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My 69th Piece on Vocal

A milestone like no other

By Stephen A. RoddewigPublished 6 months ago Updated 6 months ago 3 min read
My 69th Piece on Vocal
Photo by MIO ITO on Unsplash

There’s been a string of number-based milestone posts making it to the front page recently. Usually, they’re based around whole numbers. 50 pieces on Vocal. 100 pieces. Over in the Mikeydred leagues, we’re now in the Napoleonic Wars (i.e. 1800).

However, I’m not patient enough to wait the six months until I hit 100, and I already missed 50. So, I have randomly settled on the to-be count as my milestone.

Again, completely random selection here.

In the spirit of this milestone, this post will be exactly 690 words.

How do I plan to fill the *checks Word bottom bar* 588 words remaining? Here’s a list of my 69 favorite stories on Vocal:

Just kidding. Here’s a couple observations about the platform since I joined back in the ancient era of June 2021.

1. The platform seems to be in a “holding pattern”

Perhaps this will torpedo my chances of a Top Story. Then again, this editorial team has surprised me in the past by raising pieces that were a bit more realistic about Vocal than I assumed they’d want.

Anyhow, back when I joined, Vocal was a very different place. On the one hand, the contests came with eye-popping prizes, though far less frequent than today. On the other hand, your options for interacting were limited to the venerated ❤️. I wonder how many Facebook groups there would be if that hole for interaction hadn’t existed to be filled.

Now the pendulum has swung in the other direction. We have more ways to interact with each other than ever before: commenting, reader insights, tips, pledges. Not to mention, notifications. We have more contests than ever before, though the prize pots have reduced to $1,000 cumulative compared to the old system where that might have been the 3rd Place prize (remember third place?).

Yet, we haven’t seen a new feature released in a while, and existing initiatives appear to be dying on the vine. The push these days seems to be turning the platform profitable while previously they seemed more focused on growing the user base and platform features.

Whether they will succeed or not remains to be seen.

2. I once saw someone republish the same story with a different title and get Top Story for it

And that’s always bothered me. It wasn’t subtle, either. To her credit, the creator laid this all out in the opening paragraph, billing it as an “experiment” because the original post “didn’t get enough attention.”

So, when the Vocal editorial team then raises it to the front page, what precedent does that set? Does that mean we should all start publishing our pieces twice or more?

Or are they not actually reading the contents of the stories they promote? And that’s a whole larger issue if they aren't.

I also think the whole idea of the experiment was straight up narcissism. I’ve had pieces that flopped hard on here that I really loved, but what did I do? I went out and found ways to get them in front of new eyes, not try and game readers on this platform.

I’d link to the actual post, but it has since been deleted when the creator decided they were done with Vocal after having a later Top Story revoked when the editorial team made yet another “interesting” decision to this time raise a hit piece wrote about another Vocal creator to the front page.

I don’t have enough words to share my thoughts on whether that post should have been written in the first place, but the Vocal editorial team unnecessarily turned up the heat about 1,000 degrees by putting it on the front page. Once again raising the question of whether that means they condone this sort of content.

But giving someone a $5 bonus and free exposure sure seems to signal that they do, doesn’t it?

In conclusion, the word cap bites me in the ass

690 words for my 69th piece sure sounded amusing in theory. Maybe we don’t always deserve a nice bow at the end of every article (/rant). Either way, you’re not getting one here.


About the Creator

Stephen A. Roddewig

I am an award-winning author from Arlington, Virginia. Started with short stories, moved to novels.

...and on that note: A Bloody Business is now live! More details.

Proud member of the Horror Writers Association 🐦‍⬛


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Comments (8)

  • Grz Colm5 months ago

    That was an intriguing way to celebrate! Congrats! 😁

  • 69 is not merely auspicious as a number, it's quite (& mutually) stimulating, lol. Oh, do I remember #2 from back in late August (when it began) through early September. I'm pretty sure that Vocal relies on algorithms to sift through all the publications for Top Stories. Whether or not anyone actually reads them before they receive that designation, I'm not sure, though I'm pretty confident they don't read all of them as each of this person's hit pieces (yes, there was more than one) violated Vocal's anti-bullying policy & still made Top Story (only one of which was revoked).

  • L.C. Schäfer6 months ago

    69 is a most auspicious number 😁

  • Paul Stewart6 months ago

    Also...cos I haven't done the old insights thing in a while. I gave you some lol.You're welcome!

  • Paul Stewart6 months ago

    haha. Love the really random number you chose to celebrate. And with such pedantic attention to the word count, bravo. Yeah, everything you said is pretty much spot-on. Even though I got on well with the creator in question...it felt weird to change something up and then get Top Story just because different image. The experiment side is fair enough. Like you, I've done pieces I loved (all pieces I put up, whatever they are are things I've loved at the time) that fell by the wayside. It's fair enough...not everything we write is going to be engagement dynamite, or find the right audience here, as you rightly said. I do wish they would keep making improvements and move away from the holding pattern...but maybe because the final quarter is coming to a close...in hours lol. We will need to see, I guess? Mike has done a few posts about changes they should make, and he's spot on mostly. Anyway, congrats on being here and whether you are being a riotous asshole or the voice of reason, I'm enjoying reading your stuff!

  • Lol, congratulations on your 69th post! I think they do not read the contents of anything that we post nowadays. I've seen AI-Generated stories get Top Story. There's also soooo many pieces being published in the wrong communities and that really annoys the hell out of me for some reason hahahaha.

  • Lamar Wiggins6 months ago

    Happy 69th post!!! At least you made it interesting and gave just enough clues to figure out who republished and got a top story, lol. And I agree, it's interesting to watch Vocal evolve. Prob not at the pace everyone wants but who knows what kind of chaos they face behind the scenes. Here's to 69 more! 🍻🍻🍻🥇

  • Mackenzie Davis6 months ago

    Well damn Stephen, way to call out the boo-sheet on the platform. I had very mixed thoughts about the republished story; on the one hand, I was a Vocal newbie and did not understand how Top Story worked, so the idea that republishing a story with better images and titles could get it there seemed valuable info. But then I realized that it wasn’t insightful to the process at all, and now I’m pushing a year on the site and STILL dont get how the process works. So…yeah, definitely just a narcissistic move (and super confusing because it originally got like 15 or 20 reads, which is not bad at all. Then the hit piece debacle, and further poison (what stories we have) really shone retrospective light on it, and Vocal too. Now the challenges are posing some new questions. Like, oh good a creator can win first place more than once (great to know!) and the same story can place in more than one challenge. Does Vocal have any hard lines at all? Who knows? Who cares? Imma keep writing though, lol. Great article for 69; appropriately themed and fun, as always, to read. 🙃😉

Stephen A. RoddewigWritten by Stephen A. Roddewig

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