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It’s the First of the Month

It’s time to *wake up*, people

By Stephen A. RoddewigPublished 8 months ago 4 min read
Base photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash (enhanced by author in MS Paint)

We know it by many names. October. Spooky Season. Spooktober.

…I’m sure there are more out there.

Anyhow, with an increase in focus on the scary comes an influx of scary content. New horror book unveilings. New spooky challenges on Vocal, coinciding with a decided uptick in the number of unnerving stories making it to the front page with the vaunted crown of Top Story. They even decided to throw in a holiday at some point to cap it all off. Quiet prescient.

And that’s not even factoring in the influx of new horror movies, spooky TV marathons, haunted house attractions, Ghost Adventures specials, and the ever-present existential dread of existence lurking in the depths of our souls.

This is good. It’s logical. It’s the contract we all signed to live, breathe, and write fear for 31 days each year.

But now it’s November 1st, people. Spooktober is dead and buried, people.

So, let’s review what that means so we can get the rest of the year started on the right note. Consider this a friendly reminder 😊

The Rules

1) No more scary stories until October 1st. That means the Horror Community should be as silent as, well, the grave. And don’t think you can get around this by posting to the Fiction Community instead. We’ll be checking.

2) No more Vocal horror challenges. Writing about witches and inventing spells was fun, but it’s time to move on.

Time to write about deserts… and made-up-words… and whatever a “senryu” is. See? Way more fun.

2b) No more community-sourced horror challenges. I’m looking at you, Paul Stewart. The “Unnerve, Unsettle, And Scare Me” challenge needs to be wrapped up. Now. I know you said folks had until November 10th, but clearly you forgot the social contract we all signed here. So make the executive move and cut it off today. Sorry, late entrants. The early bird gets the worm, right?

If you’re not Paul Stewart, please skip the next two paragraphs.

(Hey, Paul. I know this whole date thing might put you in a bit of a bind with your readership, so I came up with a workaround: you can always Quick Edit that date back to today and no one will ever be able to prove it wasn’t always November 1st. Clearly they’re victims of the Mandela Effect. Case closed.

Thanks, buddy. Appreciate your cooperation here even though you outrank me now with your recent 1st place win and don’t have to listen to me. That’s really cool of you.)

Thanks for joining me down here, non-Paul Stewarts (don’t worry, he’ll catch up with us in a minute). Onward to the final rule!

3) No more horror Top Stories. Just as we have all agreed to cease all dark fiction and horror writing on this site, the Vocal moderators have also agreed to cease promoting any and all spooky stories.

And I don’t just mean no more Top Story for new posts, mods. However you’re going back and finding pieces published months and years ago and raising them to the front page, that needs to stop, too. Just because the author got away with sharing something scary outside of October in the past doesn’t mean we condone that behavior now.

So what *can* we write, then?

Great question, Mackenzie. Thanks for asking 😊

Here’s list of all non-horror genres that are ripe for new content:

  1. Science Fiction
  2. Fantasy
  3. Articles about Vocal (Top Story, here you come!)

And there you go, list complete. So many different ways to make the next 11 months exciting and fruitful.

What’s that? There’s more genres than that? Well, I’d love to see just one resource that has a longer inventory than what I’ve so painstakingly compiled.

In fact, why don’t you go ahead and name me some if you’re so in-tune with the writing world? Let’s say, 200?

What’s that? You can’t? That’s what I thought.

See? I’m a reasonable guy. Always open to a discussion 😊

Final Reminder

All these rules may sound spartan, but remember, we all signed this contract. It’s up to us to uphold the norms of this collective or face the collapse of Vocal society* as we know it (*not to be confused with Vocal Social Society). I’m counting on each and every one of you here.

Now, I know there have been a few infractions today: a few new horror stories posted, a few new Top Stories awarded. Transition is hard. I understand. We’re all still hung over from Halloween the night before, including the Vocal editorial team, apparently. So I’m willing to be reasonable and look the other way on these understandable slipups.

But it better not happen again after today. Grace period over.

I mean it.

Don’t think you can just draft your horror stories when I’m not looking. I hear you typing in the corner, Lamar.

Seriously, me and the other Vocal Stephens are on it this year. No more freebies.

Don’t make us come over there.

That's it: put the laptop down and get some sunshine. Great idea.

Okay, now that we’ve all brushed up on the rules of the road and are on track to make the next 11 months our best yet, allow me to conclude in the immortal words of RoboCop:

(He’ll also come for you if he hears you’ve been playing fast and loose with the rules. Remember that.)


About the Creator

Stephen A. Roddewig

I am an award-winning author from Arlington, Virginia. Started with short stories, moved to novels.

...and on that note: A Bloody Business is now live! More details.

Proud member of the Horror Writers Association 🐦‍⬛


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Comments (7)

  • Grz Colm8 months ago

    Um.. 😐 This was vastly entertaining. 🫠 Yeah nah I’ve got nothing.. Ps Have a good day! 😊

  • Paul Stewart8 months ago

    LOL...I completely missed this, Stephen. I was grinning the whole way through and I am so sorry I didn't get the memo. The winners will be announced today, and besides, my horror challenge wasn't because of spooktober...I hate Halloween...I just genuinely wanted to see if people could scare me. I appreciated the shout-out, even though it was underhanded. I cannot swear to never write scary fiction at all. Anyway, you can't tell me what to do. Can you? I need to look at the fine print. Wanna know the funny way I came about this piece? I searched Google trying to find my own piece because I couldn't be bothered using the Vocal search, because I am lazy, very lazy. Anyway, would you be open to any sort of negotiations? My next challenge won't be horror-based or scary-based anyway...

  • Always kinda wanted to meet Robocop, lol. Now let's see, witch genre should I turn to next?

  • Mackenzie Davis8 months ago

    Oh well if you insist! No more spookies, here I come. I mean, i was vaguely, briefly, slightly considering venturing into the scary genres now that October is over and done with but, sigh, I suppose I’ll have to wait a whole year now cos Stephen told me so. Hehehe. 🤭

  • Hannah Moore8 months ago

    But...but...I didnt do the unreliable narrator yet, I went trick or treating and wrote work reports and baked macarons and had a migraine instead! Its not fair! I finish my job tomorrow and then I have several days off before starting a new one and I WANT TO WRITE AN UNRELIABLE NARRATOR STORY. You cant make me. I'm telling my mother. OR, I can go along with your plan, but plea bargain NO CHRISTMAS STORIES BEFORE DECEMBER!

  • Lamar Wiggins8 months ago

    😆😂🤣🤣...😹 But I like horror. There has to be a loophole somewhere. You keep policing this while I go look for one.

  • Heather Hubler8 months ago

    I solemnly swear to uphold these incredibly well thought out and completely reasonable laws...terms?...loose conditions? Loved this!

Stephen A. RoddewigWritten by Stephen A. Roddewig

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