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Eclipsed Memory: Guardians Of Unity

A tale Of Forgotten Power and Unbreakable Bonds

By JustA_VeryBoredWriterPublished 4 days ago 12 min read

Itsukari awoke to the dim, flickering light of phosphorescent crystals embedded in the walls of a cavern. His head throbbed with a dull pain, and a cold sweat clung to his skin. He tried to piece together any shred of memory but found nothing. No name, no past, no reason for being here. As he sat up, the cave's ceiling loomed above, adorned with intricate stalactites that sparkled faintly.

"What am I doing here?" he muttered, his voice echoing softly. He glanced around and noticed his reflection in a small pool of water nearby. White hair, cosmic-colored eyes that seemed to contain the very essence of the universe. He didn't recognize the face staring back at him. "Who am I?"

Driven by a sense of purpose he couldn't quite identify, Itsukari stood and made his way toward the cave's entrance. As he stepped outside, he was greeted by a breathtaking vista. The sky was a canvas of shifting clouds, the light of two moons casting an ethereal glow across the landscape. Green, lush mountains stretched into the horizon, their peaks adorned with cascading waterfalls. A single sun hung in the sky, its golden rays blending with the moons' silver light.

The beauty of the world outside momentarily made him forget his amnesia. He took a deep breath, the air fresh and invigorating. In the distance, he spotted a trail winding through the verdant hills. With no other options in sight, he decided to follow it.

After some time, Itsukari heard the creaking of wheels and the snorting of creatures. Rounding a bend, he came upon an old man riding a carriage pulled by two small, dragon-like beings. The creatures' scales shimmered in shades of emerald and sapphire, and their eyes gleamed with intelligence.

"Ah, a traveler!" the old man called out, his voice friendly. "Need a ride?"

Itsukari hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yes, please. I don't know where I am or where I'm going."

The old man gave a knowing smile. "Hop on, then. I'm headed to a village not far from here. You look like you could use some direction."

Grateful, Itsukari climbed into the carriage. As they traveled, the old man regaled him with stories of the land. Itsukari listened intently, hoping to catch a glimpse of something familiar, but nothing sparked recognition.

They soon arrived at a bustling village. The sounds of merchants haggling, children playing, and blacksmiths hammering filled the air. As Itsukari disembarked, he thanked the old man, who simply waved and continued on his way.

Wandering through the village, Itsukari's attention was drawn to a disturbing sight. A demi-human, a creature with the features of both human and beast, was chained to a carriage belonging to a richly dressed nobleman. The demi-human, a young man named Mezuno, had downcast eyes and a defeated posture.

"Why are you chained?" Itsukari asked softly, approaching Mezuno.

Mezuno looked up but remained silent, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and resignation. Before Itsukari could ask again, the nobleman stormed over, his face red with anger.

"Get away from my slave!" he bellowed. "He's not to speak with the likes of you!"

Ignoring the nobleman's outburst, Itsukari focused on Mezuno. "You don't deserve this. No one does."

The nobleman's rage reached a boiling point. "Guards! Teach this insolent fool a lesson!"

Two armored guards stepped forward, drawing their swords. Their intent was clear: to silence Itsukari permanently. As they lunged, Itsukari's body moved on its own. Muscle memory and instinct took over, and he disarmed the guards with fluid, precise movements. Shocked and terrified by his skill, the guards dropped their weapons and fled.

The villagers, having witnessed the altercation, began to murmur among themselves. Itsukari stood tall, a sense of purpose beginning to form. He didn't know who he was or why he was here, but he couldn't stand by and watch injustice unfold. Mezuno looked at him with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Thank you," Mezuno whispered.

Itsukari nodded, feeling a spark of something familiar within him. Perhaps his past was lost, but his actions now would define his future. And that future, he decided, would be one of justice and freedom for those who could not fight for themselves.

The nobleman sputtered in fury, his face turning an alarming shade of purple. "You will pay for this insolence! You will—"

Before he could finish, the villagers, emboldened by Itsukari's defiance, began to gather around. Their murmurs grew louder, transforming into a collective roar of disapproval.

"You've gone too far, Veldrin!" shouted one of the villagers, a burly blacksmith with soot-streaked arms.

"This village won't tolerate your cruelty any longer," added another, a woman holding a small child protectively.

The nobleman, Veldrin, glanced around, suddenly aware of the shifting tide. His bravado faltered, and with a final glare at Itsukari, he signaled his remaining guards. "Let's go," he ordered, his voice shaking with barely contained rage. The guards hastily complied, and the entourage retreated, leaving Mezuno still chained but no longer under direct threat.

Itsukari turned to the villagers. "We need to free him," he said, gesturing to Mezuno.

The blacksmith stepped forward. "I can help with that," he said, producing a set of tools from his belt. He approached Mezuno, who watched with a mix of trepidation and hope. Within moments, the blacksmith skillfully unlocked the chains, and Mezuno rubbed his wrists, the raw marks of captivity visible.

"Thank you," Mezuno said again, his voice stronger now. "I am Mezuno. I don't know why you helped me, but I'm grateful."

Itsukari gave a small, uncertain smile. "I'm Itsukari. I don't know much about myself right now, but I couldn't stand by and do nothing."

The villagers, now buzzing with curiosity, began to disperse, some offering words of gratitude and others casting wary glances. Itsukari and Mezuno stood in the village square, the sun casting long shadows as it began its descent.

Mezuno looked at Itsukari with a mix of curiosity and gratitude. "You don't remember anything about yourself?" he asked.

Itsukari shook his head. "Nothing. I woke up in a cave with no memory. All I know is my name."

Mezuno's ears perked up, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "There are stories of people like you. Wanderers with forgotten pasts, often linked to ancient prophecies or powerful magic. Perhaps your journey here has a purpose."

Itsukari considered this. "Do you know where I might find answers?"

Mezuno nodded. "There's an old sage in the mountains to the north, beyond the Whispering Woods. He's said to have knowledge of many things, including lost memories and forgotten histories. I can guide you there. It's the least I can do."

Grateful for the offer, Itsukari agreed. "Thank you, Mezuno. Your help means a lot."

As they prepared to leave the village, the blacksmith approached them again. "You'll need supplies for the journey," he said, handing Itsukari a small satchel filled with food and a flask of water. "And take this," he added, offering a short sword with a finely crafted hilt. "It's not much, but it should serve you well."

Itsukari accepted the gifts with heartfelt thanks, feeling a sense of camaraderie with the villagers. Mezuno, now free and with a new sense of purpose, led Itsukari out of the village and toward the Whispering Woods. The path ahead was uncertain, but for the first time since awakening in the cave, Itsukari felt a glimmer of hope. He might not remember his past, but with Mezuno by his side and a potential lead to follow, he was determined to forge a new destiny.

As Itsukari and Mezuno ventured through the Whispering Woods, the dense foliage whispered secrets of ancient times, rustling in a way that made the forest feel alive. The journey was arduous, but their determination propelled them forward. It was during one such trek that they encountered Feldun.

The orc stood in a clearing, his back to them, facing a small, makeshift campsite. At first, his silhouette seemed imposing, but as they drew closer, they noticed his shorter stature compared to the usual orcs they had heard tales of. Feldun turned, revealing a face etched with sorrow and determination.

"Who goes there?" he demanded, his voice carrying the roughness of many battles.

Itsukari stepped forward. "We mean no harm. We are travelers seeking answers. I am Itsukari, and this is Mezuno."

Feldun eyed them warily. "I am Feldun, exiled from my tribe for my size and strength—or lack thereof. I have nothing of value to offer."

"Strength isn't just about size," Mezuno interjected. "We've all faced our own challenges. Maybe we can help each other."

Before they could further the conversation, a group of hostile creatures emerged from the woods, drawn by the scent of potential prey. They attacked with savage ferocity, forcing the three to defend themselves. Feldun, despite his exile, fought valiantly, his strength evident even if it was lesser by orc standards.

Itsukari’s muscle memory and instinct kicked in once more, and together with Mezuno's agility, they managed to subdue the creatures. Feldun, impressed by their skills and their willingness to fight alongside him, felt a spark of hope.

"You fought well," Feldun said, panting. "Perhaps I could journey with you. Alone, I am weak. But together, we may stand a chance."

Itsukari nodded. "We'd be glad to have you, Feldun. Every strength counts."

With their newfound ally, the trio continued their journey. The path eventually led them to the outskirts of a massive kingdom, its walls towering high with intricate carvings and banners fluttering in the breeze. A long line of merchants, travelers, and citizens queued at the gates, waiting for entry.

As they approached the gates, the two guards on duty, clad in gleaming armor, gave Feldun and Mezuno disdainful looks. Their faces twisted with hatred and racism, evident in their sneers.

"State your business," one guard barked, his eyes narrowing as he looked over the orc and the demi-human.

"We seek entry to find answers and refuge," Itsukari replied calmly.

The guard shook his head. "We don't allow your kind," he spat, pointing at Mezuno and Feldun. "Leave now, or face imprisonment."

Itsukari's muscles tensed, a familiar surge of instinct coursing through him. "We mean no harm," he said, trying to maintain peace.

"Enough!" the other guard shouted. "Seize them!"

As the guards moved to apprehend them, Itsukari's body reacted on its own. In a flurry of precise movements, he disarmed and incapacitated both guards, leaving them unconscious on the ground. The line of people gasped, some retreating in fear, others murmuring in approval.

"Let's move quickly," Itsukari urged. They slipped through the gates, blending into the crowd inside the bustling city.

Inside, the kingdom was a marvel of architecture and activity. Stone buildings lined the streets, with vendors shouting their wares, children playing, and citizens going about their daily lives. Despite their initial confrontation, they found the kingdom to be a place of opportunity.

"We need to find information about the sage," Mezuno said, scanning the area.

"Perhaps someone in the market will know," Feldun suggested.

They navigated through the city, asking discreet questions and gathering bits of information. They learned that the sage they sought lived in a secluded tower on the far side of the kingdom, often visited by those in dire need of wisdom.

Their journey was far from over, but with each step, they grew stronger as a team. Itsukari, Mezuno, and Feldun knew that together, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead, each bringing their unique strengths to the fore. The kingdom, with all its mysteries and dangers, was just another step toward uncovering Itsukari's past and forging their collective future.

The trio navigated through the bustling streets of the kingdom, each corner revealing more of the city's grandeur and complexity. The scent of freshly baked bread mingled with the aroma of exotic spices, and the sounds of merchants haggling and street performers playing lively tunes filled the air. Despite the vibrant atmosphere, the memory of their altercation at the gates lingered, reminding them of the underlying prejudices they had to overcome.

Following the directions they gathered from various market vendors, Itsukari, Mezuno, and Feldun made their way toward the sage's secluded tower. The journey led them through narrow alleys and across wide plazas, eventually bringing them to a quieter part of the city. There, nestled amidst ancient trees and surrounded by a high, ivy-covered wall, stood the tower they sought.

At the entrance to the tower, an old wooden door creaked open as they approached, as if anticipating their arrival. Inside, the air was thick with the scent of old parchment and burning incense. The walls were lined with shelves upon shelves of books, scrolls, and strange artifacts that seemed to pulse with a life of their own.

"Welcome," a voice echoed from above. Descending a spiral staircase came an elderly man with a long, flowing beard and eyes that sparkled with knowledge. "I am the sage you seek. My name is Eldrin."

Itsukari stepped forward, his cosmic eyes meeting the sage's. "We seek answers, Eldrin. I woke up with no memory of who I am or why I am here. These are my companions, Mezuno and Feldun. We have faced many challenges to find you."

Eldrin nodded thoughtfully. "I have heard whispers of your arrival. Come, let us sit and discuss."

They followed Eldrin to a circular room at the top of the tower, where a large table was spread with maps, books, and magical instruments. Eldrin gestured for them to sit.

"Tell me everything," Eldrin said, and Itsukari recounted their journey from the cave to the kingdom gates.

After listening intently, Eldrin closed his eyes and began to chant softly. The air around them shimmered, and a vision began to form in the center of the room. They saw a young Itsukari, dressed in robes adorned with mystical symbols, standing in a grand hall surrounded by other mages.

"You were part of an ancient order," Eldrin explained, "a guardian of powerful secrets. Your memories were sealed to protect you and those secrets from falling into the wrong hands. The cave where you awoke was a sanctuary, meant to hide you until the time was right."

Itsukari watched the vision, feeling a sense of familiarity and purpose. "But why now? Why was I awakened?"

Eldrin's expression grew serious. "Dark forces are stirring, seeking to exploit the very secrets you guard. Your awakening signals the beginning of a crucial time. You must gather your strength and allies, for a great battle looms on the horizon."

As the vision faded, Feldun spoke up. "We have faced prejudice and danger just to get here. How can we fight such forces?"

"Unity and understanding," Eldrin replied. "You three are stronger together, each of you bringing unique strengths. Overcome the divisions of race and past, and you can stand against any foe."

Mezuno nodded, determination in his eyes. "Then we will fight together, no matter the cost."

Eldrin handed Itsukari a small, ornate box. "This contains a fragment of your lost memories. Use it wisely to unlock your true potential. And take this map," he added, spreading an ancient parchment across the table. "It will guide you to the places where your past can be fully restored."

With renewed purpose, the trio prepared to leave the tower. As they descended, Eldrin gave them one final piece of advice. "Trust in each other, and remember that true strength lies in the heart."

They left the tower, the weight of their mission pressing upon them but their spirits bolstered by the knowledge they had gained. Following the map, they journeyed across the kingdom and beyond, facing numerous trials and forging bonds that grew ever stronger.

Their travels took them to ancient ruins where Itsukari reclaimed fragments of his past, battles against creatures of darkness where Feldun proved his worth beyond physical strength, and encounters with other oppressed beings, whom Mezuno inspired with his resilience.

In time, Itsukari fully regained his memories and unlocked the potent magic he once wielded. He stood as a beacon of hope, a symbol of unity between humans, demi-humans, and orcs. The trio's legend spread far and wide, rallying others to their cause.

The final confrontation came as foretold, against a dark sorcerer seeking to unleash chaos upon the world. United, Itsukari, Mezuno, Feldun, and their allies faced the sorcerer in a climactic battle. Drawing upon their combined strengths and the deep bonds they had formed, they triumphed, sealing away the darkness and restoring peace.

With the land safe once more, Itsukari chose not to return to his old order but to continue traveling with Mezuno and Feldun. Together, they sought out and righted wrongs, always striving to build a world where all beings could live in harmony.

Their story became a timeless tale of friendship, courage, and the power of unity, inspiring generations to come. And so, the white-haired man with cosmic-colored eyes, the demi-human freed from chains, and the exiled orc who found his true strength continued their journey, their hearts and souls forever intertwined in the tapestry of their world.


About the Creator


Well, If you're interested in a fantasy world setting where there is magic, beautiful scenery, and mysterious protagonists that will compel the reader to wonder who he is, what he is, and what he may be. Then it's for you to read.

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    JWritten by JustA_VeryBoredWriter

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