-ching!)

I need digital devices that can keep up. End of story.

A Pre-planned Fence-sitting Fall

Fine, I’ll join Discord.

Be more verbally vocal at Vocal.

But I have until December 31, 2024, 11:52 pm. I can be concentrated and impactful within eight minutes.

Hey, fair is fair.

More Cha-ching

As in “I need more moolah” V-Money!

Just keeping it real.

We’ve been an item for over four years now, Vee and I’m gonna split this straight down the middle.

My part: I can expand my promotion range/frequency and analyze trends based on the stats provided to influence a significant percentage of my creative process for increased earnings. Simply put: I can write a heap lot more, get additional eyes on, and make better use of the stats for ideas to increase cash in.

I can also commit to providing more quality content per month and increase my challenge entries by starting the drafting process earlier.

In my past membership year (from April 2023—I count from the month Vocal and I made it official) on the platform, I wrote a grand total of 21 stories. This year, I’ve got 53 and still counting. (I literally just did the math.)

Vive. La. Diff. FRANCE!

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

Ever had those moments where you surprisingly and overwhelmingly impressed yourself?

This right here, Vo-Mee! Thisss!

Butt-naked truth though: Vee-Emm, in all this time…never seen a significant cost-of-living increase on the current rate paid per read,

Your part: Factor in inflation, time investment, platform membership commitment length in years, equipment/expertise, etc., etc., and it all adds up, Vo-beau! Ya needs ta implement some payout increases. I’m sure a significant segment of the membership is thinking with me: I’m worth it.

Reluctant Teacher Getting Over Herself

Confession: I’ve been writing for a looong time—not that time alone makes you an expert—but I’ve learned a few things, maybe mastered a bit more. I’ve benefited from what others freely shared along the journey.

For sure, this aspiration comes from a sense of duty but also from mad love for the craft.

I commit to sharing more from my repertoire in the form of articles, as well as increased online Vocal group participation.

Any actual or virtual rotten fruit thrown at me for said sharing necessitates hazard pay and undergirds that pay increase I mentioned.

Global Impact

By NASA on Unsplash

Writers write because they feel compelled to do so. When someone reads what we’ve written and it resonates to the point that they comment authentically about it, something within us all vibrates at a frequency that defies explanation and measurement. I believe it’s the set point at which we are all connected as living beings that registers.

Regardless of resources, communication barriers, and geographical distance; minds, hearts, and spirits resonate with the words, and that change silently begins to transform the world.

With a multitude of adverse conditions on our planet, I intend for 90% of the stories that I write in 2024 to touch the earth’s inhabitants in an uplifting and empowering way. To give strength and decisiveness for positive intentions where needed, and additionally to foster self-control, self-awareness, and self-love.

Photo by Rebecca Zaal on Pexels

My sincere desire is to foster inside humanity mutual understanding as a foundation for peace and an all-encompassing validation as worthy beings, not just to give people hope but limitless potentialities.

There is no way that I am self-deluded in boldly stating that my pen will shift the trajectory of the entire world. Words have done more by authors of the past. We live off the scripted missives of writers who left immense indentations on existence and those who reside in the present with their gaze set on an unfolding universe.

All writers have the potential to do this.

I consider myself no less than “all writers” and I am speaking my intentions aloud.

“You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.”

- ‘Desiderata’ by Max Ehrmann

Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on Pexels

It means so much to me that you kept reading. And reading! You are a star and I appreciate you!

This is my sole entry in Vocal Media's #200 Challenge and these lines come straight from "my feels" to "your feels." Let's keep an eye out for each other this year, okay? *Hugs*

By Giulia May on Unsplash



About the Creator

The Dani Writer

Explores words to create worlds with poetry, nonfiction, and fiction. Writes content that permeates then revises and edits the heck out of it. Interests: Freelance, consultations, networking, rulebook-ripping. UK-based





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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (12)

  • Joe O’Connor4 months ago

    Love the impersonal tone, the humour as a way to address serious points and goals, and then intentions for the next year Dani. Desiderata by Max Ehrmann was a lovely surprise to see. I’m based in central London, and would happily do a writing sesh in a library or cafe somewhere🤗

  • Caroline Jane5 months ago

    Just tell me where and when! 🥰 excellent stuff. ❤️

  • Tiffany Gordon 5 months ago

    I loved every word of this piece! Thx for sharing your tremendous writing gift & fun personality with us! You rocked this challenge! BRAVO!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  • Heather Hubler5 months ago

    I always love your viewpoints and your unabashed, creative way of delivering them. Love these goals!! Wish I lived closer as I'd be down for getting together :) Hope you find the relief you need from that continued pain. Hugs to you!

  • Some excellent ideas and goals and thank you for the shout out

  • L.C. Schäfer5 months ago

    All we need is the right fulcrum! What a word, eh. FULCRUM.

  • Vo-beau! Vee-Emm! Hahahahahahahaha I loveeeeee these names that you gave Vocal! You never fail to make me laugh! I wish you all the best! Sending you lots of love and hugs ❤️

  • LaTonya Staples5 months ago

    I smiled the whole time I read this. Love it

  • Delightful approach & excellent thoughts, Dani. You didn't simply approach this challenge, you came at it with attitude! Well done.

  • Real Poetic5 months ago

    Love this. One of my favorites so far! Well done! This made me smile.

  • Babs Iverson5 months ago

    Spectacular inspirational piece for the challenge!!! Love the whit, humor, and cha-ching!!! SSS sending virtual hugs!!!💕❤️❤️

The Dani WriterWritten by The Dani Writer

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