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Six Key Factors Behind Declining Energy in Men and How to Reclaim Vitality

Proven Strategies to Combat Fatigue and Enhance Physical, Mental, and Sexual Health

By Amit ChakrabortyPublished 16 days ago 3 min read
Six Key Factors Behind Declining Energy in Men

Surveys indicate that less than half of men consider their physical, mental, and sexual health to be excellent or very good. However, this doesn't mean men must accept sub-par functioning. Despite the natural changes in hormone levels and metabolism that come with ageing, there are effective strategies to combat fatigue and reclaim energy and vitality. Dr Brynna Connor, a Texas physician specializing in anti-ageing and regenerative medicine, and a healthcare ambassador for NorthWestPharmacy.com, emphasizes that numerous actions can ensure graceful ageing.

1. Hormonal Imbalances or Changes

Aging men often experience a natural decline in testosterone levels, which can lead to reduced energy and increased fatigue. Dr. Connor suggests that older men exhibiting signs of low testosterone should consult their doctor for hormone level checks and potential treatment options. While hormone therapy can help, it comes with both benefits and risks. The American College of Physicians recommends testosterone therapy primarily for treating age-related sexual dysfunction. Discussing the pros and cons with a healthcare provider is crucial for making an informed decision.

2. Lack of Physical Activity

A sedentary lifestyle is a significant contributor to decreased energy and vitality. Physical inactivity prevents the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters that enhance mood and reduce stress. Additionally, inactivity leads to deconditioning of the cardiovascular and muscular systems and reduces oxygen intake, all of which can cause fatigue. Fitness trainer and nutrition coach Mark Edwards highlights the importance of movement. He advises starting slow and gradually increasing physical activity, with a particular focus on resistance training to preserve muscle mass. Regular exercise not only boosts energy but also enhances overall vitality and promotes a longer, more independent life.

3. Insufficient Sleep

Quality sleep is essential for overall health, and its lack can significantly impact energy levels and vitality. Poor sleep not only hinders physical recovery but also affects mental clarity, leading to brain fog and difficulty in decision-making. Mark Edwards notes that inadequate sleep often leads to overeating the following day. To improve sleep quality, he recommends shutting down electronic devices an hour before bedtime and having the last meal before 7 p.m. Achieving at least seven hours of sleep per night is recommended for most healthy adults to maintain optimal health and energy levels.

4. Poor Diet and Nutrition

Diet plays a crucial role in energy and vitality. Dr. Connor emphasizes that the body’s fuel comes from the food we consume. A diet lacking vitamins, nutrients, and adequate protein can lead to fatigue. Dr. Sulagna Misra from Misra Wellness advocates for a clean, nutrient-rich diet low in refined sugars and high in fibre and moderate protein levels. Preparing healthy meals at home can significantly improve energy levels and overall health. Additionally, incorporating prebiotics and probiotics can enhance gut health, which is linked to reduced inflammation and better mood.

5. Unmanaged Stress

Stress, whether mental, physical, or emotional, can significantly drain energy and vitality. Chronic stress leads to the release of cortisol and adrenaline, which, over time, can be exhausting. Stress also depletes the body of essential micronutrients like B vitamins and magnesium, which are vital for energy metabolism. Managing stress through regular exercise, adequate sleep, and techniques like meditation, yoga, or therapy can help mitigate its negative effects on energy levels.

6. Neglected Health Care

Many men tend to avoid medical consultations until a serious issue arises. Dr. Rich Joseph from Restore Hyper Wellness advocates for proactive and preventative healthcare. Regular visits to a medical professional for annual physicals and blood work can establish a health baseline, making it easier to detect and address issues early. This is particularly important for men in their late 30s and early 40s, a period when health problems often begin to surface. Men should seek medical attention if they experience significant weight changes or lose interest in activities they previously enjoyed, as these could be signs of more serious health issues.

Boosting Energy and Vitality

Reclaiming energy and vitality involves addressing these six key factors through lifestyle changes and proactive health management. By staying active, maintaining a balanced diet, ensuring quality sleep, managing stress, and seeking regular medical care, men can significantly improve their overall health and well-being. Ageing does not have to equate to a decline in vitality. With the right approach, men can age gracefully and maintain high energy levels throughout their lives.


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    ACWritten by Amit Chakraborty

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