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Sister Friends

When Writers Become Family

By Veronica ColdironPublished 9 months ago 4 min read
Created by the author. {tee-hee}

Written for the Heather Hubler Write me a letter Challenge. Find all the details, below.


My Dear Writing Sister,

I took my time writing this letter so that I would have time to focus and tune everything else out for a few minutes... and winning isn't really the object for me. {Not that I'd ever turn it down, I've just learned over the years not to get too hopeful. LOL!}

It seems forever since we just chatted without writing getting in the way. You're sort of a celebrity on Vocal now with mega responsibilities in the writing group(s) on Facebook, and if you couple all of that with our everyday lives, stuff just tends to get in the way. {Proud of you, by the way!}

That's no complaint. I've been a little overrun myself with the new job I'm trying to learn, health issues, five dogs and three cats to raise, {Chewy says "hi" by the way}, a house to remodel and furniture to refurbish. So, let me apologize for not being a better sister and taking time to check in on you.

It's great being linked on Facebook, because I get to see all the fun family things you have going on, {can't wait for Halloween photos to load}, and I can see when your new stories have loaded. I used to hate Facebook, but that's before I had a writing family to enjoy.

It seems to me like the closer we get to achieving our writing goals, the farther we get from connecting. So, let me catch you up a little.

Since mom passed last Christmas, things have been strange for me. I tend to walk around so lost in thought that I forget what I was doing. It could be old age, but I doubt it. My head is just so full of things it's sometimes impossible to focus and then I tend to forget what's important.

I stopped playing my guitar and until very recently stopped singing. {Showers are my favorite venue now!} I guess the good news is, my writing has been like a lump of coal in a pressure cooker. LOL! I may never win a challenge, but I've won the world with you for a writing sister and my extended writing family here on Vocal.

Besides all of you and my episode with Chewy and that weird shadow person, the most excitement I've had this year was sitting in traffic last night watching a high-speed chase go by. (Photo below)

Savannah Ga High-speed chase on Abercorn St 10.19.23 - Author photographed

I got to go to the Pirate Festival for the parade this year, which is usually pretty exciting, but ultimately had to leave early because the heat got to my husband and we had to go home.

You know, when I moved to Savannah I was trying to find myself creatively. As much as I love living here, my creativity levels have sort of stagnated. I had to get a real job to pay bills and everything else went right out the window for a while.

Then I found Vocal. You were easily my favorite writer and I felt we developed something so much more than just a writing friendship, and instantly had a kinship with you. I don't think you've written anything that didn't totally blow me away. It's awesome when writers and creators like us, who don't really have classic training, write or create something. Because we don't really know all the rules, we're not really breaking them, we're just doing our thing and kind of tweaking them.

I think meeting you on here has been one of life's real treasures, something I'm so happy to have been blessed with. Some of us go our whole life without having someone we connect with creatively so meeting you has been the highlight of the whole platform for me. I enjoyed the interview with you as much as I used to enjoy getting up on Saturday mornings with coffee and chatting on messenger with my sister Sami and my ex-mother-in-law, Linda.

Both of them left me here though, so the Saturday morning chats went away and I was pretty sad for a long time. Just being able to chit chat with you (and Dharrsheena) from time to time has been a real blessing. I recognize though, that with all of the responsibilities you two have, it's not easy to connect. You guys have all kinds of responsibilities I couldn't even imagine trying to pull off. Just going to work, writing books, posting on Vocal and all the other junk I mentioned wears on me... and with all the people you guys talk to on here and on social media? Good Lord I'd lose my mind!

I guess what I'm trying to say is, even though you and I aren't always able to connect outside the writing thing, I still have you in my heart and also in my prayers every morning. I want you to know, all kidding aside, that I'm here if you need me, and I'm sure you'd say the same.

Thank you for being my bonus sister and for posting this challenge. It's an honor to be a part of it!

Sincerest best wishes,


>Pssst.... I'm going to send you another more "write-worthy" letter later. ;)

Writing ExercisePromptsLifeInterviewsInspirationCommunityChallenge

About the Creator

Veronica Coldiron

I'm a mild-mannered project accountant by day, a free-spirited writer, artist, singer/songwriter the rest of the time. Let's subscribe to each other! I'm excited to be in a community of writers and I'm looking forward to making friends!

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Comments (11)

  • Novel Allen8 months ago

    Wow! Heather sure is blessed by all these wonderful letters coming her way. I cannot imagine my brain doing all the stuff that these guys do. A heartfelt hug and blessings to H and all the hard working folks.

  • Heather Hubler8 months ago

    Aww, it's been an absolute blessing to call you my writing sister! I wish I had more hours in the day to spend connecting with all the wonderful people I've met on Vocal. You're such a fantastic cheerleader and just a great person all around. I know we'd have a good time together in person. Thank you for praying for me and thinking of me. I think of you often too. And know that I love your writing just as much. It always touches me. You give so much of yourself away. I wish things were easier for you. I know that hole in your heart is never going to fill but I do hope it transitions to less pain and more content at the time and memories you shared with her. Thank you again for this, my friend :)

  • Shirley Belk8 months ago

    So sweet and intimate. You are a beautiful soul :)

  • I know that hi was for Heather but please say hi to Chewy for me! It was so nice seeing my name there! We do chat especially in the comments of each others stories, lol. Also, I totally relate to being so overwhelmed and exhausted when there's too much on out plate!

  • Cathy holmes9 months ago

    This is so honest, heartfelt and wonderful. Love it. ❤

  • Dana Stewart9 months ago

    So authentic, Veronica. Heartfelt. And I love the cover photo!

  • Donna Renee9 months ago

    this was very sweet, Veronica! ❤

  • Dana Crandell9 months ago

    Jest a dern minit, now! Duz this mean we'z, kin? 😉 Great letter, Veronica!

  • Lamar Wiggins9 months ago

    Such a heartfelt letter 💖. You and Mother Combs have your hands full with all the animals you care for. That In itself is admirable. Thank you for creating and sharing this letter. 💖

  • Babs Iverson9 months ago

    Loving this!!! Veronica, this is an awesome letter to Heather!!!❤️❤️💕

  • Test9 months ago

    This made me tear up x Beautifully written and the sign of an honest to goodness true friendship. It always makes me feel so elated when I hear or see women supporting other women x As it should be 🤍🤍🤍

Veronica ColdironWritten by Veronica Coldiron

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